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VGChartz Score



Alternative Names

マリオ+ラビッツ キングダムバトル


Ubisoft Milan



Release Dates

08/29/17 Ubisoft
01/18/18 Nintendo
08/27/17 Ubisoft

Community Stats

Owners: 91
Favorite: 9
Tracked: 4
Wishlist: 0
Now Playing: 10

Avg Community Rating:


Mario + Rabbids: Kingdom Battle (NS) > Opinions (38)

heavenmercenary01 posted 14/06/2021, 12:18
Isn't this 7.5M already?
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Sietjie posted 27/01/2019, 08:12
29 December 2018 - 2.59M
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Zeruda-Hime posted 21/01/2019, 01:47
I wait Mario + Rabbids 2 D:
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xMetroid posted 30/12/2018, 08:18
Sold so well... i'm sure Ubi are making more games for Switch right this moment
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fedfed posted 05/09/2018, 02:19
Sales look higher in here... Ubisoft announced 2mil in August!
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Munchies posted 11/05/2018, 03:30
This should easily be above 2M.
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Munchies posted 04/05/2018, 04:54
I really wish we could some real update on this! I bet Ubisoft is satisfied with the numbers.
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curl-6 posted 10/04/2018, 03:21
At this rate it could reach 3 million lifetime. Ubi should be pleased with that.
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Rogerioandrade posted 23/03/2018, 12:17
1,59 million?
Not bad! Not bad at all! Glad to see this incredible game getting the attention it deserves!...
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Munchies posted 19/03/2018, 03:47
Very good sales for this!
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xMetroid posted 26/02/2018, 10:25
Showing incredible legs, almost 1.5 millions !
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alejollorente10 posted 05/02/2018, 07:39
1 million seller!
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friendlyfamine posted 24/01/2018, 05:43
FW Japan was 66k+, good shit! That's better than NA FW! So if it doesn't tank we should see 500k in both regions by the end of this year.
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xMetroid posted 23/01/2018, 01:38
Almost 1 million !! The word of mouth and Nintendo legs are working. It started pretty shy (except in Europe) but overall it's doing amazing now. I think it will reach 2 million in 2018 with the DLCs and the release in Japan.
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xboxonefan posted 23/01/2018, 01:15
almost 1 million
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friendlyfamine posted 14/01/2018, 02:16
Almost 1 million club baby! Not even including Japan. Definitely we will see more Ubi support soon
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Dulfite posted 13/01/2018, 10:09
I'm VERY happy this game is over 500k in Europe now. I review games and I've done over 70 now, both new and old, and this game currently sits as #4 with a 96/100. It is simply pure fun!
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hunter_alien posted 08/01/2018, 10:34
It only launches in Japan in a over a week. So the consesnus is still out. Still it should easily do 1 milion + at retail in 2017 when we will have all the numbers.
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Fededx posted 08/01/2018, 10:37
No Japanese numbers?
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hunter_alien posted 22/12/2017, 02:46
Juist started the game yesterday. Having a blast so far Hope the game will do well as this is one of the best Ubisoft game I have played in the last 6-7 years.
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oniyide posted 08/12/2017, 04:25
the Rayman series as a whole is really popular in Europe, moreso than America.
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Nautilus posted 02/12/2017, 03:07
Maybe because its made by an european team, and thus can have a bigger appeal there?Or that this game is more popular digitally than physical on the US? Much like there will be games that have a bigger potential in japan(Splatoon), there can be games that simply resonate better with Europe than other regions.Im not saying that the numbers cant be wrong, but I dont see how it is without a doubt wrong.I mean, this week it sold an extra 13k on US, it basically did the same number for the third or fourth week on a row.
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Goodnightmoon posted 30/11/2017, 10:33
There is no way in this world the game has sold so poorly in NA compared to Europe, is pure nonsense and VGC knows it but still refuses to fix this.
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curl-6 posted 30/11/2017, 05:13
@Nautilus: I don't buy that; why on earth would it sell nearly x2 as much in Europe as NA when pretty much every other Switch game sells more in NA?
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Nautilus posted 29/11/2017, 10:12
This game is having some serious legs.And as for NA numbers being wrong and all, it may not be so, because this game could have simply sold much better digitally.And I mean, its selling constantly 10 to 15k every week, so it makes sense that this game simply did better on Europe, but has long standing appeal.
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Goodnightmoon posted 29/11/2017, 08:51
For fuck sake, when is VGC gonna fix this numbers? The game is ridicuoulsy undertraked on NA, is probably around 700k by now or even higher.
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Rogerioandrade posted 28/11/2017, 11:05
I believe that, after the launch in Japan, this game will sell decently, lifetime.
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AngryLittleAlchemist posted 22/11/2017, 04:37
That's GTA V for PS4 btw
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AngryLittleAlchemist posted 22/11/2017, 04:37
To give you guys some perspective, this game is #40 on Amazon U.S.'s top 100 selling video game products. #37 is Grand Theft Auto V. According to VGChartz, GTA V sold 620k in the U.S. in 2017. That's not a perfect comparison, but if we assume the amazon-to-total sales ratio is fairly close for both GTA V and Rabbids, than that means this probably sold around 400k-600k physical copies in the U.S. this year
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Goodnightmoon posted 01/11/2017, 06:27
Thoise NA numbers are still wrong, don't trust this
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Luke888 posted 25/10/2017, 05:14
@CaptainExplosion it's coming out in January in Japan, Nintendo is handling the localization...
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Flilix posted 20/10/2017, 05:39
I wonder how good it will do in Japan. I think it could be a big success over there, but it's also not unlikely that it will disappoint. Very hard to predict.
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Pachofilauri posted 19/10/2017, 02:49
I know those aren't including digital sales, but this was supposed to be the best selling third party game so far on the switch. So if Street fighter sold 500k units from the august reports, this means this number is way too low.
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Nuvendil posted 18/10/2017, 03:03
Yeah, now I am almost certain that NA number is wrong :P
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gentii posted 18/10/2017, 12:08
WoW Great Number for Europe
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boypita posted 18/10/2017, 04:28
Wow great opening for Europe :D
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AngryLittleAlchemist posted 16/10/2017, 02:30
If those first week USA sales aren't fake news then ... I don't know what is!
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Luke888 posted 15/08/2017, 09:24
I believe in this game, I did so since I very first heard about it, here's to hope it sells well enough!
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Shipping Total

2,000,000 Units
As of: September 2018

Player Total

10,000,000 Players
As of: August 29th, 2022

Opinion (38)

heavenmercenary01 posted 14/06/2021, 12:18
Isn't this 7.5M already?
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Sietjie posted 27/01/2019, 08:12
29 December 2018 - 2.59M
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Zeruda-Hime posted 21/01/2019, 01:47
I wait Mario + Rabbids 2 D:
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xMetroid posted 30/12/2018, 08:18
Sold so well... i'm sure Ubi are making more games for Switch right this moment
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fedfed posted 05/09/2018, 02:19
Sales look higher in here... Ubisoft announced 2mil in August!
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Munchies posted 11/05/2018, 03:30
This should easily be above 2M.
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