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Final Fantasy XV Ships 8.9 Million Units Worldwide

Final Fantasy XV Ships 8.9 Million Units Worldwide - News

by William D'Angelo , posted on 01 January 2020 / 5,880 Views

Square Enix has announced Final Fantasy XV has shipped 8.9 million units worldwide. That makes it the third best-selling mainline game in the franchise, behind Final Fantasy VII and Final Fantasy X. This news comes from video game analyst Benji-Sales via Twitter.

Final Fantasy XV is available now for the PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Windows PC.

A life-long and avid gamer, William D'Angelo was first introduced to VGChartz in 2007. After years of supporting the site, he was brought on in 2010 as a junior analyst, working his way up to lead analyst in 2012. He has expanded his involvement in the gaming community by producing content on his own YouTube channel and Twitch channel dedicated to gaming Let's Plays and tutorials. You can contact the author at or on Twitter @TrunksWD.

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StreaK (on 23 December 2019)

Uhhh pretty sure FFVIII outsold FFXV. I read an article that stated as of 2019 it had shipped 9.6 million. Probably more than FFX as well.
Always figured FFVII and FFVIII are the two top sellers.

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Landale_Star StreaK (on 24 December 2019)

You are correct, Square stated the 9.6 million in August (before the remaster) and it was reported here. It may be ahead or behind FFX, but it's definitely ahead of FFXV.

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Mr Puggsly (on 23 December 2019)

Could easily pass 10 million if they make some sort of remaster for 9th gen. Make it 4K/60 fps, use better assets if available and use that SSD hype to get rid of load times.

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DonFerrari Mr Puggsly (on 25 December 2019)

And that the car drive faster.

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V-r0cK (on 23 December 2019)

I absolutely loved this game! I'm glad its got the sales. Well deserved!

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hunter_alien (on 23 December 2019)

10 milion LT is pretty much guaranteed, now that the game is in bargain bins and also released on Stadia. While their episodic content plan did not work out, there is no denying that XV is a huge success for SE.

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miqdadi (on 24 December 2019)

FF VII, FF VIII, FF X all sold more he is mistaken

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SammyGiireal miqdadi (on 25 December 2019)

I am not shocked it is a multiplatform title and is a bargain bin prices lately. The game itself was a step towards the right direction following the the XIII mess.

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DonFerrari (on 25 December 2019)

Congratulations, I quite enjoyed it.

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haxxiy (on 23 December 2019)

Not bad for a game that Square Enix itself seems to want gone (cancelling interesting DLCs and all...).

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Jranation (on 23 December 2019)

Is it shoxking that Monster Hunter World was able to beat FFXV?

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SanAndreasX Jranation (on 23 December 2019)

MHW was able to hit a sweet spot with gamers. It also didn’t have to contend with the same kind of difficult development that FFXV did.

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Eric2048 (on 23 December 2019)


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JuliusHackebeil (on 23 December 2019)

Wow, that is entirely too many. I hated the game. I could have stomached the all-flah-no-substance, easy, boring, partly broken combat, if it wasn't for the incoherent, embarrassingly written mess that they took as an excuse for a story. I have serious doubts about square enixs' ability to tell a functioning story.
These sales numbers send the absolutly wrong message. It was garbage. I'm sorry I bought it.

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think-man Radek (on 24 December 2019)

I don't remember, can you please share.

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