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PS5 Ships 17.3 Million Units as of December 2021, PS4 Ships 116.8 Million

PS5 Ships 17.3 Million Units as of December 2021, PS4 Ships 116.8 Million - Sales

by William D'Angelo , posted on 02 February 2022 / 4,998 Views

Sony Interactive Entertainment in its financial results announced it has shipped 17.3 million PlayStation 5 consoles as of December 31, 2021.

For reference, the PlayStation 4 had shipped 20.2 million units as of December 31, 2014. This puts the PS5 behind shipped PS4 units by 2.9 million units.

With 17.3 million PlayStation 5 consoles shipped through the end of December 2021 that means 3.9 million units were shipped from October to December. This is down from 4.5 million for the same quarter a year ago. Demand for the console remains well above what Sony is able to supply.

Sony shipped 0.2 million PlayStation 4 consoles for the quarter, which is down from 1.4 million for the same quarter a year ago. Lifetime PlayStation 4 shipments are currently at 116.8 million units.

There were a total of 92.7 million games sold on the PlayStation 5 and PlayStation 4 for the quarter. This is down 11.5 million from 104.2 million during the same period a year earlier. Digital sales accounted for 62 percent of software sales.

There were 11.3 million first-party games sold across the PlayStation 5 and PlayStation 4. This is down 7.7 million from 19.0 million first-party games sold a year ago. 

The number of PlayStation Plus subscribers is now at 48.0 million, which is up 0.4 million from 47.4 million from the same quarter a year ago. There were 111 million monthly active users.

Sony's Game & Network Services Segment for the quarter ending December 31, 2021, reported revenue decreased 7.9 percent year-over-year to 813.3 billion yen ($7.09 billion), while operating income increased 15.0 percent to 92.8 billion yen ($0.81 billion).

"Sales are expected to be lower than the October forecast due to an expected decrease in PlayStation 5 hardware unit sales, primarily due to shortages in the supply of components, especially semiconductors," reads a statement from Sony.

"Operating income is expected to be higher than the October forecast due to an expected decrease in selling, general and administrative expenses."

Sony expects to ship 11.5 million PS5 consoles for the full fiscal year ending March 31, 2022. This would put expected PS5 shipment numbers at 2 million for the quarter ending March 31.

A life-long and avid gamer, William D'Angelo was first introduced to VGChartz in 2007. After years of supporting the site, he was brought on in 2010 as a junior analyst, working his way up to lead analyst in 2012. He has expanded his involvement in the gaming community by producing content on his own YouTube channel and Twitch channel dedicated to gaming Let's Plays and tutorials. You can contact the author at or on Twitter @TrunksWD.

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Doctor_MG (on 02 February 2022)

11.5M PS5 consoles shipped for FY2021 is a pretty large reduction from the 14.8M they anticipated back in August.

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Doctor_MG trunkswd (on 03 February 2022)

Yeah, I kind of feel bad for Sony and the PS5. With how it started I was excited to see what records the PS5 could have broken. Now I'm afraid the shortages could impact the lifetime sales of the product. I hope it doesn't.

  • +1
S.Peelman (on 02 February 2022)

Wow, much worse than expected.

  • +9
2zosteven (on 02 February 2022)

Congrats to the PS4! bigtime numbers, not going to go much higher but again huge numbers!

  • +3
Kakadu18 (on 02 February 2022)

I'm just gonna say oof.

  • +3
ShadowLink93 Kakadu18 (on 02 February 2022)

I was thinking around 4.8m to 5.2m but 3.9m was quite a bit worse. Sony aren't doing a good job of combating the supply problems.

  • +2
aTokenYeti ShadowLink93 (on 02 February 2022)

No one is, to be fair. The only reason the Series X|S sales are so high is the Series S, which is smaller and cheaper to manufacture

In hindsight the Series S was a brilliant move by Microsoft and I almost expect the PS6 to have an equivalent two-tier console set up.

  • +4
method114 aTokenYeti (on 02 February 2022)

By the time the PS6 is released these supply issues will have been resolved. Companies are already working on building new facilities. I don't expect a two tiered system from Sony next gen.

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atma998 (on 02 February 2022)

PS4 is a bit overtracked too, is'nt it?

  • +1
DNC (on 02 February 2022)

curious about these numbers since 17.2m are distributed not sold units. I believe it should drop by around 1m since on December 31st / 21st there were already more than 17.5mi

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xMetroid (on 02 February 2022)

I did find it curious how i would rarely see the PS5 in stock anywhere but Xbox series S yes and would sometimes sell half of the numbers. Sony is probably stressed with this situation. MS is way closer than we thought.

  • +1
aTokenYeti xMetroid (on 02 February 2022)

If I had to guess a lot people probably seriously overestimated the amount of Series X consoles Microsoft was making relative to the Series S. Microsoft has a machine almost perfect built for a supply chain crisis, they would be foolish not to pump out as many of those as they can.

And by all accounts it’s working

  • +2
jvmkdg (on 02 February 2022)

probably xbox and switch sales will have reductions too, vg chartz has very high forecasts.

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aTokenYeti jvmkdg (on 02 February 2022)

Microsoft said in their recent earnings call their hardware sales continue to exceed expectations and the series X|S remain the fastest selling Xboxes ever. Even though they don’t give concrete numbers, there isn’t much wiggle room
those statements.

I’m inclined to think the VGC has been largely accurate with its Xbox estimates and Ampere was probably off, perhaps by a lot.

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ireadtabloids trunkswd (on 02 February 2022)

Happy holiday sales adjustment season to everyone on the site!

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ShadowLink93 trunkswd (on 02 February 2022)

I hope so too, your data has Switch selling 10.6m for the quarter, i would be very happy with that. It would be Down on last year but still great considering the circumstances.

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DNC trunkswd (on 02 February 2022)


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