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Review Scores

VGChartz Score



Alternative Names

Civilization Revolution

シヴィライゼーション レボリューション





Other Versions

PS3, X360, PSP, XBL

Release Dates

07/08/08 2K Games
01/29/09 CyberFront
09/05/08 Take-Two Interactive

Community Stats

Owners: 37
Favorite: 0
Tracked: 0
Wishlist: 0
Now Playing: 0

Avg Community Rating:



Sid Meier's Civilization® Revolution™ is the latest offering in the legendary award winning Sid Meier's Civilization® series of strategy games, featuring the famous "just one more turn" addictive gameplay that has made this one of the greatest game series of all time.


Source - (publisher)

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Latest Updates

Game Information Updated oliist 29th Oct 2010
Critic Review Added to Database nordlead 29th Jul 2009
Critic Review Added to Database nordlead 29th Jul 2009
Critic Review Added to Database nordlead 29th Jul 2009
Critic Review Added to Database nordlead 29th Jul 2009
Critic Review Added to Database nordlead 29th Jul 2009
Critic Review Added to Database nordlead 29th Jul 2009
Critic Review Added to Database nordlead 29th Jul 2009
Critic Review Added to Database nordlead 29th Jul 2009
Critic Review Added to Database nordlead 29th Jul 2009
Screenshots Added elgefe02 22nd Jul 2009
Screenshots Added elgefe02 22nd Jul 2009
Screenshots Added elgefe02 22nd Jul 2009
Game Information Updated Tbone 24th Jun 2009
Game Banner Added to Database Seece 29th May 2009

Legacy Sales History

Total Sales

Opinion (3)

1 n/a 16,420 n/a 2,898 19,318
2 n/a 11,280 n/a 1,991 13,271
3 n/a 7,935 n/a 1,400 9,335
4 n/a 5,810 n/a 1,025 6,835
5 n/a 5,398 n/a 953 6,351
6 n/a 5,380 n/a 949 6,329
7 n/a 5,427 n/a 958 6,385
8 n/a 5,508 n/a 972 6,480
9 n/a 5,574 n/a 984 6,558
10 n/a 5,113 n/a 902 6,015
famousringo posted 10/09/2009, 06:42
Civilization is a dangerous thing. For example, I lent this game to co-worker yesterday, and she failed to come into work today. :X
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okr posted 06/09/2008, 06:48
Well said, JoeJ. I absolutely agree.
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JoeJ posted 18/07/2008, 04:57
Great game! It's a decent adaption (and this is coming from a hard core PC Civ player) and brings enough to the table to keep me playing. Plus, it's nice to have a mobile Civ finally, it's great for my daily commute.
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