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PS4 vs Xbox One - Pre-Order Totals to June 15th 2013 - News

by William D'Angelo , posted on 20 June 2013 / 117,785 Views

VGChartz has gathered the pre-order numbers for the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One during E3 week. The numbers are for the US only and give an estimate on how each platforms is doing in these early days. The PlayStation 4 was announced back in February, while the Xbox One was announced in May.

Up until the week ending June 15 the PlayStation 4 currently leads in the total number of pre-orders with about 75,000. The Xbox One is lagging behind with 45,000 pre-orders. However, with Microsoft doing a reversal on its DRM and used game policies the numbers could change.

PlayStation 4 - Top 10 Pre-orders

1. Battlefield 4
2. Watch Dogs
3. Killzone: Shadow Fall
4. Madden NFL 25
5. Call of Duty: Ghosts
6. Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag
7. Need for Speed Rivals
8. FIFA Soccer 14
9. Knack
10. Driveclub

Xbox One - Top 10 Pre-orders

1. Battlefield 4
2. Dead Rising 3
3. Ryse: Son of Rome
4. Madden NFL 25
5. Call of Duty: Ghosts
6. Watch Dogs
7. Forza Motorsport 5
8. Kinect Sports Rivals
9. Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag
10. Need for Speed Rivals

Stay tuned as VGChartz provides up to date pre-order figures for the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One in the US. Also make sure to check out the PlayStation 4 wiki and Xbox One wiki for more info and a full list of announced games.

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tombi123 (on 20 June 2013)

So the PS4 is outselling the Xbone 5:3 in the xbox's main market. Imagine the playstation domination in Europe and Japan.

  • +27
JaxxRaxor tombi123 (on 20 June 2013)

I don't think the Xbox1 is even being released in Asia this year, let alone Japan. Considering how poor the Xbox and Xbox 360 did on that continent I wouldn't be surprised if it never makes it to Asia (let alone Japan).

  • +3
Michael-5 tombi123 (on 20 June 2013)

You literally said, what I wanted to say, except I don't think either PS4 or One are releasing in Japan due to supply constraints.

  • +1
DemoniOtaku tombi123 (on 20 June 2013)

In Japan will be 1:0, because I don't see Microsfot releasing the console anytime soon.. and for later on 2014 would be too late... if releasing early this Generation barely achievd one and half millon :/

  • +2
JWeinCom tombi123 (on 21 June 2013)

Uhhhhhh... the PS4 isn't outselling the XBox One anywhere seeing as neither console exists yet. 30,000 preorders with about 5 months till each system comes out is pretty meaningless.

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happydolphin tombi123 (on 21 June 2013)

And you got thumbed down JWein. Goes to show...

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r3tr0gam3r1337 tombi123 (on 23 June 2013)

i love the way people forget what people expected to fly off the shelves back in 2004 when the hype for the PS3 was in overdrive, no one expected the 360 to do as well as it did however rewind back to 2004 and look at the attitude many fans had about the rival consoles and then fast forward back to today, same attitude different console.

just cause one console got a head start and kept ahead for most of the gen does not mean a repeat performance, just cause one console is a success this gen does not mean instant success in the next gen, Sony might be ahead on pre orders but its all down to how many consoles will be ready at launch.

it's too early to call a winner and it stupid to suggest the last gen top selling console as the next gen winner.

  • +1
Skrunch-a-tron (on 20 June 2013)

Wait, they only have that many pre-orders? Some dumb ass told me Xbox one sold a over a million units in the last 24 hours on amazon. Is it my fault for believing him?

  • +8
NobleTeam360 Skrunch-a-tron (on 20 June 2013)

Yeah, if it's to good to sound true it probably is.

  • +3
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yes it is ;-) that will be probably not even the whole number for ps4 or xbox one in usa one day before launch

  • +1
Iveyboi Skrunch-a-tron (on 21 June 2013)

Yes (your fault for believing)

  • +3
Iveyboi Skrunch-a-tron (on 21 June 2013)

Yes (your fault for believing)

  • 0
VGKing Skrunch-a-tron (on 21 June 2013)

That's ridiculous considering that these consoles will be lucky to sell that much at launch. It is your fault for believing him.

