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PS5 vs Xbox Series X|S vs Switch Sales Comparison Charts Through November 27

PS5 vs Xbox Series X|S vs Switch Sales Comparison Charts Through November 27 - Sales

by William D'Angelo , posted on 07 December 2021 / 4,871 Views

Here we see data representing the global sales through to consumers and change in sales performance of the three current platforms (PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S, and Nintendo Switch) and three legacy platforms (PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Nintendo 3DS) over comparable periods for 2018, 2019, 2020, and 2021. Also shown is the market share for each of the consoles over the same periods.

Year to Date Sales Comparison (Same Periods Covered)

PS5 vs Xbox Series X|S vs Switch Sales Comparison Charts Through November 27

PS5 vs Xbox Series X|S vs Switch Sales Comparison Charts Through November 27

Market Share (Same Periods Covered)

PS5 vs Xbox Series X|S vs Switch Sales Comparison Charts Through November 27

2018 – (Week ending January 13 to December 1)

2019 – (Week ending January 12 to November 30)

2020 – (Week ending January 11 to November 28)

2021 – (Week ending January 9 to November 27)

"Year to date" sales for 2018, 2019, 2020, and 2021 sales are shown in series at the top of the table and then just below a comparison of 2021 versus 2020 and 2021 versus 2019 is displayed.  This provides an easy-to-view summary of all the data.

Total Sales and Market Share for Each Year

PS5 vs Xbox Series X|S vs Switch Sales Comparison Charts Through November 27


  • Xbox One – Down Year-on-Year 1,912,313 (-71.4%)
  • Xbox Series X|S – Up Year-on-Year 5,339,687 (+311.7%)


  • Nintendo Switch - Down Year-on-Year 1,748,008 (-8.0%)
  • Nintendo 3DS – Down Year-on-Year 382,410 (-91.9%)


  • PlayStation 4 – Down Year-on-Year 5,605,266 (-73.1%)
  • PlayStation 5 – Up Year-on-Year 8,541,149 (+303.2%)

A life-long and avid gamer, William D'Angelo was first introduced to VGChartz in 2007. After years of supporting the site, he was brought on in 2010 as a junior analyst, working his way up to lead analyst in 2012. He has expanded his involvement in the gaming community by producing content on his own YouTube channel and Twitch channel dedicated to gaming Let's Plays and tutorials. You can contact the author at or on Twitter @TrunksWD.

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AJNShelton (on 07 December 2021)

Yas, EDIT 20.0.7 million for the Switch so far, and we still have a whole December month to go, this still gonna be epic

  • +11
CourageTCD AJNShelton (on 07 December 2021)

20,07 actually

  • +4
AJNShelton CourageTCD (on 07 December 2021)

Same, qame, different, but still the same

  • 0
Greenfox (on 07 December 2021)

It looks like Switch will stay around 25M this year. Good results, although it raises a lot of doubts about what 2022 will be like, and if it will be able to stay above 20M.

  • +4
Legit Greenfox (on 08 December 2021)

How many big Nintendo games coming out next year ?

  • 0
Greenfox Legit (on 08 December 2021)

As of today, many, more than 7 major exclusives, and quite a few things still to be announced. However, big releases don't always mean big sales, especially in the sixth year of a console's life.

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xMetroid (on 08 December 2021)

Nice to see Xbox S so close to PS5. Competition will be good for both of them this gen. We can already tell with Sony working on a Gamepass competitor. Xbox is finally getting some big exclusive and it will continue to show into next year. Big games for the 3 consoles are on the way and this is what's exciting.
On the other corner there's the Switch reaching 20 millions with 5 more weeks to go. It should end up at around 26 millions this year which great. No DS could be achieve from the shortage, but this is still Wii peak level numbers and i feel like we don't realize that.
Many ways Nintendo could stabilize the sales next year, it will be interesting to see how it all plays out.

  • +1
siebensus4 (on 07 December 2021)

So far I am right that Switch can hold the 50 % market share in 2021 (I made that prediction last year).

  • +1
Zippy6 siebensus4 (on 08 December 2021)

Should be pretty safe bet at this point. PS5+XSX will combine for about 23.5m, Switch should be over 25m.

  • 0
aTokenYeti (on 07 December 2021)

I think 8 million for 2021 for Xbox, and around 14ish million for PlayStation seems like a reasonable prediction at this point? All 3 will probably still see strong sales in the run up to Christmas

One thing I wonder is if there will be a huge post holiday drop off like you have seen in most years. I think there is still going to be a drop off, but maybe not as extreme as before if demand is still really high

  • 0
kenjab aTokenYeti (on 07 December 2021)

Not sure why you'd think Xbox would sell only 1M more for the rest of the year while PS5 sells nearly 3M more. Assuming Xbox can keep up Series S production like they did for BF, XBS should sell pretty close to PS5 the rest of the year.

  • +5
aTokenYeti kenjab (on 07 December 2021)

My numbers definitely could be off. I think I just remember hearing somewhere that Sony was targeting 14 million units for 2021. Maybe I’m understating Xbox’s sales potential

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scrapking aTokenYeti (on 08 December 2021)

To your second point, I don't think we'll see a huge drop-off due to the high degree of pent-up demand. You have people with a PS5 who're looking still for a Series X, people with a Series X still looking for a PS5, people with a PS5 who will decide to get a Series S for Microsoft exclusives, and people who're holding off for a specific current-gen console that they haven't found yet. We've never before had this much pent-up demand after consoles have gone through two full holiday seasons.

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