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The History of Resident Evil (part 2): The mansion incidents - News

by VGChartz Staff , posted on 10 March 2009 / 37,420 Views


The Resident Evil storyline spans six main games, including Code Veronica, and can be quite complex. Since the first game was released in 1996 on the PlayStation and the not very popular Gamecube hosts two exclusive releases, it is likely that a lot of people that will want to play upcoming Resident Evil 5 aren't familiar with the complete mythology of the series. Resident Evil 5 promises, contrary to Resident Evil 4, to tie in very much to the original storyline and therefore VGChartz brings this "History of Resident Evil" to give those unfamiliar with the story an easy entry into the backgrounds of this fascinating series. For the fans it might be a nice trip down memory lane.

Part 2 of this feature covers the events of Resident Evil Zero and Resident Evil. Please be aware that it contains major spoilers about both games. However no information about Resident Evil 5 will be in here, so no reason to be afraid of spoilers.


Click [url=]here[/url] for the story that takes place before the games.






Billy Coen

Former Special Marine.
Convicted for murder on 23 fellow soldiers.







Rebecca Chambers

Junior member of STARS Bravo Team


James Marcus

Co-founder of Umbrella.

Was killed by Wesker and Birkin for secretly developing virusses without Umbrella knowing. His own creation, the T-virus infected Leech Queen, saved him by taking over his body.





Albert Wesker
Founder and commander of STARS, the special unit of the Racoon City Police. Secretly works for Umbrella, but also has plans of his own.




William Birkin
Lead researcher of Umbrella's American operations.











Saved by his own creation, the Leech Queen, James Marcus decides to take revenge on Umbrella, who had him assassinated. He infiltrates the Spencer mansion and scatters the T-virus, disguising it to look like an accident by the careless researchers.  


For several months Raccoon City is shocked by gruesome murders in the nearby Raccoon Forest and Arklay Mountains. Hikers and joggers are claiming to have seen monsters in the Arklay Mountains. They are reportedly the same size as large dogs and usually run in a pack as wolves do.


Umbrella decides to start an operation to reclaim the old Umbrella Training Facility that had closed down in 1978 and bring it back into operation. Supplies and human resources are to be divided into two batches. William Birkin and Albert Wesker have been put in charge of this project.

In the bowels of the training facility, the team uncovers evidence of just how ruthless Marcus was and his experiments using as many as 20 company employees as test subjects. The investigator wonders that with Umbrella now rapidly rising to one of the leading corporations in the world, if Marcus’ research is continuing elsewhere. With Umbrella personnel now on the site, James Marcus releases his leeches into the training facility, infecting everyone who comes into contact with the Tyrant virus. Not expecting the outbreak in the training facility William Birkin orders a second investigation team to provide support. They will be transported to the facility by Umbrella’s private train, The Ecliptic Express, on the evening of the 23rd.

As the train speeds through the forest, it is watched by a mysterious figure that stands alone on top of a cliff. One of the passengers notices something outside his window and suddenly, the train is attacked by a swarm of leech-like parasites that attach themselves against the exterior of the transport. Soon the train is overrun.

The research on the Tyrant, a powerful Bio-Organic soldier is almost completed and Umbrella wants to test its combat capacities in order to be able to sell the product. Albert Wesker is faxed his orders. He is to lure the STARS teams to the mansion and have them fight with the BOW to record combat data. He is also to obtain two embryos of each BOW except for the Tyrant, which he is to dispose of. He is then to destroy the complete facility, wiping out all evidence of Umbrella’s actions. Serving Umbrellas and local government orders, STARS Commander Albert Wesker gives the go-ahead for Bravo Team to begin their search for missing hikers in the woods before going off to meet William Birkin at the underground lab beneath Raccoon City.

Meanwhile US Special Marine Billy Coen is transferred in a MP van to the Ragithon military base to await his execution. He has been accused of killing 23 of his squad members on a mission in Africa. The trial is a mere cover-up for the massacring of innocent people in an African village. Billy disobeyed the orders and tried to prevent the slaughtering.


July 23, 1998

Whilst flying over the forest, the Bravo helicopter suffers unexpected engine failure and pilots Edward Dewey and Kevin Dooly are forced to make an emergency landing. They manage to report the emergency over the radio before communications are abruptly cut off. The helicopter is a wreck but all the team survive the crash unharmed. Enrico orders them out to secure the area whilst Kevin remains inside to try and repair some of the damage.

