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PS5 Best-Seller as Sales Increase 460% - Japan Hardware Estimates for February 2023

PS5 Best-Seller as Sales Increase 460% - Japan Hardware Estimates for February 2023 - Sales

by William D'Angelo , posted on 09 March 2023 / 5,840 Views

The PlayStation 5 was the best-selling console in Japan with 367,030 units sold for February 2023, according to VGChartz estimates. The PlayStation 5 has now sold an estimated 2.98 million units lifetime in Japan.

The Nintendo Switch sold an estimated 221,082 units to bring its lifetime sales to 28.42 million units. The Xbox Series X|S sold 25,903 units to bring their lifetime sales to 0.43 million units. The PlayStation 4 sold an estimated 5,321 units to bring its lifetime sales to 9.61 million units.

PS5 sales compared to the same month for the PS4 in 2016 are up by nearly 254,000 units, while the Xbox Series X|S compared to the same month for the Xbox One are up by over 25,000 units. PS4 sold 113,263 units for the month of February 2016 and Xbox One sales were at 637 units.

PlayStation 5 sales compared to the same month a year ago are up by 301,534 (460.4%). Nintendo Switch sales are down by 149,699 units (-40.4%) and Xbox Series X|S sales are up by 4,766 units (22.6%). The PlayStation 4 is up 5,277 units (11,993.2%) year-over-year.

Looking at sales month-on-month, the PlayStation 5 sales are up by nearly 179,000 units, Nintendo Switch sales are down by over 93,000 units, and Xbox Series X|S sales are up by nearly 22,000 units. 

VGChartz Japan Hardware Estimates - PS5, PlayStation 5, Xbox, Xbox Series X, Nintendo Switch

Monthly Sales:

Japan hardware estimates for February 2023 (Followed by lifetime sales):

  1. PlayStation 5 - 367,030 (2,979,775)
  2. Switch - 221,082 (28,421,509)
  3. Xbox Series X|S - 25,903 (432,655)
  4. PlayStation 4 - 5,321 (9,606,841)

Weekly Sales:

Japan February 4, 2023 hardware estimates:

  1. PlayStation 5 - 93,037
  2. Switch - 55,742
  3. Xbox Series X|S - 14,652
  4. PlayStation 4 - 957

Japan February 11, 2023 hardware estimates:

  1. PlayStation 5 - 93,587
  2. Switch - 55,034
  3. Xbox Series X|S - 3,943
  4. PlayStation 4 - 1,123

Japan February 18, 2023 hardware estimates:

  1. PlayStation 5 - 88,665
  2. Switch - 48,908
  3. Xbox Series X|S - 6,612
  4. PlayStation 4 - 1,587

Japan February 25, 2023 hardware estimates:

  1. PlayStation 5 - 91,741
  2. Switch - 61,398
  3. PlayStation 4 - 1,654
  4. Xbox Series X|S - 736

A life-long and avid gamer, William D'Angelo was first introduced to VGChartz in 2007. After years of supporting the site, he was brought on in 2010 as a junior analyst, working his way up to lead analyst in 2012 and taking over the hardware estimates in 2017. He has expanded his involvement in the gaming community by producing content on his own YouTube channel and Twitch channel. You can contact the author on Twitter @TrunksWD.

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ClassicGamingWizzz (on 10 March 2023)

Ps5 is picking up some steam but those sales for switch are bonkers.
Xbox as expected, some people spoke too soon about the hype sales...

  • +3
loy310 (on 09 March 2023)

Damn, thats just japan

  • +3
Radek (on 09 March 2023)

PS5 takes the lead, but the Switch has almost 29 millions sold in it's home country, which is wild. It's like if 25% of Japanese people had a Switch.

  • +1
xgamerx (on 09 March 2023)

In my local walmart/best buy/ target I have barely seen any playstations/xboxs the last two weeks or so Im not sure what's going on.

  • 0
2zosteven xgamerx (on 09 March 2023)

Same here in San Antonio TX. PS5 for several weeks and Xseries last couple months

  • 0
SanAndreasX xgamerx (on 10 March 2023)

I've generally seen at least one PS5 and XSX, and several XSS in every GameStop in my area.

  • 0
CloudxTifa xgamerx (on 10 March 2023)

You just have to go on to find PS5.

  • +1
xgamerx CloudxTifa (on 10 March 2023)

The point is that up until about two weeks ago or so you could go to any store and see a ton of ps5, series s (and some series x) and now they're is almost nothing. Something weird is going with the supply especially with the xbox, I think they finally cleared all the series s they were struggling to sell but they all of a sudden they have none.

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CloudxTifa xgamerx (on 10 March 2023)

Simple, nobody want an xbox. So they don't produce any. ;-)

  • +2
xgamerx CloudxTifa (on 10 March 2023)

series x sells out instantly where I live, just as fast as the ps5 so im not sure what you're on..

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