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Xbox Series X and S Sold 155,000 Units on Launch Day in the UK, Beats Xbox One Record

Xbox Series X and S Sold 155,000 Units on Launch Day in the UK, Beats Xbox One Record - Sales

by William D'Angelo , posted on 14 November 2020 / 3,827 Views

Microsoft launched its two next-generation consoles - the Xbox Series X and Xbox Series - on Tuesday, November 10. The two consoles sold around 155,000 units on launch day alone in the UK, beating the previous record for an Xbox console launch, according to publishers speaking with VideoGamesChronicle. The Xbox One sold 150,000 units in its first two days in 2013. 

The UK is the second biggest market for the Xbox, only behind the US. The Xbox Series X and S would have likely sold better if there was more stock as the consoles quickly sold out. Microsoft has stated they will try to resupply the consoles as quickly as they possibly can.

Two-thirds of the Xbox Series sales were for the Xbox Series X, while the other third was for the Xbox Series S.

The biggest launch ever in the UK was set by the PlayStation 4 in 2013 with sales of around 250,000 units in its first 48 hours. The PSP held the record before that with 185,000 units sold at launch. 

Xbox Series X and S Sold 155,000 Units Launch Day in the UK, Beats Xbox One Record

Microsoft announced earlier this week the Xbox Series X and Xbox Series S set a record for the biggest launch in Xbox history, outselling the launch of the Xbox One in 2013, the Xbox 360 in 2005, and the original Xbox in 2001. 

"Thank you for supporting the largest launch in Xbox history," said the head of Xbox Phil Spencer. "In 24 hrs more new consoles sold, in more countries, than ever before. We’re working with retail to resupply as quickly as possible. You continue to show us the connective power of play is more important than ever."

Thanks, VideoGamesChronicle.

A life-long and avid gamer, William D'Angelo was first introduced to VGChartz in 2007. After years of supporting the site, he was brought on in 2010 as a junior analyst, working his way up to lead analyst in 2012. He has expanded his involvement in the gaming community by producing content on his own YouTube channel and Twitch channel dedicated to gaming Let's Plays and tutorials. You can contact the author at or on Twitter @TrunksWD.

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Barkley (on 14 November 2020)

UK launches for other consoles: XBOX - 48k, GBA - 67k, Gamecube - 69k, X360 - 70k, Wii - 105k, XBO - 150k, XSX/S - 155k, PS2 - 165k, PS3 - 165k, PSP - 185k, DS - 191k, PS4 - 250k

  • +12
AJNShelton Barkley (on 15 November 2020)

And 85k for the Switch

  • +1
ironmanDX Barkley (on 15 November 2020)

Game cube.


  • +2
mutantsushi (on 15 November 2020)

I think people should be more understanding of Phil's condition, clearly he suffers from multiple personality disorder, with one caring about specific console sales figures like this, and the other vicously refusing to acknowledge those figures ever exist because services is all the matters. It's hard on him, and his family, so we can only send him our best wishes.

  • +7
GaoGaiGarV mutantsushi (on 16 November 2020)

Except this statement ist not from Phil but from some "publishers". How publishers got hand of that data after this short timeframe? Well yes, take this info with a grain of salt.

  • -1
Cerebralbore101 (on 14 November 2020)

Thanks WDA for giving us real numbers for the Xbox launch. Looking forward to the site update that adds PS5 and Series X/S sales totals. MS can decline to release official sales data, but they can't hide from vgchartz! :D

  • +5
chakkra (on 14 November 2020)

Seems MS underestimated the demand (or they simply couldn't produce more units due to COVID).

  • +1
DonFerrari (on 14 November 2020)

Congrats, not much higher than X1, but breaking a Record os good.

  • 0
jason1637 (on 14 November 2020)

Great start to the gen.

  • 0
AFattyGamer (on 14 November 2020)

Microsoft is coming for it. Sony won't give in though. 9th gen war is here

  • -1
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