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Alternative Names

Dairantou Smash Brothers for Nintendo 3DS

大乱闘スマッシュブラザーズ for Nintendo 3DS


Bandai Namco Games



Release Dates

10/03/14 Nintendo
09/13/14 Nintendo
10/03/14 Nintendo

Community Stats

Owners: 56
Favorite: 4
Tracked: 2
Wishlist: 0
Now Playing: 3

Avg Community Rating:


Super Smash Bros. for 3DS - Forum

Page:  1 
Last Post
If Switch doesn't get its own MK/Smash? teigaga 66
2,714 11/09/16 08:00 GMT
by Miyamotoo
Do you still buy Smash Bros amiibo? Fededx 35
1,821 09/17/16 02:04 GMT
by Fededx
What characters do you hope to see in the next Smash Bros? memoryman3 29
1,450 09/04/16 01:00 GMT
by toot1231
Smash Bros. Final presentation BINGO Darwinianevolution 35
1,892 12/17/15 17:56 GMT
by Luke888
How will the 3rd partie's use of amiibos in the future be? Darwinianevolution 11
773 11/23/15 17:44 GMT
by Pavolink
When do you think Nintendo is going to start making Smash 5? Darwinianevolution 13
880 10/04/15 23:56 GMT
by Platina
Nintendo Not Offering Annual Mario Kart And Super Smash Bros. Releases For A Reason I3LuEI3omI3eR 49
3,180 08/28/15 01:26 GMT
by I3LuEI3omI3eR
Finally acquired some rare Amiibo(s?) ! 2Quick 4
367 06/10/15 12:56 GMT
by mysteryman
Is Nintendo going to show the Smash Ballot results? Darwinianevolution 27
1,364 04/21/15 15:37 GMT
by Platina
Which characters do you think will be the most voted for Smash? Darwinianevolution 18
721 04/03/15 21:53 GMT
by Jizz_Beard_thePirate
Sakurai Went Out To Buy Amiibos But They Were All Sold Out Proxy-Pie 31
2,198 01/26/15 01:30 GMT
by Locknuts
D1 may have accidentally leaked something from Nintendo being playable at Apex PixelPerfect 22
1,691 01/20/15 13:45 GMT
by DélioPT
Why Buy a Wii U? DarkRPGamer007 37
2,477 12/30/14 13:06 GMT
by AZWification
So can we start tracking the figurines now? Hibern81 10
898 12/13/14 11:06 GMT
by Nogamez
"Soup or Smash Bros." A YouTube Poop of the 50 fact extravaganza direct. fory77 13
1,046 11/02/14 19:17 GMT
by fory77
3-Hours w/ Smash Bros. Wii U - 8-Player Smash, New Stages, & More! (Preview) uran10 5
443 10/25/14 00:25 GMT
by RCTjunkie
Amiibo For Wii U trailer Re-Cut + Music Video PwerlvlAmy 14
880 10/24/14 06:19 GMT
by PwerlvlAmy
Sakurai: Over a year to creating a Smash Char EricFabian 9
883 10/02/14 00:44 GMT
by the_dengle
Real life Super Smash Bros. Trailer XanderXT 5
344 07/31/14 15:12 GMT
by TruckOSaurus
SPOILER FOR SMASH REVEAL (99.99% likely) Twilord 23
1,513 07/14/14 15:56 GMT
by Darwinianevolution
Smash Bros @ Best Buy thread. Who went? Tell us about it! Mr Khan 28
2,610 06/13/14 12:38 GMT
by AZWification
gamrconnect Most Wanted: June 2014 - Results! Salnax 32
2,104 06/03/14 11:09 GMT
by LordPhil
Would you want a Smash clone for "mature" characters? BraveNewWorld 36
1,827 04/30/14 11:31 GMT
by Rogerioandrade
Cheat Code Central: "Zero Suit Samus’s New Design is Sexist is here's why" curl-6 117
8,142 04/22/14 03:20 GMT
by curl-6
The Pros and Cons of Releasing SSB4 on 3DS First ZyroXZ2 28
1,782 04/11/14 04:24 GMT
by ZyroXZ2
10 Things I hate about WiiU ktay95 40
3,085 01/18/14 19:15 GMT
by ktay95
Limited edition Smash Bros 3DS looks awesome! Ka-pi96 4
422 08/13/14 15:10 GMT
by jonathanalis
Abandon Thread Salnax 13
1,041 06/01/14 16:58 GMT
by Jizz_Beard_thePirate
Zelda confirmed for SSBU and SSB3D PandaGames 3
474 01/03/14 14:23 GMT
by PandaGames
Page:  1 

Shipping Total

9,650,000 Units
As of: September 30th, 2024

Opinion (65)

Machina posted 05/11/2024, 08:07
+10k in the last year.
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Machina posted 08/11/2022, 04:53
+10k in the last year.
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garretslarrity posted 10/06/2019, 06:49
Was really hoping this would reach 10M by the end of its life, but unfortunately it looks like it will just barely miss it.
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Green098 posted 16/01/2018, 06:05
8 million!
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Dadrik posted 30/03/2016, 03:40
Actually it already did. This iteration has sold 12.11 million units (without digital) on an install base of 71.6 million consoles, while Brawl "only" sold 12.98 million units on an install base of 101m consoles. So it's already doing much better.
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N00BYninja25 posted 28/01/2016, 02:18
The question is: Can it Surpass Brawl as Champion of Smash Games? The Answer is: Probably Not
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