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Final Fantasy XVI Gameplay Videos Features Dungeons, Battles, and More

Final Fantasy XVI Gameplay Videos Features Dungeons, Battles, and More - News

by William D'Angelo , posted on 01 March 2023 / 2,046 Views

Over 45 minutes of new Final Fantasy XVI gameplay footage has been posted by Gematsu of a demo of the game the website played.

The gameplay footage features protagonist Clive Rosfield, his hound Torgal, and companion Cidolfus Telamon infiltrating a Royal Waloeder Army keep as they search for the Dominant of Fire. Also shown is one of the Eikon versus Eikon battles, in which Clive transforms into the Eikon Ifrit and fights against Garuda.

View the gameplay videos below:

Final Fantasy XVI will launch for the PlayStation 5 on June 22, 2023. 

A life-long and avid gamer, William D'Angelo was first introduced to VGChartz in 2007. After years of supporting the site, he was brought on in 2010 as a junior analyst, working his way up to lead analyst in 2012 and taking over the hardware estimates in 2017. He has expanded his involvement in the gaming community by producing content on his own YouTube channel and Twitch channel. You can contact the author on Twitter @TrunksWD.

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CosmicSex (on 01 March 2023)

This all looks fantastic.

  • +6
TheLegendaryBigBoss (on 01 March 2023)

Most of the reactions I have seen seem to be very positive. I'm not the biggest FF fan but this has got me interested.

  • +4
The Fury (on 01 March 2023)

Why is it so dark? I can barely see anything. Then it's flash of tiny numbers on an enemy with massive HP bars, there's no indication of how much actual damage you are doing and this is from the first video with I presume basic enemies.

This really is just KHs FF edition now, isn't it?

  • +4
Hynad The Fury (on 01 March 2023)

It plays nothing like KH.

  • 0
The Fury Hynad (on 01 March 2023)

None of us have played it but it certainly looks a dang sight more like KH than FF, just less colour.

  • +1
Hynad The Fury (on 01 March 2023)

If you had watched the videos, you’d know without having to play the game this isn’t like KH.

  • +1
Eric2048 (on 01 March 2023)

Looks OK tbh. I went to somewhat interested to uninterested. Where are the party members? Not even a command menu. And why are they only showing battles? Does not look at all appealing as an rpg.

  • +2
G2ThaUNiT Eric2048 (on 01 March 2023)

There is no party system in this game. You only control Clive. You can give quick commands to his dog, but that's it. Anyone else that's with you will be AI controlled.

  • -1
The Fury Eric2048 (on 02 March 2023)

"And why are they only showing battles? Does not look at all appealing as an rpg." - Every time they ever show anything they show only those, which is odd. Makes me think it's a boss rush game.

  • -2
Ka-pi96 (on 01 March 2023)

Looks so bad. Action combat aside, you don't even have a party anymore? That's like one of the main parts of FF games, having a party of characters. I was pissed that FF13 wouldn't let you control the whole party and you were locked to a single character, but at least you had 2 other members even if they were AI controlled. Now it's just you?

  • +2
JuliusHackebeil Ka-pi96 (on 01 March 2023)

While the dog is no full conpensation, I think it is cute. And we could see more people join Clive later in the game. This one trailer that came out a few months ago made it look like others will join you in battle, with a cutscene clearly right before a battle starts and Clive discussing the approaching combat with a young woman.

  • +1
JuliusHackebeil Ka-pi96 (on 01 March 2023)

While the dog is no full conpensation, I think it is cute. And we could see more people join Clive later in the game. This one trailer that came out a few months ago made it look like others will join you in battle, with a cutscene clearly right before a battle starts and Clive discussing the approaching combat with a young woman.

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G2ThaUNiT JuliusHackebeil (on 01 March 2023)

I watched SkillUp's video and he confirmed that there is no party system. Anyone in your "party" will be AI controlled.

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JuliusHackebeil G2ThaUNiT (on 01 March 2023)

Aw, that is disappointing. But it is alright, not a must have for me. They do actually need compelling characters very badly, not just anime cardboard cut-outs à la XV. But the fact that I can't play them is alright I guess.

  • -1
G2ThaUNiT JuliusHackebeil (on 01 March 2023)

Yeah same here tbh. Because with how much emphasis there is on the over-the-top action and combos there are, I actually like the idea of focusing on a single character to master their move set rather than juggling around multiple characters. Especially considering how fast the combat is. It would probably be kind of jarring controlling multiple characters at the speed the game is going for. A divisive decision for sure, especially amongst the hardcore FF fans, but it should still be a lot of fun and will hopefully win some of those fans over. Especially if the story and characters are top tier!

My biggest concern is just how dark the game is lol. Turn a light on!

  • +1
JuliusHackebeil G2ThaUNiT (on 02 March 2023)

Yeah, it could actually work really well. And I am very open to action combat like that, love dmc - and they have the dmc5-gameplay director. So the stars seem to align once more. This time even more so than with the troubled 15, 14 and 13. But this is also a make or break moment for me and ff. Because I believe them every time and get away disappointed anyways. If 16 does not live up to reasonable expectations, I will not buy another ff day one, I will not trust any reviews any more about that series and will watch extended gameplay and story stuff beforehand.

And that is funny - I bet the other areas are going to be brighter. I like the variety of environments we saw in the trailers. But you are not wrong - this one was really super dark.

  • 0
Mystro-Sama (on 02 March 2023)

I wish they kept FF7R's combat.

  • 0
JuliusHackebeil (on 01 March 2023)

Up until now the combat looked terrible to me. Too fast, too flashy, too much zipping around, too many effects. I guess they wanted to show the standout moments in the trailers. But this looks really good to me. Surprisingly good. I am honestly super happy with this.

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DonFerrari (on 01 March 2023)

Getting back home I'm going to watch.

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G2ThaUNiT (on 01 March 2023)

The game will seemingly be divisive for most diehard FF fans in some areas, but personally as someone whose only FF experience has been FF7 Remake, which I wasn't a fan of personally, FF16 certainly looks epic and should bring a lot of new fans to the franchise!

  • -1
tslog (on 01 March 2023)

The setting is too dark, but this combat looks 1 million times better than the archaic and painfully boring Turn-based combat from previous games.

  • -5