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PS5 vs Xbox Series X|S vs Switch Launch Sales Comparison Through Week 112

PS5 vs Xbox Series X|S vs Switch Launch Sales Comparison Through Week 112 - Sales

by William D'Angelo , posted on 27 January 2023 / 5,456 Views

This weekly series compares the aligned launch sales of the PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S, and Nintendo Switch.

It should be noted the Nintendo Switch and Xbox Series X|S had a worldwide launch, while the PlayStation 5 launch was split over the course of two weeks. Also, the Nintendo Switch launched in March 2017, while the PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X|S launched during the holidays in November 2020.

PS5 Vs. Xbox Series X|S Vs. Switch Global:

  1. Switch: 33,368,973
  2. PS5: 30,626,671
  3. XSX|S: 20,361,136

Through the first 112 weeks available worldwide the Nintendo Switch is ahead of the PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X|S. The Switch is ahead of the PS5 by 2.74 million units units and is 13.01 million units ahead of the Xbox Series X|S. The PS5 is ahead of the Xbox Series X|S by 10.27 million units.

The Switch has sold 33.37 million in 112 weeks worldwide, while the PS5 sold 30.63 million units and the Xbox Series X|S 20.36 million units.

Looking at the marketshare through 112 weeks, the Switch is in the lead. The Switch has a 39.6 percent marketshare, the PS5 sits at 36.3 percent, and the Xbox Series X|S at 24.1 percent.

PS5 Vs. Xbox Series X|S Vs. Switch US:

  1. PS5: 11,964,593
  2. Switch: 11,618,448
  3. XSX|S: 9,705,252

Through the first 112 weeks available in the US the PlayStation 5 is ahead of the Nintendo Switch and Xbox Series X|S. The PS5 is ahead of the Switch by 0.35 million units and is 2.26 million units ahead of the Xbox Series X|S. The Switch is ahead of the Xbox Series X|S by 1.91 million units.

The PS5 has sold 11.96 million in 112 weeks in the US, while the Switch sold 11.62 million units and the Xbox Series X|S 9.71 million units.

Looking at the marketshare through 112 weeks, the PS5 currently leads. The PS5 has a 35.9 percent marketshare, the Switch sits at 34.9 percent, and the Xbox Series X|S at 29.2 percent.

PS5 Vs. Xbox Series X|S Vs. Switch Europe (111 weeks):

  1. PS5: 9,478,447
  2. Switch: 8,518,998
  3. XSX|S: 5,363,051

The PlayStation 5 has been available for one week less than the Xbox Series X|S in Europe. After 111 weeks the PS5 is ahead of the Switch by 0.96 million units and is 4.12 million units ahead of the Xbox Series X|S. The Switch is ahead of the Xbox Series X|S by 3.16 million units.

The PS5 has sold 9.45 million in 111 weeks in Europe, while the Switch sold 8.52 million units and the Xbox Series X|S 5.36 million units.

Looking at the marketshare through 111 weeks, the PlayStation 5 currently leads. The PS5 has a 40.5 percent marketshare, the Switch sits at 36.5 percent, and the Xbox Series X|S at 23.0 percent.

PS5 Vs. Xbox Series X|S Vs. Switch Japan:

  1. Switch: 8,013,576
  2. PS5: 2,438,004
  3. XSX|S: 402,888

Through the first 112 weeks available in Japan the Switch is ahead of the PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X|S by a wide margin. The Switch is ahead of the PS5 by 5.58 million units and is 7.61 million units ahead of the Xbox Series X|S. The PS5 is ahead of the Xbox Series X|S by 2.04 million units.

The Switch has sold 8.01 million units in 112 weeks in Japan, while the PS5 has sold 2.44 million units, and the Xbox Series X|S 0.40 million units.

Looking at the marketshare through 112 weeks, the Switch currently leads. The Switch has a 73.8 percent marketshare, the PS5 sits at 22.5 percent, and the Xbox Series X|S at 3.7 percent.

