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Hideo Kojima Discusses Decision to Develop Action Espionage Game Physint

Hideo Kojima Discusses Decision to Develop Action Espionage Game Physint - News

by William D'Angelo , posted on 03 March 2024 / 3,737 Views

Publisher Sony Interactive Entertainment and Hideo Kojima recently announced the action espionage game, Physint. Kojima in a new HideoTube video posted to YouTube discussed the decision develop Physint.

"We’re going to make a new action espionage game in cooperation with Sony," said Kojima (via Gematsu). "It will be both a game and a movie at the same time. That’s why we were at Sony Pictures. Of course, it will be a game. However, if your mother walks in and sees you playing this game, she’ll think you’re watching a movie. I’m not sure how far we can take it yet.

"So why did I decide to make this? Well first off, because I became independent, I wanted to do something new with my own IP. So to challenge myself, I first made Death Stranding. Then, to create a franchise, I made Death Stranding 2. And I wanted to do something even newer, so I started working on OD. And since then, there have been a lot of new ideas. But in the last eight years, every day on social media, from users all around the world, people have been asking me to create another Metal Gear and stuff like that.

"Then, I fell ill in 2020. It was also during the pandemic, so I was sick and isolated during all of it. I even had surgery. And I thought, ‘I can’t anymore.’ I was at my lowest and felt like I couldn’t go back to making games. I wrote a will, too. And in that moment, I realized that people die. But, I turned 60 last year. I’ll turn 70 in ten years. I hope to never retire. Having said that, if the users desire it so much, I thought I should change my priorities a bit. I still want to do new things, but I decided to make an action espionage game.

"I get many requests from Hollywood to make films, but I’ve refused them. Because I have my own company now, I can’t leave for one or two years to go make a movie. The company would collapse. I was in a tough spot. And I talked to Guillermo del Toro about it. And he said, ‘Hideo, what you’re making is already a movie. Keep going as you are.’ His words saved me. And since we’ll be working with many creators in the business, though the output is a game, it won’t be too different from movies."

Production on Physint will begin once Death Stranding 2: On the Beach releases for the PlayStation 5 in 2025.

A life-long and avid gamer, William D'Angelo was first introduced to VGChartz in 2007. After years of supporting the site, he was brought on in 2010 as a junior analyst, working his way up to lead analyst in 2012 and taking over the hardware estimates in 2017. He has expanded his involvement in the gaming community by producing content on his own YouTube channel and Twitch channel. You can contact the author on Twitter @TrunksWD.

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ClassicGamingWizzz (on 09 February 2024)

I hope its crazy like metal gear but not crazy crazy like death stranding. Metal gear solid imo is his best game. It was perfection.

  • +5
Mystro-Sama ClassicGamingWizzz (on 09 February 2024)

Facts. Can't wait for the Snake Eater Remake.

  • +3
hellobion2 ClassicGamingWizzz (on 10 February 2024)

I love your take on his next game

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TallSilhouette (on 09 February 2024)

By 'both a game and a movie ' I hope he doesn't mean there will be live action cutscenes. Beyond that, go nuts!

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mjk45 TallSilhouette (on 10 February 2024)

Where talking kojima here someone who made a name in games but whose true love is Hollywood and approaches his games like a movie producer metal gear solid stole a lot from escape from New York and loves to work with hollywood actors and directors as seen his production and directorial approach become more and more akin to movie making than traditional games and while the shared commonalities of both film and gaming have seen a crossover from one to the other especially on the gaming side Kojima has really been a long way ahead of the curve , but having said that it will be more of a continuation of the movie style production used in death stranding where it is designed and staged like one would a movie.

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deskpro2k3 (on 09 February 2024)

"PHYS" physical or physiological? and "INT" for intelligence or intel?

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Vengeance1138 deskpro2k3 (on 09 February 2024)

Physint stands for Physical Intelligence.

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Zkuq deskpro2k3 (on 09 February 2024)

At first, I thought it was obvious... but I guess this is Kojima we're talking about, and now I'm not so sure anymore. Could be a double meaning, I guess, or more, if there's more ways to interpret "INT" too.

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Chicho Zkuq (on 09 February 2024)


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JRPGfan (on 10 February 2024)

Tell me your makeing a new Metal gear solid, without telling me your makeing a new metal gear solid.

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JackHandy (on 11 February 2024)

The prodigal son returns and rises from the ashes... I can't wait to see what becomes of this.

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Giggity_goo (on 10 February 2024)

MGS4 was more cutscenes than gameplay

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