Switch vs PS4 Sales Comparison - November 2022 (Final Update) - Sales
by William D'Angelo , posted on 16 December 2022 / 16,421 ViewsThe VGChartz sales comparison series of articles are updated monthly and each one focuses on a different sales comparison using our estimated video game hardware figures. The charts include comparisons between the PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S, and Nintendo Switch, as well as with older platforms. There are articles based on our worldwide estimates, as well as the US, Europe, and Japan.
This monthly series compares the aligned worldwide sales of the Nintendo Switch and the PlayStation 4.
The PlayStation 4 launched in November 2013, while the Nintendo Switch launched worldwide in March 2017. Therefore, the holiday periods for the two consoles do not lineup, which is why there are big increases and decreases.
Switch Vs. PS4 Global:
Gap change in latest month: 2,251,129 - Switch
Gap change over last 12 months: 3,612,658 - Switch
Total Lead: 19,046,486 - Switch
Switch Total Sales: 117,269,529
PS4 Total Sales: 98,223,043
November 2022 is the 69th month that the Nintendo Switch has been available for. During the latest month, the gap grew in favor of the Switch by just 2.25 million units when compared to the PS4 during the same timeframe.
In the last 12 months, the Switch has outsold the PS4 by 3.61 million units. The Switch is currently ahead of the PS4 by 19.05 million units.
The 69th month on sale for the Nintendo Switch is November 2022, while for the PlayStation 4 it is July 2019. The Switch has sold 117.27 million units, while the PlayStation 4 sold 98.22 million units during the same timeframe.
This month the Nintendo Switch has now outsold lifetime PlayStation 4 sales. The Switch's 117.27 million units sold is above the 117.03 million the PS4 has sold lifetime.
A life-long and avid gamer, William D'Angelo was first introduced to VGChartz in 2007. After years of supporting the site, he was brought on in 2010 as a junior analyst, working his way up to lead analyst in 2012 and taking over the hardware estimates in 2017. He has expanded his involvement in the gaming community by producing content on his own YouTube channel and Twitch channel. You can contact the author on Twitter @TrunksWD.
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The little tablet that could.
Passing the PS4 without a taper to be seen.
And that's just the beginning folks. The top 3 are next. Hopefully we see the switch prevail
What are you even talking about with the "Wii's generation ended in 3 months." Even hyperbolically this isn't funny. It just seems salty. In fact, the entire comment seems pretty salty. Looking through your post history, in fact, you seem nothing but salty about the Switch. Move along.
What are you talking about WiiU launch now? 3 months? Explain to me as if I am a child.
Now do PS2 and see where you end up. We, by the way, are on a sales site, and considering that we weigh one platform versus another, total sales do matter...to this forum. For Nintendo? Nope. For gamers? Nope. But right here, in this little place on planet Earth where we look at sales, the switch becoming number three and possibly number two or one is significant, no matter the time it takes to get there. And it isn't like Nintendo has been milking the system to get it to this point. For the first time since it came out it is finally not winning each month.
Pokemon developers are lazy. That is a given and has been so since the company began making Pokemon games. Also, no one ever cares, which is why they continue to be lazy. It is not a support of whatever argument you are trying to make. Is the Switch long in the tooth, you betcha. Are you someone this is worth debating? Nope. Because you have never liked the concept or approach of the Switch. the fact that it is on its way to becoming the third best selling piece of hardware of all time suggests that the audience for games and fun and Nintendo doesn't care either. But continue whatever fight you think is worth having. It doesn't change the numbers on the ground.
Look at Xenoblade Chronicles 3, Breath of the Wild, or any of the many impossible ports and you will see the Pokemon Company is very lazy. Again, they have no reason to invest more resources or take the time to get the coding done within the Switch's limitations. This Pokemon will sell like hotcakes regardless. By the way, no one here is hoping that Nintendo doesn't have a follow-up to the Switch. the fact is, though, that considering the pipeline of software that isn't happening in the next six months. And when it does launch, I want more than Mario 64. Using one of the worst selling systems for Nintendo as a selling point for moving on faster doesn't seem to be a sound approach. They need to take their time with the launch. They need to get a great pipeline of software ready to go from themselves and from third parties and they need to not do a rush job. Nintendo has a terrible track record with following up their success, and most of us just want them to get off on the right track.
