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Screens and Trailer for PS3 Mech Game Another Century's Episode R - News

by VGChartz Staff , posted on 24 April 2010 / 6,584 Views

Mech games are definitely not uncommon in Japan, and the PS3 has one called Another Century's Episode R coming. The game is being developed by From Software who have also developed another mech series called Armored Core and is being published by Namco Bandai. The game has a variety of mechs from various anime series, including:

- Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion R2
- Full Metal Panic!
- Genesis of Aquarion
- Macross Zero
- Macross Frontier
- Mobile Suit Z Gundam
- Mobile Suit Gundam: Char's Counterattack
- Mobile Suit Crossbone Gundam
- Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Destiny
- Overman King Gainer
- Super Dimension Century Orguss
- Banpresto Originals

The game features CG cutscenes and some beautiful landscapes to go alongside with detailed mechs.

It remains to be seen whether this game will hit Western shores with all the licensing that would have to be done, unfortunately. At least the PS3 offers an easy importing option.








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krizzx (on 26 April 2010)

Hell yeah. Crossbone Gundam and Orguss. Now we're talking.

And thanks goodness they didn't put 00 in it.

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KillerMan (on 26 April 2010)

@Naznatips: Yes critically 00 was indeed better received than SEED but reason for SEED/SEED Destiny popularity is that it has also fans outside of traditional Gundam fanbase. It is more mainstream with its drama etc. I also actually liked SEED more than 00 so I can't agree that it is shitty =D (00 was also good)

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naznatips (on 26 April 2010)

@ Soriku

Bugger off with your crazy stuff. FMP mechs are not terrible, and the lamda driver was one of the most original concepts in a mech anime in a long time. You clearly judge quality on nothing but the size of the explosion.


That's different than the original website I saw, but I'll take yours as accurate since it has more data, and the DVD sales are higher overall. I suppose bad taste is a universal thing. Regardless, SEED was not as well-received critically as 00.

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KillerMan (on 26 April 2010)

@Naznatips: Your Destiny figure seems to be spot on but for 00 I found little lower figure

Destiny: Average rating of 5.39%

00 Season 2: Average rating of 4.47%

Destiny also actually sold a lot more DVD's also (figures are there if you have time.)

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jedi5diah (on 26 April 2010)

for the past ps2 trilogy, are all jap only. i don't think they will do us/eu version. but From Software did produced demon's soul as itz based heavily on western rpg. so there's a slight hope.

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almcchesney (on 26 April 2010)

looks to be one epic game, ill prbly end up importing it since the chance of localization is next to none

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kupomogli (on 26 April 2010)

Just like I posted around a month ago on a site I go to.

This game would be 100% better without the inclusion of Gundam Seed.

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naznatips (on 25 April 2010)

@ Killerman

The ratings were slightly lower, but the difference was close enough as to be inconsequential. SEED Destiny averaged 5.4% on Japanese ratings while Gundam 00 Season 2 averaged 5.1%.

On the other hand, the difference in critical and fan reception is massive. SEED Destiny was given a luekwarm reception at best in Japan, whereas 00 is one of the most acclaimed Gundam series to date to exist outside of the Universal Century timeline. Gundam SEED was received reasonably well, and better than Destiny, but still worse than 00.

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makingmusic476 (on 25 April 2010)

The inclusion of Macross guarantees we won't see this in the West. -_-

I'll probably just import. Woo region free.

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koreanmatt (on 25 April 2010)

OMG my dream come true! I've always wondered what would happen if Geass, Macross, FMP and Gundam fight against or together lol. I hope it gets localized but I doubt it will...

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KillerMan (on 25 April 2010)

@naznatips: That is because (as far as I know) SEED Destiny is more popular than 00 in Japan.

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M.U.G.E.N (on 25 April 2010)

I WANT ThAT! :O Localize this one PLSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS if not gonna have to import

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GerOhMyGosh (on 25 April 2010)

I think I just j@I$ watching that trailer.

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Stefan.De.Machtige (on 25 April 2010)

It looks great!

I loved the macross universe as a kid/manchild. This looks (a bit) like a recon.

Though, i fear that most of you will have to import it. See Naznatips below.

