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Neil Druckmann Says Sony Misquoted Him on Redefining Gaming Comment

Neil Druckmann Says Sony Misquoted Him on Redefining Gaming Comment - News

by William D'Angelo , posted on 26 May 2024 / 2,373 Views

Naughty Dog Studio Head and Head of Creative Neil Druckmann in a post in Twitter said his recent interview posted on Sony's official website was edited down and he ended up being misquoted.

Druckmann in the original posted interview by Sony said the next game from the studio "could redefine mainstream perceptions of gaming."

In his post on Twitter he stated, "This is not quite what I said."

He continued, "In editing my rambling answers in my recent interview with SONY, some of my words, context, and intent were unfortunately lost. Well, here's the full long rambling answer for the final question about our future game..."

Druckmann in the tweet posted his full response to the interviewer, which can be read below:

Well, I've been very lucky, in that I've already had that. I got the chance to make several of my dream projects. I am working on a new one right now. And it's maybe the most excited I've been for a project yet. I can't talk about it or our bosses will get very mad at me. And I guess in general, there is something happening now that I think is very cool. Which is there's a new appreciation for gaming that I've never seen before. Like when I was growing up, gaming was more of a kid's thing. Now it's clearly for everyone.

But it's like, if you're a gamer, you know about the potential of games, and non-gamers, they don't really know what they're missing out on. But my hope was, when we made The Last of Us as a TV show that we could change that. And why I became so involved with it. I wanted so badly for it to be good, because I wanted this to happen, which is like someone who will watch the show and really like it.

And fall in love with those characters the way that we have fallen in love with those characters and their story. And then realize at the end, "wait, that's based on a video game?" and then go and check out the game and just see the wealth of narratives and everything that's happening in games.

So now I feel like there's kind of a spotlight on gaming. And you know, Fallout just came out. And that's a big success for Amazon. And I find that really exciting. Not because games need to be movies, or they need to be TV shows, but I think it just kind of opens the eyes of a bunch of people that just weren't aware of the kind of experiences that exist in games.

I think right now we've hit a tipping point where it's about to take off where people realize, "Oh my God, there's all these incredible moving experiences in games!" So, I'm not only excited for this game that we're making -- and it's, it's something really fresh for us -- but I'm also excited to see how the world reacts to it.

Because of The Last of Us, and the success of the show, people even outside of gaming are looking at us to see what it is that we put out next. I'm very excited to see what the reaction for this thing will be - and I've already said too much about it. I'll stop there. So, you're asking me for my dream projects. I've been very lucky to have worked on my favorite games with incredible collaborators and I'm very thankful for them.

A life-long and avid gamer, William D'Angelo was first introduced to VGChartz in 2007. After years of supporting the site, he was brought on in 2010 as a junior analyst, working his way up to lead analyst in 2012 and taking over the hardware estimates in 2017. He has expanded his involvement in the gaming community by producing content on his own YouTube channel and Twitch channel. You can contact the author on Twitter @TrunksWD.

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LivncA_Dis3 (on 26 May 2024)

Hahahaha of course they did

  • +7
UnderwaterFunktown (on 27 May 2024)

So essentially I was right when I said it was more about the series than their next game.
Didn't expect that it was essentially multiple paragraphs boiled down in one sentence though.

  • +3
Leynos (on 26 May 2024)

fart VGchartz comment just misfarted me.

  • -5
hellobion2 Leynos (on 27 May 2024)

what do you mean by that

  • +4
Leynos hellobion2 (on 27 May 2024)

It's nonsense just like Neil.

  • -4
the-pi-guy hellobion2 (on 27 May 2024)

Leynos is misinformed about Neil and doesn't like him for things he didn't even do.

  • +1