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Switch vs DS Sales Comparison - January 2024

Switch vs DS Sales Comparison - January 2024 - Sales

by William D'Angelo , posted on 02 March 2024 / 7,814 Views

The VGChartz sales comparison series of articles are updated monthly and each one focuses on a different sales comparison using our estimated video game hardware figures. The charts include comparisons between the PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S, and Nintendo Switch, as well as with older platforms. There are articles based on our worldwide estimates, as well as the US, Europe, and Japan.

This monthly series compares the aligned worldwide sales of the Nintendo Switch and the Nintendo DS.

The DS launched in November 2004 in North America, December 2004 in Japan, and March 2005 in Europe, while the Nintendo Switch launched worldwide in March 2017. Therefore, the holiday periods for the two consoles do not lineup, which is why there are big increases and decreases.

Switch Vs. DS Global:

Gap change in latest month: 526,807 - Switch

Gap change over last 12 months: 511,924 - Switch

Total Lead: 9,383,944 - DS

Switch Total Sales: 137,721,535

DS Total Sales: 147,105,479

January 2024 is the 83rd month that the Nintendo Switch has been available for. During the latest month, the gap grew in favor of the Switch by 0.53 million units when compared to the DS during the same timeframe.

In the last 12 months, the Switch has outsold the DS by 0.51 million units. The DS is ahead of the Switch by 9.38 million units.

The 83rd month on sale for the Nintendo Switch is January 2024, while for the DS it is September 2011. The Switch has sold 137.72 million units, while the DS sold 147.11 million units during the same timeframe.

The Nintendo DS sold 154.02 million units lifetime. The Nintendo Switch is currently 16.30 million units behind the lifetime sales of the DS.

A life-long and avid gamer, William D'Angelo was first introduced to VGChartz in 2007. After years of supporting the site, he was brought on in 2010 as a junior analyst, working his way up to lead analyst in 2012 and taking over the hardware estimates in 2017. He has expanded his involvement in the gaming community by producing content on his own YouTube channel and Twitch channel. You can contact the author on Twitter @TrunksWD.

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CourageTCD (on 02 March 2024)

Each month that Nintendo delays Switch 2's announcment is a month in favor of Switch 1. I'm curious to see Switch's performance after Nintendo reveals the Switch 2. That's why I hope it is revealed as late as possible

  • +9
Shtinamin_ (on 02 March 2024)

I think we can assume that Nintendo will set their upcoming FY goal near 10M units, which will be a -35.5% drop from the 15.5M (which is a normal drop the year before a successor launches).
And we can assume Nintendo will be able to sell ~0.8M-0.9M units for the months of February and March bring their March 31, 2024 sold total to ~139.42M for the 85th month (I used 0.85M for both months as a rough guestimate).

The DS in its 85th month is November, so holiday sales are coming up. We shouldn't expect the Switch to have any remarkable gains for March 2024, and most likely a loss for April 2024 (DS sold 1.55M in Dec 2011). For comparison, the March 31, 2025 month will be the 97th month for the Switch, the 97th month for the DS is November 2012.

Adding in the reasonable 10M goal to the Switch. By the time Mar 31, 2025 hits it will have sold ~149.42M. The DS in its 97th month sold 152.22M (5,115,106 units were sold from Oct 2011-Nov 2012).

Synopsis: By Mar 31, 2025 Switch 149.42M vs DS 152.22M. This will be a good graph year to see how quickly the Switch makes it's comeback.

  • +8
CourageTCD Shtinamin_ (on 02 March 2024)

"Synopsis: By Mar 31,2025* ..." you mean

  • +2
Shtinamin_ CourageTCD (on 02 March 2024)

Yes you are right haha. Fixed

  • +1
SvenTheTurkey Shtinamin_ (on 04 March 2024)

I agree that the switch is on track to hit about 150 million by March of next year, but I don't think it will catch the DS.

Unless Nintendo keeps the switch 1 around as the kind of bargain console, I don't think there will be enough interest. I'd guess they might cut the price a little (maybe 50 bucks per sku) and sell out the remaining stock. I'm saying this a little out of order I guess, but I should have mentioned that I think the switch 2 will be launching in March of 2025.

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CourageTCD SvenTheTurkey (on 04 March 2024)

If you think the Switch will hit 150M by March, 2025, you should believe that it will surpass DS's 154 M units sold. It is very unlikely that the Switch will slow down as heavy as not be able to pull 4 millions more units after Switch 2's launch (if the Switch 2 indeed is released in March, 2025)

  • +4
javi741 (on 03 March 2024)

I think the Switch will win this

  • +3
hellobion2 (on 03 March 2024)

Looks like th da kept on climbing

  • +1
Bumblaster (on 03 March 2024)

Mario and co. are going to beat the PS2, remarkable! I seriously think the Princess Peach game will top 10 million in sales

  • +1
firebush03 Bumblaster (on 05 March 2024)

I would call you insane for making such prediction for the Peach game…however with rumors of Switch 2 being backwards compatible, that doesn’t seem nearly as impossible as it once would have. (Though 10mil does seem like a stretch. For reference, Super Princess Peach on the NDS only sold 1.15mil lifetime.)

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Koragg (on 08 March 2024)

Wow, the DS was a beast!

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