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Team Ninja Wants Next Game to 'Achieve Things We Weren't Able to' in Rise of the Ronin

Team Ninja Wants Next Game to 'Achieve Things We Weren't Able to' in Rise of the Ronin - News

by William D'Angelo , posted on 01 April 2024 / 7,282 Views

Rise of the Ronin's Fumihiko Yasuda and producer Yosuke Hayashi in an interview with VideoGamesChronicle wants the next game from Team Ninja to achieve things the team wasn't able to in Rise of the Ronin.

"Until now, we’ve been creating games based on Ninjas and Samurais," said Yasuda. "We wanted to create a game that has a sense of freedom as well as a rich story. For this title, we decided on the concept of Ronin. We wanted players to become a Ronin, explore an open world and be able to affect the story. Of course, we have established a foundation with our action combat systems."

He added, "Rise of the Ronin was a big challenge for us, because it’s something we hadn’t done up until now in terms of the level of freedom and the story while retaining the action gameplay. I believe we were able to realise the concept, and I’m hoping that as players get their hands on the game, they’ll be able to experience it as we originally envisioned it.

"I think going forward, our challenge is to build from that and perhaps achieve things we weren’t able to do this time, and continue to build from there."

Hayashi added, "We’re always trying to do a lot of things with each title, and we’re always trying to utilise what we learned in the past on what we work on next. I think with Rise of the Ronin you’ll see that it’s kind of an amalgamation of the games that we’ve worked on in previous years. We’re going to utilise what we learned with Rise of the Ronin to further expand our work going forward."

Yasuda did admit he prefers the level-based approach of other games from Team Ninja like Nioh, however, he hopes players will find something they like in the open-world structure of Rise of the Ronin.

"With Nioh, we were able to create something with very tight pacing and create levels that benefit that kind of gameplay," Yasuda  said. "Personally, I’m a fan of those types of games, but with Ronin, we wanted to emphasise freedom and to allow players to approach and engage scenarios in multiple different ways.

"That being said, there are still main missions that have boss battles and things like that which are far more straightforward in terms of their design. We wanted players to have both sides of the coin."

He concluded, "I know our fans have played our games and they have certain expectations when it comes to our action gameplay. I strongly believe Rise of the Ronin will be able to satisfy what they come to expect from us. With that said, there are a lot of new elements that weren’t in our previous titles, so I think a lot of players will be surprised at what’s waiting for them."

Rise of the Ronin released for the PlayStation 5 on March 22.

A life-long and avid gamer, William D'Angelo was first introduced to VGChartz in 2007. After years of supporting the site, he was brought on in 2010 as a junior analyst, working his way up to lead analyst in 2012 and taking over the hardware estimates in 2017. He has expanded his involvement in the gaming community by producing content on his own YouTube channel and Twitch channel. You can contact the author on Twitter @TrunksWD.

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Bring back Ninja Gaiden for fucks sake!

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LivncA_Dis3 (on 27 March 2024)

Gameplay is king as always

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SuperRetroTurbo (on 29 March 2024)

Gaiden could and should have reached levels of God like play, had they stuck to the script and ignored the media. I picked up Wo Long, after a hiatus from gaming, and disappointed is an understatement. You went and succumbed to the leaches that are tabloid and produced a cookie cutter style gameplay that is EMBARRASSING to not only life long fans, but you yourself. I sincerely hope someone from TN sees this. No one has ever inspired me to make games but TN. The level of depth and precision is unmatched in your NG series and don't ever think otherwise.

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dane007 (on 27 March 2024)

You mean better graphics? Lol

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tripenfall dane007 (on 28 March 2024)

Or a decent Frame Rate ROFL

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Trentonater dane007 (on 28 March 2024)

Add your rWhere the hell is all this energy with every fromsoftware game ever? and it certainly isn't compatible with the narrative the community wants to push that the y want more shorter games made for cheaper with worse graphcs because 3000 million dollar games isn't sustainable.

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dane007 Trentonater (on 01 April 2024)

I am there too!. I always hate their game's

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Radek (on 27 March 2024)

They need a new engine for that

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Koragg (on 27 March 2024)

Nioh 3 or Wo Long 2 next please!

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