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Xbox Series X|S Outsells Original Xbox in the UK, PS5 Nearing 3DS Sales in the UK

Xbox Series X|S Outsells Original Xbox in the UK, PS5 Nearing 3DS Sales in the UK - Sales

by William D'Angelo , posted on 02 January 2024 / 3,474 Views

The head of GamesIndustry Christopher Dring via Twitter announced the Xbox Series X|S has outsold lifetime sales of the original Xbox in the UK, according to GfK data.

He also revealed the PlayStation 5 is getting close to outselling the lifetime sales of the 3DS/2DS in the UK.

"In the UK, Xbox Series S and X has now overtaken sales of the original Xbox, "said Dring. "PS5 is now closing in on 3DS/2DS sales (gfk data)."

A life-long and avid gamer, William D'Angelo was first introduced to VGChartz in 2007. After years of supporting the site, he was brought on in 2010 as a junior analyst, working his way up to lead analyst in 2012 and taking over the hardware estimates in 2017. He has expanded his involvement in the gaming community by producing content on his own YouTube channel and Twitch channel. You can contact the author on Twitter @TrunksWD.

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jvmkdg (on 06 December 2023)

The month of November will be interesting. How many units did the 3ds sell in the UK?

  • +1
trunkswd jvmkdg (on 06 December 2023)

VGChartz estimates have the 3DS at 3.85M in the UK. We have PS5 estimates at 3.06M through October. November is looking to be a big month for the PS5.

I found some historical data and found the OG Xbox sold 2.14M in the UK through 2005. It was discontinued in 2006, so OG Xbox is likely around 2.3M lifetime in the UK. We have Xbox Series X|S estimates at 2.21M through October.

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Shtinamin_ trunkswd (on 06 December 2023)

So we can make a pre-estimate that PS5 has sold about 3.8M and Xbox Series has sold 2.35M?
That is a huge month for PS5 and Xbox Series. Can't wait for your post regarding November in the Americas, Europe and the Worldwide sales!

  • +1
trunkswd Shtinamin_ (on 06 December 2023)

Japan estimates should be out tomorrow. NPD/Circana comes out December 13, so expect the Americas that day or the day after. I am not sure when the UK and Europe monthly reports will be out. Hopefully next week.

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ClassicGamingWizzz (on 07 December 2023)

A win is a win lmao

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Random_Matt (on 06 December 2023)

Not much of an accomplishment.

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DonFerrari (on 06 December 2023)

Considering Xbox original was the lowest selling and had only 4 years in the market i would have expected Series to have passed it long ago.

PS5 nearing 3DS I'm not sure how it compares.

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