Whilst scouting around the woods they find a wrecked MP escort vehicle and the bodies of two military police officers. As Enrico peers down for a closer look, there is slime running down the side of the vehicle. Rookie Rebecca finds a file on convict Billy Coen, who was on his way to be executed. Edward concludes he must have murdered the men and escaped. Enrico orders the team to split up and look for him.

As they head off into different directions in the thick forest, Rebecca finds the Ecliptic Express, standing stationary on the railway tracks. She goes to investigate alone as a heavy rain begins to fall.
Inside the train, Rebecca discovers the zombies for the first time. She manages to kill and avoid them before finally running into Billy, who managed to escape arrest. She tries to arrest Billy, but being the rookie, Rebecca is powerless to enforce the law against him. 

Billy asks Rebecca to work with him to increase their chances of surviving the zombie outbreak. Soon enough, Billy and Rebecca manage to stop the train, as it crashes into a mysterious tunnel. They survive and recover, only to stumble into a mansion, Umbrella’s Training Center.

As the two start their investigation of the mysterious complex, Wesker and Birkin continue to monitor their progress when an unknown man hacks into their signal claiming to be none other than James Marcus. He reveals that the outbreak in the Spencer Lab was no accident, it was him. He also confesses to contaminating the Ecliptic Express. He burns with revenge on Umbrella. Wesker and Birkin are speechless. If it is somehow true and Marcus is still alive, then Sir Spencer’s career will be over, not to mention theirs too. Wesker decides it is time to leave Umbrella for good. The T-Virus project is completed and all they now need is live combat data. Birkin is disgusted, refusing to comply until his G-virus project is completed. Wesker shrugs, he will follow his initial plan and lure the STARS members into the mansion, their superior combat training making them perfect test subjects. Birkin decides in the meantime he will get rid of Marcus by finding and setting off the training facility’s destruct system, that should also get rid of any active T-Virus in the area and prevent further infection.

Just before Wesker leaves the lab, Birkin gives him a special virus for his own personal use should it come to it. It is a prototype from one of the mutation stocks that possesses a unique characteristic. Tests on animals have shown them to be revived up to 70% stronger due to enhanced muscular and circulatory systems. The virus is designed to combat death and has a 90% success rate, although it has not been tested on humans yet.

Eventually Rebecca and Billy make their way outside the training facility and across a huge lake to a church, underneath which houses Marcus’ lab and private chambers. After becoming separated, Rebecca rides an underground cable car back towards the outskirts of Raccoon City, where she bumps into Enrico. He says the other Bravo’s have found a mansion in the forest which Umbrella uses for research and he is heading to rendezvous with them there. He wants Rebecca to join him but she wants to find Billy. He reluctantly lets her go.

Rebecca takes a lift to an underground water treatment plant. Marcus watches her on camera and decides she no longer amuses him.

They eventually make it to an abandoned water treatment facility, where they finally meet Dr. Marcus himself. He mutates into the Queen Leech and attempts to murder Billy and Rebecca, just as Birkin finally sets off the self destruction explosives in the facility with just a few minutes left to go. When the explosions start Rebecca and Billy send the Queen Leech into the explosion and escape into Raccoon Forest. They rest on the top of a hill. Below, they can see the Spencer Mansion, remote and ominous looking. Rebecca officially declares Billy Coen dead and they part, taking his dog tags. He watches her head towards the mansion to meet up with her team, and then he turns and vanishes into the woods.  

Rebecca makes it to the Spencer Mansion to rendezvous with the rest of Bravo Team. However, she cannot find anybody and the mansion is eerily quiet. She goes to the guardhouse and rests on the bed in one of the dormitories. She soon falls into a deep sleep.







Chris Redfield
Member of STARS Alpha Team



Jill Valentine
Member of STARS Alpha Team




Barry Burton
Member of STARS Alpha Team







Albert Wesker
Founder and commander of STARS, the special unit of the Racoon City Police. Secretly works for Umbrella, but also has plans of his own.








July 24, 1998

Contact has been lost with Bravo Team for nearly 24 hours now and Wesker has been given authorization to take in Alpha Team to search and locate the Bravos and bring them home safe. 

