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Metroid Dread Sales Top 3 Million Units

Metroid Dread Sales Top 3 Million Units - Sales

by William D'Angelo , posted on 31 July 2023 / 7,564 Views

The CEO of Metroid Dread developer MercurySteam Enric Álvarez speaking with GameReactor revealed the game has sold over three million units worldwide.

"I don't think development was chaotic," said Álvarez when asked if development on the game was chaotic. "Chaotic development doesn't end with one of the best games in the franchise. It doesn't end with a game that has sold over three million-odd copies. It doesn't end with a game that has won awards TGA. That's all I have to say about it."

Álvarez was asked if there are plans for more Metroid games from MercurySteam and he said, "Well, about the projects we are doing today, there is nothing I can say. So a simple 'no comment' will suffice."

Metroid Dread released for the Nintendo Switch in October 2021.

A life-long and avid gamer, William D'Angelo was first introduced to VGChartz in 2007. After years of supporting the site, he was brought on in 2010 as a junior analyst, working his way up to lead analyst in 2012 and taking over the hardware estimates in 2017. He has expanded his involvement in the gaming community by producing content on his own YouTube channel and Twitch channel. You can contact the author on Twitter @TrunksWD.

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2zosteven (on 31 July 2023)

great game incredible franchise. I do not understand why these games dont sale more.

  • +6
Pemalite 2zosteven (on 31 July 2023)

When I was younger I was tossing up between the Sega Mega Drive (Genesis for the American folk) or the Super Nintendo.

Went to a mates place and played 5 minutes of Super Metroid.... Then went down to my local toy store and bought a SNES and a copy of the game that same day.
Since then, every few years I have done a playthrough of Super Metroid in just a few hours.

To say I loved it, was an understatement, it got me hooked into Nintendo's ecosystem (SNES) where I went to buy other games for the console. - So Nintendo ended up with more cash out of me than just Metroid.

I have Metroid Samus Returns (Which NEEDS a Switch port!) and Dread, brilliant games, but I don't feel they are as tightly tuned as the SNES original, so I haven't felt as attached.

The series itself is criminally underrated, but I get it. It's not the kind of game everyone would want to play as it can get frustrating looking in every nook and cranny, it requires a special kind of gamer with lots of patience.

These games are meant to be a "hook" to get people in love with a franchise and draw people to Nintendo's platform, they don't need to be a big seller for Nintendo to gain customers over the long term, hence why they can justify their development even if they only a move a few million units.

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2zosteven Pemalite (on 31 July 2023)

just played through super mertroid last week, play a couple times a year

  • +1
xMetroid (on 31 July 2023)

More than... love it. Well deserved. I feel like this is one of the games that could benefit from Nintendo cutting price on games after a while or bringing back the Nintendo Select line.

  • +2
Paatar (on 01 August 2023)

Topped 3m a long time ago. Was confirmed at 2.9m March 2022.

  • +1
Wman1996 (on 31 July 2023)

Very impressive. While Metroid Prime could remain the best selling in the series thank to its release on GameCube, Wii (as part of the trilogy) and now its remaster, Dread is the best-selling release in the entire series. And who knows, maybe even Metroid Prime Remastered alone could outsell Dread.

  • +1
Plumblaster Wman1996 (on 01 August 2023)

You can't add up the sales of multiple.platform versions of a game with a single platform game. The GameCube version of Prime is the highest seller of the Prime games so that's all you can use for a fair comparison.

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Qwark (on 31 July 2023)

Not bad, but considering how other Nintendo franchises really do record numbers on Switch for their respective franchise definitely not great either.

  • +1
G2ThaUNiT Qwark (on 31 July 2023)

True, but it is the best-selling game in the franchise's history, so hopefully it only continues to rise with each subsequent release.

  • +4
CaptainExplosion (on 31 July 2023)

It deserves such good sales.

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mZuzek (on 31 July 2023)

That took a while. Really hoped it'd have sold better but I suppose best-selling entry in the franchise is good enough.

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Kakadu18 mZuzek (on 31 July 2023)

It didn't reach 3mil just now. Nowhere did that guy say that anyways.

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mZuzek Kakadu18 (on 31 July 2023)

I suppose, but even if it reached 3mil long ago, we now for sure it didn't reach 4mil :s

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Kakadu18 mZuzek (on 31 July 2023)

It's legs previously up until March 2022 told us as much already.

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Shatts (on 31 July 2023)

Oh yeah when is CESA white book this year? It's usually in August but someone told me it was late July.

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Kakadu18 Shatts (on 31 July 2023)

It already released last week.

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Shatts Kakadu18 (on 31 July 2023)

Does anyone have the data

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Kakadu18 Shatts (on 31 July 2023)

I was asking on installbase wether anyone bought the book. Seemingly only someone from the US did, who will get it in a month or two.

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