  • +2
coolguy (on 20 June 2013)

Great job Sony do they have hardware pre-order numbers

  • +3
gigantor21 (on 20 June 2013)

I was wondering how the site handles pre-orders for new consoles. Nice to see some actual numbers.

Also, that's really all that's been pre-sold for both consoles? Damn, that's low.

  • +3
VGKing (on 21 June 2013)

Good to see that a consoles that is for gamers is selling the most. This is how it should be and this is how it should stay. I look forward to these pre-order updates. Will these be updated weekly? It would be great to see how the pre-orders go up and down with announcements over the coming months.

  • +2
John_Doe (on 21 June 2013)

Ps4 still more powerful and cheaper. But drm off will help one for sure

  • +2
richardhutnik (on 21 June 2013)

Considering costs of both systems at launch, it will be interesting to see what the sales numbers are.

  • +2
NobleTeam360 (on 20 June 2013)

Numbers aren't to bad for the Xbox One.

  • +2
Michael-5 NobleTeam360 (on 20 June 2013)

I know :-(

  • 0
VGKing NobleTeam360 (on 21 June 2013)

Actually considering how the 360 is leading the market, it is bad that its successor isn't dominating pre-orders. Now, after the DRM reversal I fully expect Xbox One to get some more sales but I think PS4 will still win out in the end.

  • -1
lazlomass (on 24 June 2013)

We need an update of these numbers. when can we expect one?

  • +1
Locknuts (on 24 June 2013)

The following week's numbers will be far more interesting.

  • +1
JoeTheBro (on 17 August 2013)

Will we ever get an update on these system preorder numbers?

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cleric20 (on 30 June 2013)

Just checked the UK Amazon chart and PS4 is ahead - the Xbone is selling less than the 3DS replacement power adaptor at the moment!?

  • 0
Juma009 (on 25 June 2013)

Tbh I thought Both would be higher

  • 0
DJEVOLVE (on 23 June 2013)

Times have changed and these numbers will reverse. XB1 Marketing machine and changed policies will flip the table. Remember Doritos and Mountain dew are in every store and usually close to check out. XB1 will clear up everything with marketing. Also I'm sure they will say you have every option available. If you want DRM you can, if you want the old way, you can. This is a win, win. As I will go DRM and family plan route.

  • 0
DJEVOLVE (on 23 June 2013)

Times have changed and these numbers will reverse. XB1 Marketing machine and changed policies will flip the table. Remember Doritos and Mountain dew are in every store and usually close to check out. XB1 will clear up everything with marketing. Also I'm sure they will say you have every option available. If you want DRM you can, if you want the old way, you can. This is a win, win. As I will go DRM and family plan route.

  • 0
xbox360 (on 22 June 2013)

X1 number will grow now since DRM is out of the picture.
Great numbers for PS4....

  • 0
ethomaz (on 21 June 2013)

Only Amazon had in one day of E3 week more preorders than these numbers... so I call them inaccurate for now.

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MARCUSDJACKSON (on 21 June 2013)

nice PS4 lead.

  • 0
sales2099 (on 21 June 2013)

given the recent reversal on X1 policies, this data should change soon

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VGKing sales2099 (on 21 June 2013)

Depends on what you mean by change. It you mean that Xbox One will overtake the PS4, that's unlikely. If you mean that Xbox One will get a shot in the arm, you're right.

  • -2
DevilRising (on 21 June 2013)

Wowsers. 75,000 and 45,000? Man, those consoles sure are going to light up the charts come launch. lol

  • 0
PX54 DevilRising (on 21 June 2013)

I think the lack of pre-orders is due to the lack of interesting launch titles exclusive to next gen. Looking at those top 10 lists the only game i would have considered pre-ordering a next gen console for is Watch Dogs, but since that's also coming to current gen, i'll hold off on my pre-order. The games are the only reason i haven't pre-ordered either console yet. Anything interesting isn't coming until 2014, so there's no need to jump straight in and get a console i'll barely use for a good few months.