A life-long and avid gamer, William D'Angelo was first introduced to VGChartz in 2007. After years of supporting the site, he was brought on in 2010 as a junior analyst, working his way up to lead analyst in 2012 and taking over the hardware estimates in 2017. He has expanded his involvement in the gaming community by producing content on his own YouTube channel and Twitch channel. You can contact the author on Twitter @TrunksWD.

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Doctor_MG (on 27 January 2023)

Doesn't look like PS5 was able to crossover again. Unless PS5 has the best third year for any PS console ever, it's very doubtful that PS5 will ever be able to crossover again.

  • +1
HigHurtenflurst Doctor_MG (on 27 January 2023)

Very unlikely yes... If PS5 stock is "solved" it will probably catch up in the next 4 months, but not enough for the 2.7m gap... after that it's game over IMO as PS5 will be competing against triple whammy of Switch lite, Chistmas sales then just as PS5 gets it's holiday boost Switch is entering the lockdown/animal crossing boost.

  • 0
Garrus HigHurtenflurst (on 27 January 2023)

well so far we're seeing sales of the PS5 being overpriced

once the $400 model is more widespread, sales might further increase, hard to say, but for sure it is unlikely for the PS5 to be in first place after the covid boom hits the Switch (unless they can miraculously hit $350 with a PS5 slim digital)

doesn't matter though as the Japanese market is for handhelds, it's not the same product category, I'm sure Sony doesn't care if they outsell the Switch in Japan or not, they just want to be number one in the US and Europe, which they are

  • -4
FlashmanHarry Garrus (on 28 January 2023)

Launch aligned Sony are marginally ahead in USA and Europe. But in real terms in the here and now, Sony are at least a good 20m behind switch in both territories.

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Garrus FlashmanHarry (on 29 January 2023)

we are talking about launch aligned, why are you trying to change the subject lol

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FlashmanHarry Garrus (on 29 January 2023)

I wasn't trying to change the subject. When you made the comment "I'm sure Sony doesn't care if they outsell the Switch in Japan or not, they just want to be number one in the US and Europe, which they are".
I was trying to point out that they aren't number 1 in either territory right now. In fact they've a massive job to ever become a market leader in either territory for this gen.

  • 0
Garrus Doctor_MG (on 27 January 2023)

The charts above show the PS5 beating the Switch in Europe and the US. That's all that matters. Handhelds have always been number one in Japan since the 80s. No market there for PS5 anyways. Not the same product category.

Without a portable PS5, ha, Japan won't be touched.

They could release a portable PS5 next year though after 3nm is available. That would be cool.

  • 0
siebensus4 Garrus (on 27 January 2023)

Keep in mind that PS5 had one holiday season more than Switch. PS5 released in November, Switch in March. The gap between PS5 and Switch in the US and Europe is actually closer after PS5's holiday season.

  • +2
Koragg siebensus4 (on 28 January 2023)

Does the holiday season matter though? Its a new console, would have been sold out regardless of the month, on top of the shortages.

  • +1
Agente42 Koragg (on 28 January 2023)

Holiday was between 40-60% sales of console sales. Oct-Dez was almost 50% of sales of any videogame.

  • +1
Garrus Agente42 (on 29 January 2023)

his point was the PS5 sold out every single one that could be manufactured

  • +1
Koragg Agente42 (on 29 January 2023)

Sure, but in terms of when the console released, to me it doesn't seem to make a difference if it launched during the holiday or not. If the PS5 or any other major console launched in any other month of the year it would all have been sold out. It makes more sense to see the first holiday season after launch for PS5 and Series X/S (2021) when comparing to the Switch.

  • 0
siebensus4 Koragg (on 30 January 2023)

That's why I always say it's only fair to look at gap charts after 52 weeks, 104, 156 and so on. After every year is complete, you can say for sure that only one holiday season is included, even if consoles launched in a different month. Everything in between can be an temporarily advantage or disadvantage because of a different launch window.

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