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PS5 is Tracking 7% Ahead of the PS4 in the US, Switch is 1.1M Behind Lifetime PS2 Sales

PS5 is Tracking 7% Ahead of the PS4 in the US, Switch is 1.1M Behind Lifetime PS2 Sales - Sales

by William D'Angelo , posted on 07 August 2024 / 3,686 Views

Circana (formerly NPD) Executive Director and Video Game Industry Advisor Mat Piscatella has revealed some data for video game console sales in the US.

In the US, the PlayStation 5 continues to track seven percent ahead of the PlayStation 4 life to date, the Nintendo Switch 1.1 million units away from outselling the lifetime sales of the PlayStation 2, and the Xbox Series X|S isn't that far behind the Xbox 360 life to date.

He added the Xbox Series X|S has outsold the lifetime sales of the original Xbox in the US.

"In the US, PS5 is still 7% ahead of PS4 LTD and Switch is only 1.1M units behind PlayStation 2 in lifetime sales," said Piscatella.

"Even Xbox Series (for all its known challenges) is holding close to Xbox 360's LTD pace (and will get a CF25 boost).

"No, the console market isn't doomed."

A life-long and avid gamer, William D'Angelo was first introduced to VGChartz in 2007. After years of supporting the site, he was brought on in 2010 as a junior analyst, working his way up to lead analyst in 2012 and taking over the hardware estimates in 2017. He has expanded his involvement in the gaming community by producing content on his own YouTube channel and Twitch channel. You can contact the author on Twitter @TrunksWD.

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trunkswd (on 07 August 2024)

VGChartz estimates has the PS5 6.9% ahead of the PS4 in the US (Mat is most likely rounding to 7%). We have XS 1.4% behind the X360 in the US -14.97M for X360 and 14.76M for XS - and have the XS having outsold OG Xbox sales.

  • +8
Wman1996 trunkswd (on 07 August 2024)

The gap between Series and 360 will get massive. The Slim and Kinect caused a huge boost for 360. GTA VI next year (or if it gets delayed into 2026) won't be as big of a bump.

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trunkswd Wman1996 (on 07 August 2024)

Oh yes definitely the Xbox Series X|S pretty much has no chance of being even close to the Xbox 360.

  • +2
ShadowLink93 (on 07 August 2024)

PS2 totals 46.34m if you add up all the individual yearly NPD's (from InstallBase forum), so around 45.24m for Switch.

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Chicho (on 07 August 2024)

Seems like a few words are missing i will put in parenthesis what i think they are.

"In the US, the PlayStation 5 continues to track seven percent (ahead)of the PlayStation 4 life to date, the Nintendo Switch 1.1 million units away from outselling the lifetime sales (of the PS2), and the Xbox Series X|S isn't that far behind the Xbox 360 life to date.

He added the Xbox Series X|S has outsold the lifetime sales of the original Xbox in the US."

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ALinkInTime (on 07 August 2024)

What's the best selling console or handheld all time in the US? I imagine either the PS2 or DS.

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SanAndreasX ALinkInTime (on 07 August 2024)

The DS sold just under 58 million lifetime in the US.

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eddy7eddy SanAndreasX (on 07 August 2024)

Feels like Metaknight tier position from Brawl

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ALinkInTime SanAndreasX (on 07 August 2024)


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javi741 SanAndreasX (on 08 August 2024)

The DS sold 53 million lifetime in the US, not 58 million. 58 Million is the number for the entiretly of North America, not exclusively the U.S.

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JackHandy ALinkInTime (on 07 August 2024)

Th best selling handheld is DS. Home console is PS2.

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ALinkInTime JackHandy (on 07 August 2024)

Thank you.

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siebensus4 (on 08 August 2024)

That 1.5M lead of PS5 vs. PS4 in the US can't compensate the 5M lead of PS4 vs. PS5 in Europe...

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method114 siebensus4 (on 08 August 2024)

Nope it cant but this console generation is different than any other gen before it. Almost all the top played games are still available on last gen. There's never been a time in console history where this has happened. People will be slower to adopt new gens from here on out and I suspect we wont be seeing anymore gen exclusive games from PS5 to PS6.

This is part of the reason Sony has shifted from their thought process and are focused on MAUs more now. Doesn't matter to Sony whether you are on PS4PS5 they just want you in their ecosystem and buying gamesmtx off their store. It's why they've made more money this gen then they ever have and it's only 4 years in.

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