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PS4 vs DS in Europe Sales Comparison - June 2021

PS4 vs DS in Europe Sales Comparison - June 2021 - Sales

by William D'Angelo , posted on 08 August 2021 / 2,261 Views

The VGChartz sales comparison series of articles are updated monthly and each one focuses on a different sales comparison using our estimated video game hardware figures. The charts include comparisons between the PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S, and Nintendo Switch, as well as with older platforms. There are articles based on our worldwide estimates, as well as the US, Europe, and Japan.

This monthly series compares the aligned European sales of the PlayStation 4 and the Nintendo DS.

The DS launched in March 2005 in Europe, while the PlayStation 4 launched in November 2013. Therefore, the holiday periods for the two consoles do not lineup, that is why you see spikes and dips. The DS is the best-selling platform in Europe in the last two video game generations, while the PlayStation 4 comes in second place.

PS4 vs DS in Europe Sales Comparison - June 2021

PS4 vs DS in Europe Sales Comparison - June 2021

PlayStation 4 Vs. DS Europe:

Gap change in latest month: 55,907 – PS4

Gap change over last 12 months: 1,170,883 – PS4

Total Lead: 2,991,151 - DS

PlayStation 4 Total Sales: 48,435,053

DS Total Sales: 51,426,204

June 2021 is the 92nd month that the PlayStation 4 has been available for in Europe. During the latest month, the PlayStation 4 has closed the gap when compared with the DS during the same timeframe by 55,907 units. The PlayStation 4 has outsold the DS by 1.17 million units in the last 12 months. The Nintendo DS currently leads by 2.99 million units.

The 92nd month on sale for the PlayStation 4 in Europe is June 2021, while for the Nintendo DS it is October 2012. The PlayStation 4 has sold 48.44 million units, while the Nintendo DS sold 51.43 million units during the same timeframe. The DS sold current PlayStation 4 sales in month 73.

The Nintendo DS ended up selling 51.84 million units lifetime in Europe. The PlayStation 4 is currently 3.40 million units behind the lifetime sales of the Nintendo DS.

A life-long and avid gamer, William D'Angelo was first introduced to VGChartz in 2007. After years of supporting the site, he was brought on in 2010 as a junior analyst, working his way up to lead analyst in 2012. He has expanded his involvement in the gaming community by producing content on his own YouTube channel and Twitch channel dedicated to gaming Let's Plays and tutorials. You can contact the author at or on Twitter @TrunksWD.

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Mnementh (on 08 August 2021)

Hmm, close. But PS4 peters out too much, so I don't think it closes the remainder of the gap. I may be wrong, but that is my current impression.

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Robert_Downey_Jr. (on 11 August 2021)

Ya coulda done it Sony but never dropping below 300 really hurt the legs. Gotta get the cheapos locked into the ecosystem

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Kakadu18 Robert_Downey_Jr. (on 11 August 2021)

The cheapos don't buy that many games, mainly used ones too, not what Sony wants. They probably thought it's not worth it.

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Robert_Downey_Jr. Kakadu18 (on 11 August 2021)

They might sub to plus or now even if they only buy cod and sports

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Agente42 XtremeBG (on 08 August 2021)

i don´t think will work. 200 bucks you have Switch lite. Ps2 longlifespan due for a combination a cheap DVD and no competition in price range. And ps3 bad inicial sales.

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kazuyamishima XtremeBG (on 09 August 2021)

You made a mistake by answering someone that is trolling regarding long legs of PS2.

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Agente42 kazuyamishima (on 09 August 2021)

The Ps2 long legs don´t bring good profits for Sony´s game division. Now he make a good choice, and focus on make profit.

  • +4
Agente42 XtremeBG (on 09 August 2021)

In Europe or around the world? Now, the Ps4 may not have legs for 3 million worldwide. Sony makes the right decision here, focus on profitability and make a transition where their new console sells excellently right from the start. The Ps3 had problems getting off to a rough start, Sony is doing its best by focusing on one console at a time.

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TheBraveGallade Agente42 (on 09 August 2021)

with PS5 having BC, it makes no sense for sony to drop price when they can instead try pushing the ps5 for only around 100$ more...

  • +1

Or they could cut price and get people locked in. That means more plus subs and future ps5 owners when it's price drops and they maybe have more money down the line

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Agente42 Robert_Downey_Jr. (on 12 August 2021)

Reduce profitabilty and have strong competition in the same price range. Devaluete brand, for less profitability.

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