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VGChartz Gap Charts, March 2011 Update - News

by Miles Taven , posted on 24 April 2011 / 6,036 Views

Here we have three charts representative of the three main regions tracked by VGChartz, and a global chart which brings all of the data together. The line on each graph represents the gap in the install base (sales through to consumers), and the title indicates which console is in the lead in the particular region covered. Also included is an HD Vs. Wii Global Chart.

The Xbox 360 experienced its best ever christmas period in Americas region thanks to Kinect and the Slim. The gap grew significantly, similar to previous holidays, and should continue to grow through 2011. It's unlikely the PS3 will start to outsell the Xbox 360 for any sustained period, even after a price cut, so the 360 could well top the PS3 by 20 million units in Americas when all is said and done.

In EMEAA it's a different kettle of fish. Thanks to GT5, the PS3 experienced its best christmas in this region. What was a likely win for the PS3 has now become a certain one, as the gap should continue to grow past Xbox 360/Kinect price cuts. Despite the 360 putting up a good fight, the PS3 should top the 360 in this region by 10 million units plus by the end of the generation.

Nothing much has changed in Japan, except the rate at which the PS3 outsells the 360. At about 1.5 mill units per year, the Playstation 3 should have no trouble crossing the 10/12 million unit mark here eventually, giving it an 8/10 million unit lead should the 360 reach 2 million in this region.

The Playstation 3 slim/price cut had an immediate and effective effect WW. Kinect, however, has managed to keep things slightly in the 360's favour. With future price cuts for all HW coming, though, it should be interesting to see how long the 360 can hang on to its WW lead.

As you can clearly see, things haven't been going the Wii's way since December 2009. Aggressive cuts, hardware revisions, blockbuster software and game changing peripherals have meant the HD consoles have been on a 15 month winning streak. It's unlikely the Wii will claw back any advantage, and 50% marketshare is all but impossible now.

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Seece (on 29 April 2011)

@ Kai, that's just a rough guide, PS3 will likely do more in EMEAA

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Kai Master (on 27 April 2011)

Nice graphs, I thought this column was dead, nice to see it monthly ! So according to you 360 would finish with 0-2M more sales that PS3 ( 20M-10M-8/10M). SimExchange still gives 360 ahead, but I would bet on PS3, EMEAA has far more sales potential in the long run that Americas.

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Kai Master (on 27 April 2011)

Wii could even finish not far from 360 or PS3 sales if it takes a big hit from Wii 2 and HD successors don't come up before 2014.

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TruckOSaurus (on 26 April 2011)

The last graph is kinda misleading, I understand it's utility and I remember the talks about 50% market share for Wii back in the day but it gives an impression of Wii being crushed by PS3 or XBox 360. A WW graph for Wii-PS3 gap and Wii-360 gap would give a better view of how it's been doing against each of the twins.

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kaiqi28 (on 25 April 2011)

===== ==== Air jordan(1-24)shoes $30 Handbags(Coach l v f e n d i d

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haxxiy (on 25 April 2011)

The last graph almost feels like the Wii simply stopped selling lol!

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XxXProphecyXxX (on 25 April 2011)

LOL! looking at the comments it seems like most has accepted PS3 will overtake the 360 at somepoit now. I remember when it used to be 8m and ppl were saying it was imposible!

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Simulacrum (on 25 April 2011)

Ah well.

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jugon21 (on 25 April 2011)

Great job Seece!

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Alby_da_Wolf (on 25 April 2011)

While XB360 has been for months, and will probably be for the rest of the gen, the strongest in America (even stronger than Wii, that is, as it always was stronger than PS3 there), the graphs show that WW, while Slim and price cut helped PS3 shrinking the gap for 9 months, Slim version and Kinect OTOH helped XB360 to widen again the gap only for 3 months, then PS3 started closing it again.

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bannedagain (on 25 April 2011)

To add to that I think if all these games are released and in a short period of time, I think we will see the 360/PS3 gap go back up to 5 million this holiday.

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Tridrakious (on 25 April 2011)

I agree with psrock. Sony's price cut/slim/re branding made bigger waves than the 360's slim/Kinect/price cut/re branding

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psrock (on 25 April 2011)

Hey Jku, what momenum has the 360 build against the PS3? Frankly all Kinect has done is made the field even for now.

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jkudlacz (on 24 April 2011)

Wow I wish there was an EDIT button here. Made a ton of mistakes below. Hehe.

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jkudlacz (on 24 April 2011)

I think that 3D technology may help PS3, if 3D TVs keep getting cheaper. Also I notice that almost every other moving coming to theaters is in 3D now, which may help push PS3 during upcoming Holiday Season.

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jkudlacz (on 24 April 2011)

Great to see this back. I agree that Kinect was a great success for XBOX 360 and it continues to build on that momentum against PS3. I think next few months should give us better idea if it gets bigger of if it starts to shrink cause of PS3 exclusives, blu-ray sales and possible price cuts.

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Pjams (on 24 April 2011)

I wonder how much a new Nintendo console will change the landscape

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UnknownFact (on 24 April 2011)

Interesting graphs, thanks.

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radiantshadow92 (on 24 April 2011)

awesome article

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Michael-5 (on 24 April 2011)

So if end of lifetime 360 is ahead of PS3 by 20 million in Americas, but PS3 is ahead of 360 by 10 million in EMEAA and 8 million in Japan, does that mean 360 will outsell PS3 by 2 million end of generation? Great to see this special return, but can we have solid lines next time?

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Immortal (on 24 April 2011)

Thanks for bringing this back, by the way. I only got to see it for a couple of months when I was lurking before it disappeared.

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Immortal (on 24 April 2011)

xD. You may like it, but it's kinda irrelevant since a 16m gap isn't worth following. Soon enough, we might as well make a Wii VS 360 chart since the twi gaps will be in the same ballpark.

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dsage01 (on 24 April 2011)

Thanks Seece I really missed the gap charts and now they're back! But 20 million lead in Xbox's favour doesn't really look possible. But great job for everything else.

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Seece (on 24 April 2011)

Thanks guys ^^ @ Immortal, I like the WIi Vs. HD chart!

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Immortal (on 24 April 2011)

At this point, the HD vs Wii argument seems rather pointless. I think a Wii vs 360 in Americas or Wii vs PS3 in EMEAA/Japan would be far more interesting, even though they have next to no hope of overtaking it, since it the graph has a chance to shift both ways.

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Slimebeast (on 25 April 2011)

It's the most amazing thing in this gen how the X360 has been able to hold it's own against PS3. It will keep the lead almost til the official reveal of the Xbox 3.

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bannedagain (on 25 April 2011)

Yes the ps3 price cut did have a big wave but it was because the ps3 was so expensive before. Not only that a lot of PS3's burning out and people upgrading to the slim. PS3 Failure rate got over looked because of RROD. Kinect has basically made the playing field even but will it be like the wii and push mad systems during the holidays. They need to release some good titles for it to push it that much further. I'm thinking the TGS games will hit good with others that are coming. Forza, Rumored Gears. Star Wars. It doesn't have enough games for it to make a much bigger impact then it did this past holiday season.

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Seece (on 24 April 2011)

@ dsage, you reckon? 360 outsold PS3 by 2.5 mill in Americas since Kinect Launch, I don't think another 8 mill for the rest of this gen should be too difficult with further price cuts. We've already seen the PS3 price cut/slim to be least effective in this region, only growing to be on par with the 360 holiday 09.

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