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Alternative Names

コール オブ デューティ モダン・ウォーフェア3


Infinity Ward



Other Versions

All, PC, PS3

Release Dates

11/08/11 Activision
11/17/11 Square Enix
11/08/11 Activision

Community Stats

Owners: 181
Favorite: 15
Tracked: 6
Wishlist: 7
Now Playing: 12

Avg Community Rating:


Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 - Reviews

Critic Reviews

1up Read Review A 08th Nov 2011
CheatCodeCentral Read Review 4.4 out of 5 08th Nov 2011
Edge Read Review 9 out of 10 08th Nov 2011
Eurogamer Read Review 8 out of 10 08th Nov 2011
Game Informer Read Review 9 out of 10 08th Nov 2011
Gamepro Read Review 4 out of 5 08th Nov 2011
Gamespot Read Review 8.5 out of 10 11th Nov 2011
Gametrailers Read Review 9.3 out of 10 08th Nov 2011
GiantBomb Read Review 4 out of 5 08th Nov 2011
IGN Read Review 9 out of 10 08th Nov 2011
VideoGamer Read Review 9 out of 10 08th Nov 2011

User Reviews

No User Reviews have been submitted yet...

Legacy Sales History

Total Sales

Opinion (88)

1 n/a 3,674,264 2,076,920 916,749 6,667,933
2 30,443 621,561 284,315 160,413 1,096,732
3 4,372 464,279 173,926 110,900 753,477
4 1,600 308,390 180,369 89,074 579,433
5 1,172 318,456 172,878 88,852 581,358
6 1,304 385,354 164,140 96,758 647,556
7 9,778 467,890 178,454 112,502 768,624
8 5,030 244,697 127,533 55,621 432,881
9 4,812 100,012 42,767 21,334 168,925
10 2,460 60,306 30,386 13,551 106,703
SlayerRondo posted 12/02/2016, 03:39
Wonder if Black Ops III for the PS4 can outsell this being the current best selling version of COD for a single console.
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nugget posted 03/04/2015, 04:38
Hated it at first, but believe me, it is getting way better!
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darkenergy posted 14/12/2014, 01:20
Even before I made an account for vgchartz, I remember this had over 15 million sold but it was adjusted down.Glad it was adjusted down because GTA5 deserved to top this.
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VGKing posted 30/12/2012, 04:25
@Kai Master
Yes, it does include bundles.
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AceRandum posted 06/11/2012, 11:29
my favorite call of duty and the most sold cod to date

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Kai Master posted 03/11/2012, 02:57
Does the number of sales include bundles ? (I bought mine with a 360).
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