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Resident Evil 4 Remake Sales Top 4 Million Units

Resident Evil 4 Remake Sales Top 4 Million Units - Sales

by William D'Angelo , posted on 07 April 2023 / 4,165 Views

Capcom has announced the remake of Resident Evil 4 has sold over four million units worldwide.

"Capcom today announced that new multiplatform title Resident Evil 4 has sold over 4 million units worldwide," reads the announcement from Capcom. 

"The Resident Evil franchise features survival horror games in which players utilize a variety of weapons and other items to escape terrifying situations. Cumulative shipments of the games in the series now exceed 135 million units since the first title debuted in 1996. Now, more than 27 years later, continuous support from the passionate fan base across the globe makes it Capcom’s flagship game series.

"Resident Evil 4 is a remake of the original 2005 title. In addition to reworking the story and modernizing the game feel, the 2023 release provides both fans of the series and newcomers alike with a fresh gameplay experience, featuring highly immersive visuals powered by the cutting-edge graphics technology of Capcom’s proprietary RE ENGINE. In addition to Resident Evil 4 garnering interest and attention from the release of the Chainsaw Demo prior to launch, sales of the title grew steadily following a highly positive reception from customers, driving worldwide sales over 4 million units. Capcom will continue to focus on growing sales of the title, including with the release of The Mercenaries free additional downloadable content on April 7.

"Capcom remains firmly committed to satisfying the expectations of all stakeholders by leveraging its industry-leading game development capabilities in order to create highly entertaining gameplay experiences."

Resident Evil 4 released or the PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S, PlayStation 4, and PC via Steam on March 24, 2023.

A life-long and avid gamer, William D'Angelo was first introduced to VGChartz in 2007. After years of supporting the site, he was brought on in 2010 as a junior analyst, working his way up to lead analyst in 2012 and taking over the hardware estimates in 2017. He has expanded his involvement in the gaming community by producing content on his own YouTube channel and Twitch channel. You can contact the author on Twitter @TrunksWD.

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ShadowLink93 (on 07 April 2023)

Should have better legs than the other RE remakes due to it being the best game in the series.

  • +7
badnewsforthem (on 07 April 2023)

developing RE ENGINE was the best decision ever made by Capcom

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NextGen_Gamer badnewsforthem (on 07 April 2023)

The RE Engine is incredible, however I really wish that Capcom would introduce a 30 fps cap option (with proper frame-pacing) in all of the RE Engine titles. That would go a long way towards making the ray tracing and other features (like hairworks in RE4) more viable for people who can't stand their framerate constantly wavering between 40-55 fps.

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G2ThaUNiT NextGen_Gamer (on 07 April 2023)

I feel like RE Engine is definitely more PC oriented. Ever since Capcom announced PC would be their main platform, even the RE Engine games before that announcement, Capcom’s games have run flawlessly on PC. You can get high resolutions and graphical fidelity with incredibly high framerates with little to no sacrifice.

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KratosLives NextGen_Gamer (on 10 April 2023)

I really wish the vevelopers of wwe2k series would use "hairworks" , because the hair is trash in that game.

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KratosLives badnewsforthem (on 10 April 2023)

Game didn't look that great early in the game, but once you get to the castle and there after, it's stunning. Especially on an oled tv.

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badnewsforthem KratosLives (on 10 April 2023)

i was referring to how the RE engine was able to support all the different Capcom games since RE7 without pretty much any issues, considering how most companies like EA, Bethesda or 343 all complain that their proprietary engines cause them trouble with their games, and since most companies nowadays abandoned their engine for Unreal Engine, it's nice to see a company that can still be competitive without using Unreal Engine.

as for you remark on RE4r look, i think the game that shows the graphical capability of RE engine is RE village and not RE4, i played Village on PS5 recently and it's still one of the best looking games out there.

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KratosLives badnewsforthem (on 11 April 2023)

I still prefer the graphics of re4 over village. From the graphics to the art design.

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LivncA_Dis3 (on 10 April 2023)

Massive congrats and outstanding performance from CAPCOM these past years!

Releasing great games banger after banger after banger!

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