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Analyst: Xbox Series X|S Has Shipped Over 12 Million Units

Analyst: Xbox Series X|S Has Shipped Over 12 Million Units - Sales

by William D'Angelo , posted on 03 February 2022 / 3,736 Views

Head of Xbox Phil Spencer this week  revealed the Xbox Series X|S remains the fastest-selling Xbox console generation in history

"Supply is actually as big as it's ever been. It's that demand is exceeding the supply," said Spencer at the time. "At this point, we’ve sold more of this generation of Xboxes, which is Xbox Series X and S, than we had any previous version of Xbox. So it’s our job to get the supply there to meet that demand."

Senior Analyst at Niko Partners Daniel Ahmad via Twitter says his estimates put shipment figures for the Xbox Series X|S at over 12 million units.

"This would put Xbox Series X|S over 12 million shipped according to our estimates," said Ahmad. 

"The dual SKU strategy has paid off for Microsoft amid the the supply chain issues / semiconductor shortage. Increased production of [Xbox Series] S allowed for more Xboxes on shelves than if they only had [Xbox Series] X."

The latest VGChartz estimates has sell-through Xbox Series X|S sales at 11.48 million units as of December 25, 2021.

A life-long and avid gamer, William D'Angelo was first introduced to VGChartz in 2007. After years of supporting the site, he was brought on in 2010 as a junior analyst, working his way up to lead analyst in 2012. He has expanded his involvement in the gaming community by producing content on his own YouTube channel and Twitch channel dedicated to gaming Let's Plays and tutorials. You can contact the author at or on Twitter @TrunksWD.

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jason1637 (on 11 January 2022)

Thats a great start for MS. A lot better situation than last gen.

  • +12
freebs2 jason1637 (on 12 January 2022)

True. It may sound a bit absurd after this gen, but I think this MS has a chance to not only going toe to toe with the PS5, but even take the lead.

  • Gamepass is contributing to increase the overall value proposition of the Xbox ecosystem as a whole, and it can only get better in the future.
  • If they manage maintain the Series S positioning as a console for 60-120fps@1080p gaming I can see it becoming a very popular entry level for multiplayer and, in general, for younger players on a budget.
  • Plus they can potentially get a great boost from exclusives this time, especially from Bethesda's IPs, like Elder Scrolls and Fallout, on top of games from all the other studios they've bought.
  • +3
ironmanDX freebs2 (on 12 January 2022)

Hmm, they're definitely gaining ground but I just don't see them overtaking the PS5 except maybe globally... In the US.

  • +2
aTokenYeti (on 11 January 2022)

This more or less lines up with VGChartz then, wouldn’t it? Since VGC is sell through and not shipped

  • +7
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DeEscapist (on 11 January 2022)

Its a lot for a console which share game library with steam, pc, epic, cloud, mobile etc.
Anyway i Gotta feeling the last updates underestimate Series sales mainly S one.
Its on tops sales on eBay, amazon, allegro etc where series x and PS5 is hard to find.

  • +1
victor83fernandes DeEscapist (on 11 January 2022)

Its really not a lot when you consider gamepass where you get games almost for free and the 300 dollars console. Also because ps5 was not available, so parents buying this Christmas had no choice other than switch or xbox series S, but most people already have a switch so Xbox series S was actually the only option for many.
If the ps5 was available I'm sure these numbers would have been different.
All in all is good, makes both companies fight with good games and push each other with pricing and services etc.
Xbox doing well means PS5 will have a better future with better games, because Sony will try harder this time. In my case I couldnt care for the xbox as my PC is probably more powerful than the series X, but this is good news because Microsoft will invest in games.

  • -8
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HoangNhatAnh victor83fernandes (on 11 January 2022)

PC is probably more powerful than ps5 too

  • +1
KratosLives HoangNhatAnh (on 12 January 2022)

Yes but you can get gamepass on pc and play the exclusives. There wouldn't be a need for the series x.

  • +1
HoangNhatAnh KratosLives (on 12 January 2022)

It's just a matter of time for PS5 games to come to PC

  • +2
KratosLives HoangNhatAnh (on 13 January 2022)

Day one? Not unless they come out with a gamepass of their own.probably not for another 2 or 3 years.

  • +1
HoangNhatAnh KratosLives (on 13 January 2022)

There are dozen of games to play while waiting for them unless people only play Sony games which means only 4,5 games a year at most. All other games are 3rd party.

  • -1
KratosLives HoangNhatAnh (on 13 January 2022)

I'm not talking about gamepass on xbox.

  • 0
HoangNhatAnh KratosLives (on 13 January 2022)

i didn't even mention gamepass . Are you ok?