The Alpha Team is focusing on the areas shortly before they lost contact with Bravos chopper. After a few initial sweeps, it is Jill who spots the ominous sight of the wreckage. It confirms their fears that the helicopter has indeed crashed. They land nearby. Iniside the crashed chopper they find the mutilated body of Kevin Dooley.

Suddenly, Joseph is attacked by a pack of Cerberus dogs, and Jill can only watch in terror as they tear the STARS member apart. Chris grabs Jill and the dogs give chase. Thanks to covering fire from Barry and Wesker, they manage to get away. But Brad loses his nerve in the helicopter and takes off without them. They have no choice but to run for a strange mansion in the distance. 

After they hear a gunshot Wesker orders the team to investigate the mansion, soon discovering that zombies and other creatures have infested the building. Wesker mysteriously disappears in and the bodies of Bravo Team members Kenneth Sullivan and Forest Speyer are found. Everyone of the team is now wandering the place on his or her own and when Jill runs into Barry a few times, he behaves rather strangely.

Spread throughout the mansion are notes and files that describe the horror that took place in the complex once James Marcus released the T-virus. Suicide notes, farewell letters and fearful diary entries lie scattered around. The many files also contain evidence of the research that Umbrella has done that has lead to this infested place. 

Chris and Jill also have to face the horribly deformed Lisa Trevor, the unfortunate daughter of the mansions architect, who served as a guinea pig for Umbrella’s viruses for over 25 years. The exposure to the many tests has made her almost invincible, so the team must do their utmost to avoid her. 

In the mansion the Alpha team meets two surviving members of the Bravo team: hero of the previous day Rebecca Chambers and Richard Aiken. Richard gives his life to save Jill from a monstrous snake. Before he dies he hands Jill his gun and radio.

The estate turns out to be a giant complex that consists of a Guardhouse, a giant garden annex cemetery and a maze of underground tunnels. It is down here that Jill comes across wounded Bravo Team leader Enrico Marini. She cannot believe he is still alive yet he is wary of her. He tells her of a traitor amongst the STARS and that they have been set up by Umbrella. Jill thinks it could be Barry, as both she and Wesker have noticed has been acting strange all night. Before they can do anything Enrico is shot and killed by an unseen assassin. Jill immediately takes off after her assailant, and runs into Barry. He claims he heard someone’s voice in the tunnels. Together, they power up and ride the elevator to the lower levels of the catacombs. At the bottom, they hear a ghostly moan. Barry tells Jill to go on ahead while he secures the elevator. Jill runs into Lisa Trevor but manages to evade her. Upon returning to Barry however, he abandons her and rides the elevator up on his own, leaving her stranded.

Chris uncovers the secret entrance leading to an underground laboratory. Once inside he uncovers proof that all the creatures loose on the estate are the result of experiments authorised by Umbrella. He also discovers that Captain Wesker is working for them! However, he is hit from behind and knocked unconscious. 

Jill also finds the she finds the hidden passageway to the laboratories. She discovers Chris locked up in a cell. He tells her Wesker is the traitor. Unfortunately the cell doors won’t open without the proper key. Looking for a way to open the door Jill runs into Barry, who apologizes for leaving her and together they take the elevator down to the main experiment room. 

As they enter, Wesker is waiting for them. Hiding behind one of the cultivation tanks, he injects himself with the mutated virus Birkin gave him the previous night. As Wesker steps out to Jill it seems her suspicions about Barry are confirmed when he suddenly holds her at gunpoint. After it is revealed that Wesker has been with Umbrella all along and that STARS have been set up for this whole incident, Wesker orders Barry to go to the heliport and later mocks Jill that the threat on Barry’s family was just a bluff. Wesker shows Jill the Tyrant, before attempting to shoot her but Barry is in their first and puts two rounds into Wesker’s shoulder. He apologises to Jill after learning that Wesker’s threat over his family was just a bluff. Semi-conscious, Wesker unleashes the tyrant before Barry can stop him.

The Tyrant turns on Wesker and spears him through the chest, tossing his lifeless body aside; it turns upon Jill and Barry. The Tyrant wounds Barry, knocking him out, leaving Jill to take it on alone.

