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Sony Forecasts PS5 to Ship 25 Million Units This Fiscal Year

Sony Forecasts PS5 to Ship 25 Million Units This Fiscal Year - Sales

by William D'Angelo , posted on 01 May 2023 / 6,359 Views

Sony Interactive Entertainment in its earnings report announced it shipped 6.3 million PlayStation 5 units from January to March 2023 for a total of 19.1 million units shipped for the PS5 for the 2022 fiscal year. 

The forecast for the 2023 fiscal year, which runs from April 1, 2023 to March 31, 2024, is 25 million units for the PS5. This would easily be a new record for a PlayStation console in a fiscal year.

The previous record was set by the original PlayStation with 22.6 million units in fiscal year 1998 . The PS2 had a peak of 22 million units in fiscal year 2002 , the PS3 had a peak of 14.4 million in fiscal year 2010, and the PS4 had a peak of 20 million units in fiscal year 2016.

If Sony is able to hit its forecast for the 2023 fiscal year it would bring lifetime shipment figures for the PS5 to 63.4 million units at the end of March 2024. This would be 3.2 million units above where the PlayStation 4 was during the same amount of time.

A life-long and avid gamer, William D'Angelo was first introduced to VGChartz in 2007. After years of supporting the site, he was brought on in 2010 as a junior analyst, working his way up to lead analyst in 2012 and taking over the hardware estimates in 2017. He has expanded his involvement in the gaming community by producing content on his own YouTube channel and Twitch channel. You can contact the author on Twitter @TrunksWD.

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archbrix (on 01 May 2023)

Even if they don't quite reach 25m, I'm confident now that PS5 will beat the PS2's biggest year (22.5m).

  • +5
DonFerrari (on 01 May 2023)

After the Jan-Mar shipment I'm quite confident they can reach the 25M and break another record for Playstation.

  • +5
VAMatt (on 01 May 2023)

It will be interesting to see if they get there. It appears that Xbox is selling better this generation than last. You would think that would come at the expense of PlayStation, at least in part. But if PlayStation can also have record sales, that must mean that the console market is growing. At the very least, it means that console purchasing habits have shifted some.

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Drakrami VAMatt (on 01 May 2023)

did you just miss the news xbox hardware is down 30% last quarter? Even on this site it says for week 01/apr 2023 378K ps5 sold vs 119K xboxs sold.

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VAMatt Drakrami (on 01 May 2023)

Who is talking about last quarter? We're talking about life to date sales on Xbox and next fiscal year sales of PlayStation.

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DonFerrari VAMatt (on 01 May 2023)

Launch aligned it won't take long for Series to get behind X1 from the latest news we have been getting.

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VAMatt DonFerrari (on 01 May 2023)

I thought that it was assumed that some of the recent bad quarter was due to supply issues. Am I wrong about that?

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DonFerrari VAMatt (on 01 May 2023)

I do believe it have to do somewhat with low shipment for Series X (although Series S have been readily available). But there isn't much justification for a 30% drop YoY on HW since production should be improving not the opposite (see PS for example).
I would certainly prefer that Series do better than X1 as it is a much better proposition and console, and MS should be having more games released and day one on PC shouldn't be impacting this much.

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V-r0cK (on 01 May 2023)

Release the slim and they'll reach it no problem

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pikashoe (on 03 May 2023)

Definitely possible, but they seriously need to start getting some solid release dates for games. It has been 6 months since ragnarok launched and the only major 1st party release they have for this year is spider man 2 which doesn't have a release date or even a gameplay trailer. Really hope they don't let momentum slow down.

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Doctor_MG (on 01 May 2023)

25M is far more reasonable than the 30M that people were suggesting was going to happen

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