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Switch Ships 111.08 Million Units as of June 2022, Nintendo Switch Sports Sells 4.84 Million

Switch Ships 111.08 Million Units as of June 2022, Nintendo Switch Sports Sells 4.84 Million - Sales

by William D'Angelo , posted on 03 August 2022 / 5,697 Views

Nintendo has released its latest hardware and software figures for the Nintendo Switch through June 30, 2022. Shipments figures for the Nintendo Switch reached 111.08 million units, while 863.59 million Switch games have been shipped lifetime.

For the quarter ending June 30, 2022, Nintendo shipped 3.43 million Switch units and 41.41 million Switch games.

Breaking down the 111.08 million lifetime shipped figure for the Switch, it has shipped 43.30 million units in the Americas, 28.70 million in Europe, 25.95 million in Japan, and 13.13 million in the rest of the world.

The regular Nintendo switch model accounts for 84.77 million units of the 111.08 million Switch consoles shipped worldwide. The Switch Lite accounts for 18.99 million units and the Switch OLED accounts for 7.32 million units.

Nintendo has not changed its forecast for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2023, which was set at 21.0 million units for the Nintendo Switch and 210 million games. If Nintendo hits its forecast the Switch will ship 128.65 million units by March 2023 and 1.03 billion games.

Nintendo for the quarter reported net sales were down 4.7 percent to ¥307.46 billion ($2.29 billion) and an operating profit down 15.1 percent to ¥101.65 billion ($0.76 billion).

Here are the top 10 best-selling Switch first-party titles:

  1. Mario Kart 8 Deluxe – 46.82 million
  2. Animal Crossing: New Horizons – 39.38 million
  3. Super Smash Bros. Ultimate – 28.82 million
  4. The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild – 27.14 million
  5. Pokemon Sword / Pokemon Shield – 24.50 million
  6. Super Mario Odyssey – 23.93 million
  7. Super Mario Party – 18.06 million
  8. Pokemon Brilliant Diamond / Pokemon Shining Pearl – 14.79 million
  9. Pokemon: Let’s Go, Pikachu! / Pokemon: Let’s Go, Eevee! – 14.66 million
  10. Ring Fit Adventure – 14.54 million
Nintendo also shared the sales figures of more games:
  1. Nintendo Switch Sports – 4.84 million - New
  2. Kirby and the Forgotten Land – 4.53 million
  3. Mario Strikers: Battle League – 1.91 million - New

A life-long and avid gamer, William D'Angelo was first introduced to VGChartz in 2007. After years of supporting the site, he was brought on in 2010 as a junior analyst, working his way up to lead analyst in 2012 and taking over the hardware estimates in 2017. He has expanded his involvement in the gaming community by producing content on his own YouTube channel and Twitch channel. You can contact the author on Twitter @TrunksWD.

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ShadowLink93 (on 03 August 2022)

Vgchartz estimated 3.6 million Switch's were sold for the quarter, only 170K difference from shipped.

  • +12
eddy7eddy (on 03 August 2022)

Where is the guy who says that shipped is the same as Sold... when you need it?

Jokes aside, Switch is doing Titles sales Records harder to beat every day!

  • +8
darthv72 eddy7eddy (on 03 August 2022)

I guess you could say [technically] it is. Shipped to retailers is the same as sold to retailers. Nintendo just doesnt give them away for free. Retailers orders them to be sold through to customers. If they dont sell, the retailer then has to make the decision to either sell for less (to recoup some of their investment) or send them back (if the company has agreed to buy back stock).

  • 0
Alistair eddy7eddy (on 03 August 2022)

Well don't forget Call of Duty (both titles) outsold every Switch game last year. Even the panned Battlefield 2042 outsold every game except for Pokemon in the US. but yeah, Nintendo had a good year.

  • -6
Kakadu18 Alistair (on 04 August 2022)

These numbers here are global. And NPD does not have digital for Nintendo games.

  • 0
Alistair Kakadu18 (on 04 August 2022)

The Call of Duty numbers are global also, I was just pointing out that even Battlefield 2042 is better in the US than every game except pokemon... so literally Nintendo is not setting records, they are not the top sellers

Nintendo defense force in action again lol...

That's why Sony is very worried about Microsoft buying Call of Duty. That is literally buying the 1st and 2nd highest selling game in the last year.

  • -5
Kakadu18 Alistair (on 04 August 2022)

You have global CoD sales numbers? Do you mind sharing? Because there are no publicly available numbers for the recent CoDs, especially not global.

  • +1
CourageTCD (on 03 August 2022)

1.03 billion games at the end of the fiscal year... Wow!

  • +7
Ljink96 CourageTCD (on 03 August 2022)

And all without mega selling 3rd party games like Call of Duty, GTA, etc.

  • +2
Sogreblute CourageTCD (on 03 August 2022)

I did the math from the latest and known sales numbers (so most numbers aren't up to date). Nintendo published games are around 420 million of that 863.59 million. Nearly half of all game sales (excluding digital only games since Nintendo doesn't include them in their total) are from Nintendo themselves. When people say no game company can match Nintendo sales this is why. Sony and Microsoft wish they could get that attach rate. If you include digital only game sales then the Switch software sales are most definitely above 1 Billion now and I bet Switch software total with digital could surpass PS4.

  • +2
UnderwaterFunktown (on 03 August 2022)

"If Nintendo hits its forecast the Switch will ship 128.65 million units in March 2023 and 1.03 billion games." Damn. That's gonna be a hell of a month.

  • +6
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Lukitoo (on 03 August 2022)

Ring Fit's legs are amazing, it will probably jump to #8 next update!

  • +6
Bofferbrauer2 Lukitoo (on 03 August 2022)

That is, if it's not getting overtaken by some other title.

NSMBUDX , Pokemon Arceus and Switch Sports are all titles that could potentially overtake RFA. Maybe they will not manage to do that yet next quarter, but during the holiday season, it could get tough to stay in the top 10.

  • +2
Pajderman Lukitoo (on 08 August 2022)

It appeals to a broad population that buys games more from word of mouth then from keeping up with the latest gaming news. I think it still have a few million sales left.

  • 0
Zeruda-Hime (on 03 August 2022)

The sales of the new titles are crazy...

  • +3
xMetroid (on 05 August 2022)

The fact that Kirby is performing so well is not only good for the franchise, but also for every Nintendo IP. In the Wii U era, some series remained on the cheaper side and lacked ambition. This shows that their new approach of more ambitious titles will also translate in sale numbers. Kirby might be able to reach 10 millions in the long run and that's unexpected for the series.

It will bee interesting what games can still get into the top 10 now. Feels like Pokemon S/V, Botw 2 and maybe a new Mario 3D title are the only options.

As for Switch HW, it slowed down a bit but it's 2 next quarter are going to be pretty strong imo. It will have only 30-35 millions to sell to reach DS/PS2 numbers. Thing is, it is still on a really healthy baseline right now and don't require only holiday pricing to boost it's numbers yearly. Next year could very well still be a 19-20 million year. Again, all depends on when the next console is released.

  • +2
Paatar xMetroid (on 07 August 2022)

Oh I definitely think it’s safe to say Kirby will hit 10m. It hasn’t even had one holiday yet and it’s been out for just over 4 months. With the insane legs of first party Nintendo games, I’d easily bet that.

  • +3
Darwinianevolution (on 04 August 2022)

Nintendo is printing money once again. Is there a comparison of the Switch's net profits in comparison to the Wii/DS generation?

  • +2
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