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Cloud and Sephiroth in Dissidia : Final Fantasy (Scan) - News

by Gabriel Franco , posted on 12 November 2008 / 5,600 Views

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  • 0
Kaixes (on 13 November 2008)

Cloud's got some weird-looking arms... 0_o

  • 0
Johann (on 13 November 2008)

What?! What!? How can this be? Cloud? And Sephiroth? Unimaginable!

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Lolcislaw (on 13 November 2008)

SE really love PSP

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Xen (on 13 November 2008)


Didn't see that coming XD

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Euphoria14 (on 13 November 2008)

Is Shadow in this game? If not, then :-(

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Euphoria14 (on 13 November 2008)

Who cares? Terra and Kefka are in this game.

Terra + Kefka > Cloud + Sephiroth. :-)

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Star Scream (on 13 November 2008)

He's actually a pirate though...

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Star Scream (on 13 November 2008)

MaxwellGT2000 says:
Ok I hope I'm not the only one that noticed this... look at the bottom left corner WTF IS THAT A KILLER COP CLOWN IN A SUIT?!?!?!

No, It's just a Shonen Jump journalist. And he's been using that guise for quite some time now...

  • 0
MaxwellGT2000 (on 13 November 2008)

Ok I hope I'm not the only one that noticed this... look at the bottom left corner WTF IS THAT A KILLER COP CLOWN IN A SUIT?!?!?!

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Cowboys4u86 (on 13 November 2008)

Kefka is lame as hell, he isn't kicking anyone's ass. :P

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Cowboys4u86 (on 13 November 2008)

I don't think Zack should be in there. They failed with his character in Crisis Core and he isn't a big player in one of the main titles. Cloud and Sephiroth are the original rivals and the ones that make sense to most fans. Throwing in Zack would just be dumb. Especially when there are much better characters in not only FFVII to choose from but the whole FF verse. Don't get me wrong, I like Zack, but he's just Cloud with black hair in a game like this.

If I had to choose another FFVII character I'd choose Vincent or maybe Tifa. As for other possible bonus characters I'd like to see Vivi, Auron, Steiner, Reno/Rude and Laguna.

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Utaku (on 13 November 2008)

Kefka is going to kick Sephiroth's ass!

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iron_megalith (on 13 November 2008)

This is th most unpredictable shit they've done so far........... I'm going to quit the internetz.

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pastro243 (on 12 November 2008)

I would also like Vincent Valentine, but I am really hapy these two are in the game, but I already knew it, I hope there are some secret characters we dont know about.

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Dgc1808 (on 12 November 2008)

Guess am buying this.

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Seraphic_Sixaxis (on 12 November 2008)

Shock and Awe at its finest.

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Ajescent (on 12 November 2008)

Zack should be there.

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OT7 (on 12 November 2008)

Well,everyone expect this,I believe that the Cloud's sword design would be changed a little but it continues to look like an industrial steel cut-blade or something.

@superbeast1370:Well,we can wish that he could be part of the allegedly secret crew that the rumors says,there's so many memorable characters through all the Final Fantasy universe that we're going to disappointment if we hope all our favorite characters will get in the game.
I feel sad about Auron,Vivi,Seifer,Zack,Edgar,Celes,Sabin,Cyan,Kain.... :(

But we can hope some weirdos and classics inside,perhaps Gilgamesh(Gogo),and Mog?

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superbeast1370 (on 12 November 2008)

it's good to see those 2 but where's Zack?

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Dehumanizer (on 12 November 2008)

omg, i've never expected this

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Star Scream (on 12 November 2008)

Looks great!

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Dark Odin (on 12 November 2008)

not surprised. but it´s good to see them!

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Nnamz (on 12 November 2008)


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hunter_alien (on 12 November 2008)

Surprised? Not at all :D

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