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Metroid Dread On-Track to Become Best-Selling Metroid in History

Metroid Dread On-Track to Become Best-Selling Metroid in History - Sales

by William D'Angelo , posted on 03 April 2022 / 3,659 Views

Nintendo in its earnings report for the quarter ending December 31, 2021 revealed Metroid Dread has sold 2.74 million units to date. 

Metroid Dread is on-track to become the best-selling Metroid game in history after less than three months on the market. It is only 100,000 units away from outselling Metroid Prime (GCN), which is the best-selling Metroid ever with 2.84 million units sold lifetime.

Metroid Dread released for the Nintendo Switch on October 8, 2021.

Here are the best-selling Metroid games:

  1. Metroid Prime (GCN) - 2.84M
  2. Metroid Dread (NS) - 2.74M
  3. Metroid (NES) - 2.73M
  4. Metroid II: Return of Samus (GBA) - 1.72M
  5. Metroid Fusion (GBA) - 1.60M
  6. Super Metroid (SNES) - 1.42M
  7. Metroid Prime 3: Corruption (Wii) - 1.41M
  8. Metroid: Other M (Wii) - 1.36M
  9. Metroid Prime 2: Echoes (GCN) - 1.10M
  10. Metroid Prime Hunters (DS) 1.08M

A life-long and avid gamer, William D'Angelo was first introduced to VGChartz in 2007. After years of supporting the site, he was brought on in 2010 as a junior analyst, working his way up to lead analyst in 2012. He has expanded his involvement in the gaming community by producing content on his own YouTube channel and Twitch channel dedicated to gaming Let's Plays and tutorials. You can contact the author at or on Twitter @TrunksWD.

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Mandalore76 (on 03 February 2022)

RGT85's going to be playing Balan Wonderworld soon.

  • +10
Kakadu18 Mandalore76 (on 03 February 2022)


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KLAMarine Mandalore76 (on 04 February 2022)


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Mandalore76 KLAMarine (on 04 February 2022)

A YouTuber (close to a half million subscribers) that covers a lot of Nintendo and video gaming related news in general. He made a bet with SpawnWave that the game wouldn't sell 3 million copies in its first year. If RGT85 loses the bet, he has to stream Balan Wonderworld from start to finish.

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aiwass Mandalore76 (on 06 February 2022)

That game is hilarious. Someone once said it looks like a fake video game from a TV show and I can't unsee it.

  • +1
2zosteven (on 03 February 2022)

crazy that dread is going to be #1 with only 3 million in sales, so many people missing out on great Metroid games

  • +6
Greenfox (on 03 February 2022)

Dread is also close to outselling Hollow Knight. In less than 3 months, it's only 60,000 units away. The f****ng Hollow Knight. It's surreal.

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Greenfox CaptainExplosion (on 03 February 2022)

We must. It's called Metroidvania for a reason. Let's get the queen back on her throne.

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Greenfox CaptainExplosion (on 03 February 2022)

Absolutely. And we shouldn't forget that Dread features a chubby cute lizard that pulls claws out of its tummy. What more does the game need?

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ireadtabloids Greenfox (on 05 February 2022)

I think that’s where Hollow Knight sales were three years ago after just under two years on the market.
2019 was still a good year for Hollow Knight sales, but Metroid selling in a few months [at full price] what took Hollow Knight two years is very impressive. Would be great to see Metroid Dread reach four million sales one day.

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AllfatherStarr ireadtabloids (on 06 February 2022)

I would expect Dread sales to be more front loaded, unlike HK where word of mouth was huge. of course Dread is doing these numbers at the $60 price point, which would be pretty much impossible for almost any indie game, let alone those in a niche genre like metroidvania.

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SuperNintend0rk (on 03 February 2022)

Wow Samus Returns didn't even make the top 10! Does anyone know how many units it sold?

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Salnax SuperNintend0rk (on 03 February 2022)

Nintendo hasn't given sales figures, so definitely less than a million. VGChartz was estimating 560k as of the end of 2018, but legs beyond that would be minimal. Sales were obviously hurt by being on the 3DS in late 2017.

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SuperNintend0rk Salnax (on 03 February 2022)

It's a shame it sold so poorly. Thankfully Nintendo gave Mercury Steam a second chance!

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JWeinCom SuperNintend0rk (on 03 February 2022)

I remember a topic a while back how the sales of Samus Returns would mean the death of Metroid... One day if I'm feeling petty enough I may necrobump it.

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SuperNintend0rk JWeinCom (on 03 February 2022)

Lol really? It's pretty amazing how it went from such poor sales to almost 3 million!

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farlaff (on 04 February 2022)

Welcome to the Switch effect area, where even niche (even tough beloved) IPs become huge sellers!

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Kakadu18 (on 03 February 2022)

Can it reach 4mil is the big question?

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VAMatt (on 05 February 2022)

This says a lot about the sales of the previous games. Metroid is talked about, on this site, like it's a major gaming IP, but historical sales numbers tell us it really is not.

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SanAndreasX (on 03 February 2022)

I helped build this The sales numbers, I mean

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