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Sonic Frontiers Sells Over 2.5 Million Units

Sonic Frontiers Sells Over 2.5 Million Units - Sales

by William D'Angelo , posted on 13 December 2022 / 2,770 Views

Sega via Twitter announced Sonic Frontiers has now sold over 2.5 million units worldwide.

The game released for the PlayStation 5Xbox Series X|S, Nintendo SwitchPlayStation 4Xbox One, and PC via Steam on November 8.

Read details on the game below:

In Sonic Frontiers, Sonic, Tails, and Amy set off on a new adventure in a mysterious new land searching for the missing Chaos Emeralds. Players will battle hordes of powerful enemies as they explore a breathtaking world of action, adventure, and mystery. Sonic fans can accelerate to new heights and experience the thrill of high-velocity, open-zone platforming freedom as they race across the Starfall Islands with no predetermined path. Within the open-zone landscape, players can complete side quests, solve puzzles, scale enormous structures, go fishing, and test their 3D platforming skills in Cyber Space.

With nothing but a handful of questions and a disembodied voice to guide him, Sonic sets out to save his friends and the enigmatic inhabitants of the Starfall Islands from a colossal, mechanized threat.

In addition, to make Sonic Frontiers more exciting, SEGA will provide multiple free downloadable content that will add many new elements, playable characters, modes, and costumes. The first piece of downloadable content will be Sonic’s Holiday Cheer Costume, free on December 21, 2022. SEGA is committed to making every effort to ensure a long and enjoyable experience for our players.

Sonic Frontiers is the newest addition to the growing portfolio of Sonic media initiatives, including projects like the upcoming Netflix animated series Sonic Prime, Paramount’s Sonic the Hedgehog films, and a collection of high-speed action games since 1991.

A life-long and avid gamer, William D'Angelo was first introduced to VGChartz in 2007. After years of supporting the site, he was brought on in 2010 as a junior analyst, working his way up to lead analyst in 2012 and taking over the hardware estimates in 2017. He has expanded his involvement in the gaming community by producing content on his own YouTube channel and Twitch channel. You can contact the author on Twitter @TrunksWD.

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shikamaru317 (on 13 December 2022)

This is very impressive for the series in case you didn't know, this is significantly faster sales than any previous 3D Sonic game. The 2 bestselling 3D Sonics before now lifetime were Sonic Generations and Sonic Heroes. Sonic Heroes took 3 months to sell 1.42m, while Sonic Generations took 6 months to sell 1.85m. It is just 200k units shy of beating the lifetime sales of Sonic Adventure 2 (Dreamcast + Gamecube) meanwhile, which was 2.75m. It has also sold about half of the lifetime sales of Sonic Generations in just over a month.

  • +7
scrapking shikamaru317 (on 13 December 2022)

I was wondering how this was in comparison to recent entries in the franchise, so thank you for answering that question for me in advance!

  • +4
Dempsey shikamaru317 (on 14 December 2022)

Let me correct a couple of things:

1) Sonic Adventure 2 ISN'T the best-selling 3D Sonic Game
2) Sonic Colors sold 4 millions copies in its lifespan (, and for now it seems to be the best-selling 3D game (after Unleashed I guess)
3) Sonic Heroes sold 3.42 millions copies in its lifespan. These datas all are on Wikipedia.

  • 0
shikamaru317 Dempsey (on 14 December 2022)

1)I said that Generations and Heroes were the top 2 bestselling, not Adventure 2. VGChartz data has Generations at 4.04m sold on consoles, while Steam Spy has it between the 1-2m range, meaning that it sold over 5m copies lifetime.

2)Sonic Colors sold well at 4m but that seems to be less than Generations.

3)I was using VGChartz data on Heroes, they have it at 2.96m on PS2, 1.6m on Gamecube, 0.9m on Xbox, and then they have a Sonic Heroes +Super Monkey Ball double pack at 0.53m on Xbox and 0.12m on Xbox 360, for a grand total of 6m sales for Heroes across all 4 platforms. However, it seems that VGChartz has Sonic Heroes overtracked, as that 3.42m lifetime number on Wikipedia is apparently official information from Sega financials.

  • 0
Dempsey shikamaru317 (on 14 December 2022)

Oh sorry man, I misread your comment and therefore I misunderstood it. Anyway yes I agree, many VGchartz dates on Sonic are often exaggerated, I think they got right '06 and Colors though (well almost.)

  • -2
ShadowLink93 (on 14 December 2022)

Could be the best selling 3D sonic game ever.

  • 0
Dempsey ShadowLink93 (on 14 December 2022)

I'm pretty sure it will be. In just over a month it topped the first 3 to 6 months sales of Sonic Heroes, Unleashed, Colors and Generations.

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JackHandy (on 13 December 2022)

Go Sonic!

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umegames (on 13 December 2022)

the black friday $40 price tag certainly helped.

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Slownenberg (on 13 December 2022)

Not impressive in general considering it is on every platform. But I guess compared to other 3D Sonic games it is quite good.

But they really need to figure out what to do with Sonic. The series just doesn't work as an open 3D game. The reviews of this game made that clear for the thousandth time. How about just make a polished 3D graphics but 2D sidescrolling Sonic. Not retro 16-bit aesthetic, but modern. Look at Metroid Dread, amazing game selling at $60. Do that for Sonic which has much wider appeal than Metroid and maybe we'd see Sonic become a major series again.

  • -3
scrapking Slownenberg (on 13 December 2022)

Actually, the Digital Foundry review was quite positive and has me interested in the game.

  • +5
Dempsey Slownenberg (on 14 December 2022)

No thanks, this series need evolution and progress. Sonic Adventure 1 & 2 are good, Sonic Generations too, Heroes, and Unleashed 3D stages are perfect. There are good 3D Sonic games and they're not good just for Sonic - they're good in general, it's time that y'all admit this.
Also, Frontiers selling more than 2 millions copies in just over a month would be a pretty impressive feat for a lot of games, yeah the cut off yada yada, but this game would have sold 1 million of copies at full price in the same period of time anyway.

  • +1
Random_Matt (on 13 December 2022)

Sounds ok.

  • -3