Smart move to delete the comments haha
No point in talking to people meat shielding a corporation's 6 year old console lol! (that console with a 8 year old cellphone CPU in it) Too many people here have reached "fandom" and can't talk about anything rationally. Meanwhile the SNES was fighting off the PS1 after just 3 years and the SNES was finished by year 5.
Literally the only problem with Pokemon is the Switch hardware. Instead people just want to attack Game Freak lol, meanwhile the game is running perfectly on PC. I'm tired of my $100 CAD dollar game purchases being ruined by the hardware I'm forced to run the games on. Those games are not cheap.
The Switch is oversaturated in the market and nobody playing the PS5 and Series X or PC today is interested in the product anymore.
The largest media franchise in the world releases a game on one of the most popular consoles of all time.
It's ridiculous to note that the only thing wrong with Pokemon is the hardware. An exclusive title should not have this many performanve issues. Especially not from a company who's been so close to the hardware developers for so long. You design the game according to the specs the hardware has. If talking about third party ports running like ass, an argument can be made, but not here.
When multiple developers have released games with better graphics, bigger worlds, more systems and better performance the issue clearly doesn't reside with the hardware.
The problem is that GameFreak developers are pressured by the anime release and are on a very tight deadline. They don't have the time to develop the Pokemon game everyone feels they should be able to.
Practically every major Nintendo game released recently has the same problems with the CPU. That's why there is so much pop in. Sonic Frontiers, Splatoon 3 in the city. Pokemon. The same. That's a CPU problem.
Pokemon has pop in and performance issues. At least the other games only have pop in issues other than sonic. But that has pop in issues on PS5, so that's just a sonic frontiers problem I guess.
No matter how you want to look at it, Pokemon is always more problematic than other exclusives. And it's not just this game. Sword and shield also had issues.
And I'm not baselessly criticizing Pokemon. Regardless of the technical issues, the games are still fun. So it's not like gamefreak has staff problems. They have a schedule problem more than anything. Hiring more programmers has diminishing returns, because each additional programmer doesn't add 1 programmer's worth of work to the project due to collaboration and communication within the studio.
The games need an extra half a year of development time at least. And we'll find out depending on when and what gets fixed with the updates. That's all there is to it. Splatoon 3 had 5 years. Xenoblade 3 had 5. Zelda had 6. Meanwhile gamefreak makes a game close to the same scale as Zelda or Xenoblade and does it in less time. They're being given an impossible task to do it in 3 years.
No it's not, it's a problem with developers overestimating the capabilities of the CPU. One of the issues here is that performance, for many developers, has a lower threshold than we would like. Sonic Frontiers doesn't matter in this discussion because we're talking about Pokémon, a Switch exclusive.
The City in Splatoon 3 acts as a hub I assume, they could have easily created a hub that runs perfectly fine on the Switch. The Switch is not incapable of processing a 3D hub in 1080p at 30fps, it's just incapable of properly processing the hub they have created.
Outside of that, there is a lot more wrong with Pokémon S/V. Many of the mechanics or UI elements have not changed since 1996. The only combat additions over the years have been more types and a new skin on a powerup ability every new gen. Combat seems to have slowed down even more as well, with switching Pokémon and dmg text form poison, burn, sandstorm, etc being on a timer and not skippable and taking ages. The writing is horrendous and still with 2 lines of text maximum at a time, this isn't a GameBoy screen anymore. Mostly I'm not really bothered by voice acting or not, but again, the biggest media franchise in the world with a tie-in Anime, with no voice acting in the games? They have the actors and they sure as hell have the money.
Sonic Frontiers is not even a Nintendo game, it's a Sega game that was made for more powerful hardware and scaled back to run on Switch. There's pop in in every single version of this game too, even on more powerful hardware.
I don't recall any distracting pop in the Splatoon 3 hub. It's also such a small part of the game that it's even weird that you bring that up; the majority of the game you're either playing turf war, ranked, salmon run or you're in the story mode. All of these modes run in 60 FPS with drops rarely ocurring in salmon run. It's just not a problematic game.
I haven't played Pokémon S/V, but from what I've seen it's a poorly optimized game that was rushed to meet a deadline. Maybe a more powerful Switch would've helped, but on this game case it's not just about the hardware.
And while I do agree the Switch hardware is old and it's showing, the examples you're bringing up don't show any of that and for Nintendo games it's (still) fine.
Ah, the infamous cliff. That's become a VGChartz tradition.