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The Greatest and Best Super Mario Bros. Crossover Game Ever - News

by VGChartz Staff , posted on 28 April 2010 / 6,856 Views

Everyone that's ever played games knows what Super Mario Bros. was - THE game that made the Nintendo Entertainment System one of the most popular things in the history of the world.  I may be exaggerating a little bit... but not by much.  Mario is more widely recognized than Mickey Mouse now, you know.

What could possibly tickle gamers' nostalgia bones more than letting them use other classic Nintendo characters to play through the original Super Mario Bros. game?  I can't think of much.  Nintendo fanservice FTW.

Super Mario Crossover by explodingRabbit just hit Newgrounds yesterday, and despite your opinion on Flash games, this one is good.  Really good.  The developer used the classic SMB levels, graphics, and sounds, but you don't have to be just Mario anymore.  You can still play as Mario, or you can be Link from The Legend of Zelda, Mega Man, Simon from Castlevania, Samus from Metroid, or Bill from Contra.

What's better, you'll have their abilities too.  Simon can double jump, toss an axe, and level up his whip.  Samus can turn into a ball and lay bombs.  Mega Man can slide.  And, in Super Mario Bros. 2 style, you can switch characters between levels.  And each character has their music and sound effects added to the mix.  And you can play with a game pad.  And and and... I'm prattling on like a giddy little schoolgirl.  This is how excited I am over this thing.  Check out a few screenshots below or just play the game here.

Source: Newgrounds (Thanks to themizarkshow for the tip!)

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Salnax (on 28 April 2010)

They had to give Mario at least one advantage.

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Baalzamon (on 28 April 2010)

they should make the different characters have different abilities and be able to level up and do different things...haha, jk, that would be an rpg.

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pacman91 (on 28 April 2010)


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fukudalakasone (on 28 April 2010)

This game is compromised by the inability of all characters bar Mario to run. Movement is too slow with all the other characters.

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TX109 (on 28 April 2010)

just did a quick run with a couple of em. pretty cool i must say.

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moondeep (on 28 April 2010)

Sounds frickin' awesome. Can't wait to play it! Where's the Battletoads though? They should be great at stomping on mushrooms.

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Bman54 (on 28 April 2010)

There are no words to describe the absolute awesomness of this game.

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Salnax (on 28 April 2010)

That's a different NES crossover

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Killy_Vorkosigan (on 28 April 2010)

It's on the internetz since a long time. Here's a clip from shing02 (the one from Samurai Champloo opening) with this mod, and it's 4 years old :

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kingwii (on 28 April 2010)

Wow.... just amazing!!! Contra and megaman FTW!!!

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FreeTalkLive (on 28 April 2010)

Thank you.

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jdelanoy (on 28 April 2010)


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Jumpin (on 28 April 2010)

If you beat the game 100 times in a row, you can see the Princess naked. Or at least that was what I always heard about the original game.

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Tecmo (on 28 April 2010)

this is awesome....def just played through a few levels with all the characters

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CitizenOfVerona (on 28 April 2010)

cries tears of joy

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tolu619 (on 28 April 2010)

I'm gonna love this! this will be my 1st time of actually beating this game from start to finish(Yes, I never did that!)

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Salnax (on 28 April 2010)

Only if they're making money. Otherwise, thousands of video game parody makers would be in dire legal straits.

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Hephaestos (on 28 April 2010)

verynice. I'll give it a go as link.

(shouldn't these guys get sued btw?)

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Ninpanda (on 28 April 2010)

Cries out of pure joy

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Raistline (on 28 April 2010)

Pure GOLD!

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naruball (on 28 April 2010)

This sounds awesome!

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Severance (on 28 April 2010)

i like newgrounds =]

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woopah (on 28 April 2010)

this is the best internet game ever!

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Siko1989 (on 28 April 2010)

nice.. i didnt even know this exists, i might play it lol

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themizarkshow (on 28 April 2010)

This destroyed my freetime today. Completely and utterly slaughtered it.

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Salnax (on 28 April 2010)

Already played it. It is awesome. Contra guy FTW.

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