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Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus Sells an Estimated 319,000 Units First Week at Retail

Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus Sells an Estimated 319,000 Units First Week at Retail - Sales

by William D'Angelo , posted on 15 December 2017 / 23,204 Views

The action-adventure first-person shooter game from publisher Bethesda Softworks and developer MachineGames - Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus - sold 319,301 units first week at retail, according to our estimates. First week sales can be viewed on the VGChartz Global Weekly Chart for the week ending October 28.

Breaking down the sales by platform, the game sold best on the PlayStation 4 with 206,705 units sold (65%), compared to 82,745 units sold on the Xbox One (26%) and 29,851 units sold on Windows PC (9%)


Breaking down the sales by region, the game sold best in Europe with 151,871 units sold (48%), compared to 114,517 units sold in the US (36%) and 50,260 units sold in Japan (3%). Looking more closely at Europe, the game sold an estimated 29,163 units in the UK, 32,272 units in Germany, and 23,623 units in France.

Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus released for the PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Windows PC worldwide on October 27.

A life-long and avid gamer, William D'Angelo was first introduced to VGChartz in 2007. After years of supporting the site, he was brought on in 2010 as a junior analyst, working his way up to lead analyst in 2012. He has expanded his involvement in the gaming community by producing content on his own YouTube channel and Twitch channel dedicated to gaming Let's Plays and tutorials. You can contact the author at or on Twitter @TrunksWD.

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reviniente (on 15 December 2017)

Make America Nazi-Free Again.


  • +15
Errorist76 reviniente (on 16 December 2017)

Who would have thought there would come a time where people would downvote you for posting something like this.

  • +1
ROCKY223 (on 15 December 2017)

Thats sad this game should ve sold way more than that

  • +3
SuperNintend0rk (on 15 December 2017)

I'm surprised this game sold so well in Germany. I thought games containing Nazis were either banned or heavily censored there?

  • +3
Green098 SuperNintend0rk (on 15 December 2017)

I believe it was heavily censored in Germany.

  • +2
Errorist76 SuperNintend0rk (on 15 December 2017)

The only thing that is censored/not allowed in Germany these days is showing the's in the Grundgesetz, the constitution. Art is usually free of that but sadly video games, especially shooters, have a hard time to be acknowledged as art.

  • +1
Errorist76 SuperNintend0rk (on 15 December 2017)

Btw most of us like killing Nazis just like the rest of the world...we only get the benefit of laughing a bit more due to some very strange assets and translations :D

  • +1
Locknuts SuperNintend0rk (on 15 December 2017)

They did. They totally erased Hitler's moustache

  • 0
Gamer147 (on 15 December 2017)

Game looks great. Looking forward to it coming out on Switch.

  • +2
Oneeee-Chan!!! (on 15 December 2017)

Seems this game sold well in Japan.

  • +2
reviniente Oneeee-Chan!!! (on 15 December 2017)

Like, 3,555 on PS4 well?

  • 0
reviniente Oneeee-Chan!!! (on 16 December 2017)

More like people showing their displeasure at being treated with such contempt and disrespect by the publisher. Trump didn't win the presidency by securing over 61,000,000 Nazi votes, as the left would have you believe. Bethesda erroneously tried to bank on this misrepresentation. They paid the price.

  • -4
Oneeee-Chan!!! Oneeee-Chan!!! (on 16 December 2017)

Am I Errorist76 ?

  • 0
reviniente Oneeee-Chan!!! (on 16 December 2017)

No. I'm fairly certain you're Oneeee-Chan!!! When comments go below the voting threshold, they disappear and clicking on them scrolls the entire list in a way I find particulary difficult to navigate, for me at least. So in trying to respond to Errorist76, I misplaced this comment. My apologies.

  • 0
Errorist76 Oneeee-Chan!!! (on 17 December 2017)

No, but Trump used the same methods as Hitler did back then, using hate, xenophobia and general disappointment to gather votes and everybody who voted for him could have voted for Hitler back then. It's a simple and clear analogy. People who critisize that, are ignorant. It's the sad truth.
And people who sympathise with a dumb, xenophobe asshole are maybe no Nazis yet, but definitely dumb, xenophobe assholes...could just call them Nazis to make it easier.

  • +1
JEMC (on 17 December 2017)

It's a shame. The game should have sold better :-(. But it looks like it did very well during Black Friday, so maybe it's just that people don't want to play full price for a single player only game.

  • 0
Azzanation (on 16 December 2017)

Damn that's not great sales for a great game. And gamers complained about Forza 7 selling bad and this is a Multiplat. Hope the next one really hits the ball out the park. Sales don't make games better and this game is a quality game. I recommend it.

  • 0
Korvo_Attano (on 15 December 2017)

Got it about a week ago on PS Store along with the Season Pass for 44 euros. So far it looks and plays great, I like the New Order and Old Blood so I was sure I would like this one too.

  • 0
teamsilent13 (on 15 December 2017)
  • -17
Errorist76 (on 15 December 2017)
  • -17
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