  • -2
KratosLives HoangNhatAnh (on 13 January 2022)

Why imply that ps5 games will come to pc? What point were you trying to counter?

  • +4
DeEscapist victor83fernandes (on 12 January 2022) means you don't have to buy Xbox, you can get PC of "fridge" and play MS games.

  • 0
Livewitharya (on 11 January 2022)

I guess VGCz is in line with the estimates. Phil's no. are up till 10th Jan 2022 and by that time Xbox will be over 12M as per VGCz. (Considering the consoles were available for one whole day to order at the end of December in the UK).

  • +1
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jvmkdg (on 11 January 2022)

but would that be units manufactured or sold?

  • +1
aTokenYeti jvmkdg (on 11 January 2022)

Says so right in the title, this is units shipped not sold. How much over 12 million shipped will determine a rough estimate of how much the sell through is

  • -1
jvmkdg aTokenYeti (on 11 January 2022)

Does this mean that vgchartz estimates are a little high? since it takes about 3 weeks for all units to reach the final consumer?

  • 0
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DonFerrari shikamaru317 (on 12 January 2022)

You know that is nonsense, It certainly is below 12.5M, and if it was anywhere between 12.3 and 12.5 he would have said close to 12.5M.

  • -1
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DonFerrari shikamaru317 (on 12 January 2022)

But you would believe that they would say above 12M instead of less than 13M even with over 12.6M shipped? Experience hear shows that it is more likely something between 12.0 and 12.1 than 12.6 from the phrasing.

  • -2
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DonFerrari shikamaru317 (on 12 January 2022)

Regarding VGC tracking I do believe it is within margin of error.

  • 0
victor83fernandes jvmkdg (on 11 January 2022)

vgchartz was always biased towards xbox, you'd know that if you were here since the 360 era.

  • -9
victor83fernandes jvmkdg (on 11 January 2022)

Its the same, all consoles manufactured were actually sold.

  • -5
Kakadu18 victor83fernandes (on 11 January 2022)

No it's not the same. The shipment number is always a few weeks behind the sellthrough number because it takes time to ship the consoles.

  • +8
SanAndreasX (on 11 January 2022)

I wonder if the Series S was planned specifically because they knew the S was going to HTF with the pandemic.

  • -1
ireadtabloids SanAndreasX (on 11 January 2022)

They had been talking for a long time about tempering GPU power expectations, which I think was to prepare some people for the Series S. I think they would have needed a few more months of warning to make those kinds of changes.

  • +2
DonFerrari ireadtabloids (on 12 January 2022)

Strange the tempering GPU expectations considering their marketing for X1X and Series X.

  • -1
DonFerrari (on 11 January 2022)

So his estimative was just picking up whatever X1 was at and putting it above it? Daniel usually do better than this.

  • -10
scrapking DonFerrari (on 11 January 2022)


  • 0
Kakadu18 scrapking (on 11 January 2022)

Xbox One

  • 0
HoangNhatAnh DonFerrari (on 11 January 2022)

if this is about ps5, you will agree with him immediately

  • -1
DonFerrari HoangNhatAnh (on 12 January 2022)

That is because you are lacking comprehension skills. I said that his analysis are usually better fundamented (written), here he is basically just basing how much Series shipped based on it being more than X1. I`m not saying his numbers are wrong, the amount is bad or anything, just that the justification is poorly made.
Sony gives us PS5 numbers (while MS stopped giving Xbox numbers ever since close to 10M in X1 days), and we know that shipment is quite close to PS4. If he said PS5 shipped this amount because it is close to what PS4 shipped I would have said the same thing, that he usually do better than it.

  • -3
mjk45 DonFerrari (on 12 January 2022)

MS not giving out numbers is the reason why he used that method, it wasn't about giving us the exact numbers but to give us an approximation based of the limited info provided.

  • +1
DonFerrari mjk45 (on 13 January 2022)

He certainly have more data, like what he gets from NPD, GFk, Famitsu, etc. But the way he phrased makes it looks like he is basing everything on "outselling X360 and X1 launch aligned". So again, the point isn`t that he is wrong or how the sales are faring, just that the wording is weak.

  • 0
HoangNhatAnh DonFerrari (on 12 January 2022)

So anything good about Sony is correct, and anything good about Sony's competitors is wrong, got it.

  • -4
DonFerrari HoangNhatAnh (on 13 January 2022)

You really have problems reading.

  • +2
HoangNhatAnh DonFerrari (on 13 January 2022)

better than someone who is bias as hell.

  • -8
DonFerrari HoangNhatAnh (on 13 January 2022)

One to talk right?

  • +2
Hynad HoangNhatAnh (on 13 January 2022)

But Hoang… You ARE biased as hell. ?

  • +4
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