After a brief battle, the monster is felled. They decide to make their escape and head back up the elevator. After freeing Chris from the cells they find Rebecca, who says she has been tracking Chris since she saw him in the garden. She tells them that with all the BOW running loose and T-Virus infection, they should blow the labs up. As the others head for the surface, Rebecca heads to the lab to activate the triggering system.

Albert Wesker opens his eyes, he is alive. Taking off his shades he stands up, blood running from multiple wounds over his body, yet he feels no pain. The virus is working. Looking round, he see’s the Tyrant is on the floor, apparently dead and that someone has set off the self-destruct system. He needs to change his plan and secure his escape. Moving to the computer, he attempts to download all the combat data on the BOW but finds that due to the emergency conditions, all the data has been backed up to the mainframe system UMF-13 which he is unable to access. Wesker suspects Spencer might suspect he wants to leave Umbrella so decides it's definitely time to go. He had better secure his escape, and then he would deal with Umbrella later.

In order not to run into Chris and the others who have likely gone to the helicopter landing pad, Wesker elects to take a route back through to the mansion and walk straight out the front door.

As the countdown to destruction continues, Jill receives transmissions over the radio from Brad, he is running out of fuel and that this is their last chance to give him a signal. They quicken the pace. Barry and Rebecca stand guard to lay covering fire as Chris and Jill ride up the elevator to the helipad to signal the helicopter.

The others manage to reach the helipad where they use a flare to signal Brad in the helicopter but as he tries to land the tyrant is back for one last battle. Brad drops a rocket launcher down and Chris uses it to blow the creature to hell. They then board and escape as the mansion and labs go up behind them.

The survivors return to the Racoon Police Department to be met with a mixed and bemused reception. 8 out of their 13 man elite squad dead, including Commander and leader Albert Wesker. Convict Billy Coen also believed to be dead, his body not recovered. They are ordered to take time off to recover from their ordeal, giving Umbrella time to plan their next move before the survivor’s formal reports are submitted.

Billy Coen completely disappears after the incident. He is never heard from again.


Jill immediately makes a report about Umbrella’s bio-weapons programme found at the Arklay Labs.


The STARS are officially removed from the investigation into the brutal murders recently plaguing the community. Reports citing the unit may be disbanded after the deaths of several team members including branch Commander, Captain Albert Wesker.


Although assumed dead, Wesker joins ‘The Organisation’, a rival agency of Umbrella, using the combat data he gathered on the Tyrant as a way to gain membership. There he meets a spy named Ada Wong and informs the organisation of William Birkin’s G-Virus project. The group order him to acquire a sample and Wesker and Ada join forces and began to plan how they will make their move.

Benjamin Cornelisse

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basicman (on 04 October 2010)

oh it the end of the history.....i still wait for part 3....

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Thrallia (on 21 March 2009)

is part 3 still being worked on? or was it scrapped?

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MetalGearSolid_4ever (on 12 March 2009)

Awesome work.
I never got to play the old RE games.My first Re was 4. It wass awesome, probably the best ps3 game i've played (After the God of war games and MG games :D )

  • 0
BengaBenga (on 11 March 2009)

A lot of the extra background is from Umbrella Chronicles. The game isn't that great, but the story is amazing. It fills so many holes in the plot.
But overall RE1 and 2 don't have a single story,as you can play with different characters. This one is mainly based on a Jill playthrough.

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d21lewis (on 11 March 2009)

Awesome read. There was some Wesker backstory that I didn't know about. I assume it came from one of the "spin off" games or that bonus DVD that came with one of the PS2 games (Code Veronica, I think). Still a great read, though!

You should do one for the Metal Gear saga.

  • 0
ymeaga1n (on 10 March 2009)

These are awesome benga, when can we expect part 3?! :)

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thekitchensink (on 10 March 2009)

Nice job, Benga :-)

May wanna fix the pics for Jill and Barry

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Snypershawn (on 10 March 2009)

Another informative article, good job.

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Smeags (on 10 March 2009)

Once again a great read Mr. Benga! I never realized that it was "Marcus" who contaminated both mansions (I never played 0, so I definitely missed out on some story elements).

Marcus is actually the Queen Leech correct? The Leech just took on Marcus' memories and characteristics when she merged with his body... or am I wrong? There's so much to take in when it comes to the Resident Evil stories... but you're doing a great job so far. Can't wait for part 3! :-D

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