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naznatips (on 25 April 2010)

Still may be worth an import, if only to kill those ridiculously awful SEED mecha designs.

And no, there's 0% chance of localization here. The licenses of these anime are held by at least 4 completely seperate companies, and the licensing fees Namco would have to pay to localize it would be a huge barrier. The Macross license alone is a giant clusterfuck in the west.

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Severance (on 25 April 2010)

jbrist, Demon's Souls is an easy publish, this will need english dub, and they didn't even bother to publish ToV so why bother with this?

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naznatips (on 25 April 2010)

Oh gross. They're using SEED Destiny Gundams (the worst Gundam series in history) instead of Gundam 00 Gundams.

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Kamal (on 25 April 2010)

Am not positive this isn't exactly the first installment of the series, since there were three previous iteration of the series.

Wanted them to add

Gundam: Endless Waltz
G Gundam

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jbrist (on 25 April 2010)

I think this could come over to EU/US, since it's Namco, and they publish everywhere, heck, they're bringing Demon's Souls over here to EU, which is another From Software game, so I'm staying positive that they'll bring it over.

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outlawauron (on 25 April 2010)

I'm had a tinge of glee whenever I saw the Lancelot Albion.

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Kamal (on 25 April 2010)


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Xen (on 25 April 2010)

I'm ready to fucking cry, really...

EVER since I've finished watching Code Geass I've dreamed that FROM would make a mecha game with GEASS mechas... or an Armored Core that allows me to replicate them... everyone who knows will me wil tell you that I'm an Armored Core addict, heck, I'm even buying an X360 to play the better versions of the NEXT AC games on it... and these are fucking MULTIPLATS... that's how much I love AC and mechas.

This... this is the happiest piece I've read all year. I'm so preordering!

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Silver-Tiger (on 25 April 2010)

Looks good, but won't fix my need for a Zone of the Enders game!

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Xen (on 25 April 2010)

Developed by FROM and has GEASS mechs...




dream come TRUE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Severance (on 25 April 2010)

man this and Armored Core , Demon's Souls and 3D Dot Game Heroes From Software is really one of the best this gen.

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kanjitech18 (on 25 April 2010)

As long as I can use the Lamda driver from Full Metal Panic, it was Al's weapon, I'm just gonna have to play it. Hopefully in English but I will import it if necessary. BUT, Namco-Bandai, I definitely wouldn't mind a localization hint hint wink wink nudge nudge.

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hikaruchan (on 25 April 2010)

looks awesome this gen it is good to be a Mecha fan.

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PeteyPeeps (on 25 April 2010)

Looks Amazing! Want it soooo bad!! glad its ps3 exclusive!

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deskpro2k3 (on 25 April 2010)

We must do whatever we can as gamers, to get this game a western release! Damn Harmony Gold ;_;

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greenmedic88 (on 25 April 2010)

Mecha Geek Heaven!
Looks pretty slick along with some good mecha selections. If the game actually plays well, I'd actually consider doing an import. I still have a copy of Macross VF-X in a box somewhere. Too bad it won't play on a region 1 PS3.

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flowjo (on 25 April 2010)

wow i need a good mech game , thanks from software i love you

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johnappseed84 (on 25 April 2010)

It looks like the PS3's lead over the 360 in Japan is starting to pay off in more Japanese exclusives for the PS3.

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haru3173 (on 25 April 2010)

Anything with code geass on it i'll play!

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Kasz216 (on 25 April 2010)

If only we could get a REAL super robot wars game for the PS3 that looked like that. What this having Banpresto originals.

I'll be interested to see what this gameplay looks like. Has a lot of franchises i like.

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Xero (on 25 April 2010)

I want this soooo bad, you guys think it's likely this'll have English text? I will guess my way through the menus if I have to though.

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dsister44 (on 25 April 2010)

pictures 2,4,6, and 7 are corrupt for me =/

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Cross-X (on 25 April 2010)

Looks great but unfortunately I have no interest in mecha games. Otherwise I would be interested in this and Front Mission

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Mahorosan (on 25 April 2010)

Yea...the very fact Macross is in this game seals its fate. It will never see release outside of Japan. Thank Harmony Gold for that.

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huaxiong90 (on 25 April 2010)

reamins to see?

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