Google Ordered to Open Up Google Play Marketplace to Competitors in the US - News
by William D'Angelo , posted on 08 October 2024 / 1,921 ViewsGoogle has been ordered by Judge James Donato in a final ruling in the Epic vs Google jury trial to open up the Google Play marketplace in the US to other app stores.
The ruling will come into effect starting November 1, 2024 and last until November 1, 2027 in the US and the changes include the following:
- Google will need to allow third-party app stores to be distributed on Google Play and allow those stores full access to all apps on Google Play, unless developers opt out of this.
- Google is no longer allowed to force developers to use Google Play Billing. This includes apps on the Play Store.
- Google is also not allowed to pay developers to launch apps first or exclusively on the Play Store.
- Google is not allowed to offer manufacturers or carriers incentives to pre-install Google Play or to not pre-install rival stores on new devices.
- Google cannot require a developer to set a price based on whether Google Play is used.
- Google can't stop developers from pointing users to external payment options outside the Play Store.
Google announced it plans on appealing the ruling.
"As we have already stated, these changes would put consumers’ privacy and security at risk, make it harder for developers to promote their apps, and reduce competition on devices," saiud Google’s vice president of regulatory affairs Lee-Anne Mulholland.
"Ultimately, while these changes presumably satisfy Epic, they will cause a range of unintended consequences that will harm American consumers, developers and device makers.
"These Epic-requested changes stem from a decision that is completely contrary to another court’s rejection of similar claims Epic made against Apple — even though, unlike iOS, Android is an open platform that has always allowed for choice and flexibility like multiple app stores and sideloading.
"We are appealing that underlying decision and we will ask the courts to pause Epic’s requested changes, pending that appeal."
A life-long and avid gamer, William D'Angelo was first introduced to VGChartz in 2007. After years of supporting the site, he was brought on in 2010 as a junior analyst, working his way up to lead analyst in 2012 and taking over the hardware estimates in 2017. He has expanded his involvement in the gaming community by producing content on his own YouTube channel and Twitch channel. You can contact the author on Twitter @TrunksWD.
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I don't understand how Apple won and Google lost?
It's actually pretty simple...
Apple has always marketed itself as a "Walled Garden"
Google marketed itself as an "Open Platform" but actively took actions to prevent competition
Apple was honest and upfront about its ecosystem and monetary ambition, Google wasn't.
Maybe Epic should make a phone if they don't like their revenue on another companies phone.
Epic wants to sell games
Google wants to control the world
Right or Wrong, I'm glad Epic won. Hopefully they can bring Apple back to court and beat them too.
Yeah, bring Apple back to court only for Apple to bill epic their millions in legal fees!
I love the response from Google tho, those companies are really BSing so much with their "oh but we do that to protect our users"... When EVERYBODY knows that it is to keep their share of profit...
I'm fine with that, but having them coming up with this everytime and being able to look at you in the eyes while saying it is just killing me lol
long live the Dictator 😅