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PS5 Ships 25 Million Units as of September 2022

PS5 Ships 25 Million Units as of September 2022 - Sales

by William D'Angelo , posted on 01 November 2022 / 4,391 Views

Sony Interactive Entertainment in its financial results announced it has shipped 25.0 million PlayStation 5 consoles as of September 30, 2022.

With 25.0 million PlayStation 5 consoles shipped through the end of June 2022 that means 3.3 million units were shipped from July to September. This is the same figure as one year ago.

For reference, the PlayStation 4 had shipped 4.0 million units in the same quarter for a lifetime total of 29.4 million units shipped as of September 30, 2015. This puts the PS5 behind shipped PS4 units by 4.4 million units.

PS5 Ships 19.3 Million Units as of March 2022, PS4 Ships 117 Million

There were a total of 62.5 million games sold on the PlayStation 5 and PlayStation 4 for the quarter. This is down 13.9 million from 76.4 million during the same period a year earlier. Digital sales accounted for 63 percent of software sales.

There were 6.7 million first-party games sold across the PlayStation 5 and PlayStation 4. This is down 0.9 million from 7.6 million first-party games sold a year ago.

The number of PlayStation Plus subscribers is at 45.4 million, which is down 1.8 million from 47.2 million from the same quarter a year ago. There were 102 million monthly active users, a drop from 104 million a year ago.

Sony's Game & Network Services Segment for the quarter ending September 30, 2022, reported revenue increased 75.3 billion yen ($0.51 billion) year-over-year to 720.7 billion yen ($4.87 billion), while operating income decreased 10.7 billion yen ($0.07 billion) to 42.1 billion yen ($0.28 billion).

Sony's forecast for the full fiscal year ending March 31, 2022 is expecting revenue to be higher due to the changing exchange rates and increase in PS5 hardware revenue due to the price increase, which will partially be offset by lower third-party game sales.

"Sales are expected to be higher than the July forecast due to the impact of foreign exchange rates as well as an expected increase in hardware sales due to price revisions for PlayStation 5 hardware, partially offset by an expected decrease in sales of non-first-party titles including add-on content," reads the report from Sony.

"Operating income is expected to be lower than the July forecast due to the impact of the above-mentioned expected decrease in sales of non-first-party titles and the negative impact of foreign exchange rates reflecting the high ratio of U.S. dollar-denominated costs, partially offset by an expected decrease in losses from hardware.

"In the November forecast, Sony has incorporated approximately 61 billion yen in expenses associated with acquisitions completed within the current fiscal year, including Bungie, Inc. The actual amount of expenses is subject to change depending on factors such as completion timing and the accounting treatment to be finalized after the closing dates."

A life-long and avid gamer, William D'Angelo was first introduced to VGChartz in 2007. After years of supporting the site, he was brought on in 2010 as a junior analyst, working his way up to lead analyst in 2012 and taking over the hardware estimates in 2017. He has expanded his involvement in the gaming community by producing content on his own YouTube channel and Twitch channel. You can contact the author on Twitter @TrunksWD.

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trunkswd (on 01 November 2022)

Taking a look at the VGChartz estimates, we had sold 3.09M PS5s during the same quarter a year ago compared to 3.3M shipped, while this year we have 3.00M sold compared to 3.3M shipped. I would say we are at most 100,000 undertracked for the quarter. I'll adjust up our PS5 numbers to match where they were a year ago.


PS5 adjusted up slightly and we now have it at 24.05M at the end of September compared to 25M shipped. That is at most 4 weeks of sales at the current pace. But likely less than 4 weeks.

I'm off to bed and will take a closer look at this tomorrow to see if any other adjustments need to happen.

  • +7
LivncA_Dis3 (on 01 November 2022)

Wouldve been more than 30 mil if not for stupid covid seriously

  • +2
Mars2001 LivncA_Dis3 (on 01 November 2022)

250 mil without Covid or maybe 520 mil

  • -1
aTokenYeti (on 01 November 2022)

These results are not surprising. Hardware sales flat YoY, while subscriber counts, MAUs, and software sales are all down, in some cases way down. Demand for video gaming is returning to normal, pre covid levels, and while that might be a bit less exciting from a sales watching standpoint its probably much healthier for the industry in the long term

  • 0
Mars2001 (on 01 November 2022)

25M.Very Low.This is the third year.Maybe new model

  • -5
kazuyamishima Mars2001 (on 01 November 2022)

Third year?

Is the fourth year

  • -1
loy310 kazuyamishima (on 01 November 2022)


  • +2
Kakadu18 Mars2001 (on 01 November 2022)

This is the second year. The console only turns two years old this month. Then the third year starts.

  • +1