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Persona 3 Reload Sales Top 1 Million Units Within Its First Week

Persona 3 Reload Sales Top 1 Million Units Within Its First Week - Sales

by William D'Angelo , posted on 07 February 2024 / 3,287 Views

ATLUS announced Persona 3 Reload has sold over one million units worldwide in its first week. It is the fastest-selling ATLUS game in history.

"Persona 3 Reload sold 1,000,000 copies worldwide within its first week, becoming the fastest selling game in ATLUS history!," said ATLUS. "A huge thank you to our community for your incredible support! We look forward to breaking more records with you."

Persona 3 Reload released for the PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PC via Steam and Microsoft Store, and Xbox Game Pass on February 2.

A life-long and avid gamer, William D'Angelo was first introduced to VGChartz in 2007. After years of supporting the site, he was brought on in 2010 as a junior analyst, working his way up to lead analyst in 2012 and taking over the hardware estimates in 2017. He has expanded his involvement in the gaming community by producing content on his own YouTube channel and Twitch channel. You can contact the author on Twitter @TrunksWD.

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IcaroRibeiro (on 07 February 2024)

PC release + worldwide release did wonders this time

I'm 20 hours in, awesome game so far

  • +3
SuperNintend0rk (on 07 February 2024)

Crazy impressive that it's the fastest selling Atlus game yet, especially considering that it was on Game Pass day one.

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XDKrieg33 SuperNintend0rk (on 08 February 2024)

Released 4 for 5 systems

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SuperNintend0rk XDKrieg33 (on 08 February 2024)

True, the previous games initially launched as PS exclusives, which clearly limited their sales potential.

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The Fury SuperNintend0rk (on 08 February 2024)

5 sold more than any in the series ever, so not sure if that is really anything to go by but due to the nature of when 3 and 4 came out, releasing on PS2 was the best option, especially for the Japanese market where it was most popular.

You can clearly see in this game the influence P5 has had on the series though in it's styling and I hope they continue with this and we get P6 soon and available to as many as possible now Persona seems to have 'taken off'.

  • +3
DonFerrari The Fury (on 08 February 2024)

I would say that the series only really exploded in popularity on P5 launching of PS3 and wasn't even on launch week. So not surprised that P3 is beating that record now that the series is popular.

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SuperNintend0rk The Fury (on 09 February 2024)

PS made the series famous but it's selling better now that it's multiplat, especially on PC.

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Teno (on 08 February 2024)

I recently purchased 3 Portable and the other four titles for Switch. Can't wait until Reload comes to the platform. Hopefully when the Switch 2 releases.

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Wman1996 Teno (on 09 February 2024)

At this point, the only logical reason for Reload skipping Switch is saving it for Switch 2 as a launch title or launch window title.
Obviously, Reload would be able to run on Switch. If The Witcher 3, Doom, and some other games can (with noticeable strain) there's no excuse.
Also, maybe Atlus figures they can't sell a third-party game for $70 on Switch.

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halil23 (on 08 February 2024)

They could had a far bigger sales and bigger record had they released it on switch instead of xblock, epic failure!!

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Kneetos halil23 (on 08 February 2024)

They want to get those big resales with the switch 2

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UnderwaterFunktown halil23 (on 08 February 2024)

I'm sure Xbox contributed but yea a Switch release on top could have given it another 250k or more

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