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Best Adventure Game of 2015

Best Adventure Game of 2015 - Article

by Craig S , posted on 02 January 2016 / 8,538 Views

The adventure genre continued its resurgence through 2015. Once again a Telltale cross-over game features prominently on the nominations list, but the three other titles on this list seemingly came out of nowhere.

Dontnod went from producing an average action/adventure debut title in Remember Me to building a complex adventure world in Life is Strange, Tale of Tales bowed out of the industry after creating one final adventure game in the under-appreciated Sunset, and Sam Barlow's Her Story took Steam and iOS by storm back in June.

The Nominees:


Tales from the Borderlands


Life is Strange





Her Story







And the Winner is...



Life is Strange

Community's Choice - Life is Strange (35% of the votes)

Of all of the adventure games to release in 2015 Life is Strange managed to attract the most attention and acclaim outside of traditional genre fans, and for good reason. Dontnod managed to successfully craft a beautiful episodic adventure series that also offered a thoughtful and touching insight into its female teenage protagonist's life while drawing on the interesting manipulation of time that the developer first explored in Remember Me. Life is Strange is our adventure game of 2015.

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zwei (on 04 January 2016)

I agree

  • +2
biglittlesps (on 02 January 2016)

So Everybody gone to rapture is not a candidate ?

  • +1
Darashiva (on 02 January 2016)

Still need to find some time to actually play Life is Strange. It seems like a very interesting game.

  • +1
LipeJJ (on 03 January 2016)


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Nemesis1993 (on 03 January 2016)

I love this game.

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busbfran (on 02 January 2016)

Well deserved! Amazing Game.

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Ruler (on 02 January 2016)

I like Life is Stranges artsytle a lot better than Tell Tale games. Havent play either of them but i am more intrested in Life is Strange

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StokedUp Ruler (on 02 January 2016)

You should give it a try mate, you can get all 5 episodes for £15 on psn.
There's no combat at all it's just massively story driven and it's all about the choices you make. It's a really intense experience.

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hershel_layton (on 02 January 2016)

Annnnnd Life is Strange is the only one I know from this list,

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StokedUp (on 02 January 2016)

My personal Game Of The Year, absolutely loved it and had me thinking about it in between plays and long after playing it. Great sound track aswell!

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wiliamweller (on 03 January 2016)

my co-worker's sister-in-law makes $71 every hour on the computer . She has been fired for five months but last month her income was $16368 just working on the computer for a few hours. see page..........

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Mystro-Sama (on 02 January 2016)

At least it wasn't Her Story again...

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WoodenPints shikamaru317 (on 02 January 2016)

Totally agree with you was just about to write the same thing :)

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