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Alternative Names

マーヴル VS. カプコン 3 フェイト オブ トゥー ワールド





Other Versions

All, X360

Release Dates

02/15/11 Capcom
02/17/11 Capcom
02/18/11 Capcom

Community Stats

Owners: 647
Favorite: 4
Tracked: 0
Wishlist: 3
Now Playing: 6

Avg Community Rating:



Quick Reset in Training Mode and Mission Mode

In training mode or mission mode: Start+Select = resets you to the middle of screen Start+Select+Right/Left = resets you to the corner on the Right/Left side In training mode only: Any of the above commands+holding down Assist 1 or 2 = reset in the desired location with either the 2nd or 3rd character on point.

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Legacy Sales History

Total Sales

Opinion (31)

1 67,045 215,539 35,419 44,013 362,016
2 15,073 57,608 17,886 14,570 105,137
3 5,698 23,326 6,416 5,624 41,064
4 3,026 17,403 4,411 4,070 28,910
5 2,074 12,021 3,597 2,995 20,687
6 1,864 8,335 6,862 3,532 20,593
7 1,524 5,684 7,008 3,185 17,401
8 1,270 3,747 4,242 1,974 11,233
9 1,086 2,834 5,146 2,138 11,204
10 935 2,240 6,050 2,352 11,577
oniyide posted 26/02/2012, 04:07
I dont believe for a second that Capcom sold that much copies of UMvsC3, I think they are blatantly lying. I've played the game for 360 and it doesnt have anywhere near that amount of people on leaderboards
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lmarshalljr04 posted 03/02/2012, 06:53
Capcom said that UMVC3 sold 600,000 copies for the xbox and ps3.. That's 300,000 each... Compare that to MVC3, it's a flop... Capcom can sugar coated all they want

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Sensei posted 21/11/2011, 07:51
First week UMvC3 in Japan looks like a flop at around 18,000 units.
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-girgosz- posted 01/11/2011, 12:44
This would have hit 1 million easilly but then came Ultimate MVSC...
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Iveyboi posted 10/10/2011, 02:47
@MRKs: Crapcom was waiting to release the ultimate edition, and then ther super ultimate arcade edition
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MRKs posted 21/09/2011, 07:20
For me this was a pretty dissapointing game. The roster isn't that great, i mean i was excited about Chris, Dante, Wesker but that's it. There isn't much to do withouth going online (which i don't like). Overall it's a mediocre game
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