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Review Scores




Turn 10 Studios



Release Dates

11/22/13 Microsoft Studios
09/04/14 Microsoft Studios
11/22/13 Microsoft Studios

Community Stats

Owners: 21
Favorite: 2
Tracked: 5
Wishlist: 1
Now Playing: 4

Avg Community Rating:


Legacy Sales History

Total Sales

Opinion (65)

1 n/a 162,037 144,494 44,057 350,588
2 n/a 67,441 39,224 17,082 123,747
3 n/a 40,063 33,589 10,764 84,416
4 n/a 64,820 43,290 16,754 124,864
5 n/a 76,984 43,138 19,401 139,523
6 n/a 65,084 34,406 16,278 115,768
7 n/a 32,328 27,180 8,691 68,199
8 n/a 19,559 13,907 5,106 38,572
9 n/a 13,813 11,354 3,698 28,865
10 n/a 11,966 8,568 3,127 23,661
Chris Hu posted 04/05/2017, 03:18
Surprised this is charting again. Forza Motorsport 6 should have sold more then it but I'm thinking it at least sold more digital copies. Hopefully the will add enough new content to 7 that it will sell more then this game.
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darkenergy posted 12/04/2017, 11:58
This game is charting back in the UK thanks to bundles along with other games.
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Mr Puggsly posted 09/08/2015, 02:42
Look at that, 2 million. Numbers like that is why they make one of these pretty every year or every other year.
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darkenergy posted 05/08/2015, 05:15
It's now a 2 million seller
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Chris Hu posted 26/02/2015, 09:06
I'm guessing this will sell over 2 million physical copies by the time 6 comes out now. Its kinda sad that it is currently still selling better the Forza Horizon 2 which is currently not in the weekly top 75 but this is.
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Chris Hu posted 31/01/2015, 10:48
Will probably sell 2 million physical copies by the time Forza Motorsport 6 comes out but once that comes out this will sell almost no extra copies since I expect 6 to be a lot better.
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