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Xbox SmartGlass Hits 17m Downloads - News

by William D'Angelo , posted on 01 July 2013 / 4,875 Views

Microsoft principal program manager Rosa Thomas has announced in a presentation at Build that the Xbox SmartGlass app has been downloaded 17 million times since it was released in October 2012. Smartglass is currently available for Windows Phone, Android and iOS.

Rosa added that 89 percent of users returned to the app within a week of downloading it. Users spent on average 16 minutes per application when using SmartGlass.

Very few Xbox 360 games take advantage of SmartGlass, but more games on the Xbox One will have features dedicated to SmartGlass. The app is also able to control the console's music player and is able to be used as a keyboard.

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Jaywood2010 (on 01 July 2013)

I have SmartGlass. I haven't seen much use for it yet to be honest. I can use it as a remote for movies and stuff which is cool but I rarely use my X360 t view movies and Kinect and the Xbox controller are both much easier to use to navigate than SmartGlass.

  • +1
Imaginedvl Jaywood2010 (on 01 July 2013)

Yes, so far no great use of it, maybe a bit useful in Forza Horizon. I hope Microsoft (or some publishers) are going to surprise us with the Xbox One.

  • -1
Entakeeke (on 07 July 2013)

my classmate's mother makes $60 hourly on the internet. She has been without a job for five months but last month her income was $19358 just working on the internet for a few hours. Read more on this site w­w­w.B­l­u­e­4­6.c­o­m

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ps3-sales! (on 01 July 2013)

I play video games to play video games.

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Ganoncrotch ps3-sales! (on 02 July 2013)

but have you downloaded an app to tell you what game you are playing while you're playing it? I think not my friend, you will have to go on playing without knowing!

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sales2099 ps3-sales! (on 02 July 2013)

yawn. expand your horizons

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