  • 0
gigantor21 DevilRising (on 21 June 2013)

6 of the games in the top ten list are cross gen. That looks to be a real drag on preorders for people who aren't diehard fanboys, or technophiles who want the newest stuff now.

  • +2
Mnementh DevilRising (on 21 June 2013)

We have months to launch. And seeing that 1 million on launch-week will be big, and the pre-orders will be launch-week, you have to wait, there must be some space for preorders in the coming months.

  • 0
MonstaMack (on 20 June 2013)

That's it for both combined? Seems low.

  • 0
VGKing MonstaMack (on 21 June 2013)

Most of these pre-orders were from the last week. I'd say its pretty good numbers.

  • -2
ItNetPro (on 20 June 2013)

Actually, considering Game Stop is sold out because limited Xbox One allocation for pre-order. Looks like Xbox One actually held up vey well against the storm. Based on all the poll I would have expected a much higher pre-order ration from PS4. From everything I read Game Stop has a 4/1 ratio on allocation meaning they have 4 PS4s allocation for every 1 Xbox One. Considering they will be the main source for pre-orders. Question is...

Microsoft screwing up again by not producing enough Xbox One's for holiday allocation?

  • 0
xSHADOWx ItNetPro (on 21 June 2013)

Some Gamespot stores in the US only had 16 XBOX One units, hence them selling out. Hell even shovel ware games would sellout if they had that many units. (=

  • -2
xSHADOWx ItNetPro (on 21 June 2013)

Some Gamespot stores in the US only had 16 XBOX One units, hence them selling out. Hell even shovel ware games would sellout if they had that many units. (=

  • -2
xbox360 (on 22 June 2013)

X1 number will grow now since DRM is out of the picture.
Great numbers for PS4....

  • -2
Araknie (on 21 June 2013)

Maybe it's just me being too much old school but look at how many FPS, TPS and Cars games there are.
Are those new IPs?
Sorry i thought new IP meant new gameplay, not and old gameplay with a new character around it.
Ryse is new but it's QTE driven so i hate it already.
If i have to buy a console for the exclusive there is Dead Rising 3, but i never owned an Xbox and i'll keep it that.
I was eager to get the PS4 when KHIII launched but also that is multiplatform.
I have to stick with Nintendo because i see 5 exclusive games that i want coming to Wii U and nowhere else. And also because they are genres that i like more, like Action, ARGP and Platform.
Knack seems interesting but it's Crash gameplay, it even does a spin do destroy objects. They could have bought back Crash if they wanted that gameplay, really not a new IP.
I'm not here to defend Nintendo, i just understand them when Miyamoto says: "a new IP is not and old gameplay with a new character around, when we develop a game we start from gameplay and if that fits an already existing character we give him that if not it's a new IP."
I want to buy a PS4 but i want more exclusives, because if i'm eager to get more exclusive new flicks for old IPs on Nintendo consoles, i want to do that also on Sony's PS4. (i don't care for Xbox like i said). Sony has a lot of games that need a sequel from the PSX and PS2 era, i had a PS2 and loved it to death, i want to reward we does more interesting exclusives to me, but not from the three genres i said in the first sentence. That's all my personal taste.

  • -3
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snakehead43 Araknie (on 21 June 2013)

Say what now?

  • -1
snakehead43 Araknie (on 21 June 2013)

Say what now?

  • -1
snakehead43 Araknie (on 21 June 2013)

Say what now?

  • -1
Mr Puggsly (on 20 June 2013)

Hmmm... I would have guessed these numbers would be much higher.

  • -4
saysuckasay Mr Puggsly (on 29 June 2013)

It's still early, alot will change by launch day for both consoles. My concern is since both systems are more or less the same spec wise (ram is the big difference), if xbox one has RRoD issues ps4 will likely have them as well.

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busbfran (on 20 June 2013)
  • -20
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