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Alternative Names

ファイナルファンタジー VII





Other Versions

All, And, iOS, NS, PC, PS4, PSN, XOne

Release Dates

09/03/97 Sony Computer Entertainment
01/31/97 Square
11/17/97 Sony Computer Entertainment

Community Stats

Owners: 1,196
Favorite: 166
Tracked: 10
Wishlist: 7
Now Playing: 22

Avg Community Rating:


Final Fantasy VII (PS) > Opinions (182)

 1  2 
CarriedLawyer45 posted 18/08/2020, 11:04
Woah... those sales are incredible. People wanted to play better games not just depressing games. The PS1 had a better library than the N64.
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RafaelKaito posted 21/02/2017, 06:19
FF7, FF9 and FF4 >>>>... FF6.
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RafaelKaito posted 21/02/2017, 06:10
One of the best games of all time. Keep crying haters.
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StreaK posted 21/06/2015, 01:19
FFIX is totally an awesome game but no matter what, I just can't get over the character designs. I can't relate to them. Still, they're not so bad that it hinders my game experience. The story in IX is well done but I definitely enjoyed FFVII and FFVIII more, as well as FFX. In any case, these 4 are definitely the best ones. I refer to them all as the SQUARE GOLDEN AGE. VII started the craze and then peaked with FFX - after that, the game's became weak for me.
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gamingpotato7 posted 09/11/2014, 03:45
what a great game. Brings a lot of memories. Anyway, should have more than 10 million by now
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Dadrik posted 29/03/2014, 10:37
FF VII is a masterpiece. FF IX is a masterpiece. FF VIII is a little weird, but it's still great. But seriously, none of these are as good as FF VI. This game is the ultimate Final Fantasy, if not the ultimate JRPG.

Please Square, make FF XV the way a FF is supposed to be: great.
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AZWification posted 25/06/2013, 01:48
I disagree. FF7 and FF8 are crap compared to FF9.
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Heavenly_King posted 06/06/2013, 12:19
IX is a piece of crap compared to FFVII and FFVIII.
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AshKetchum1992 posted 01/05/2013, 04:56
One of the best video games of all time, the battle system is fun , the materia system is great, the addition of the limit gauge makes the battles funnier, the story is so interesting and the characters are likeable, specially Tifa :) The soundtrack is incredible, specially Aerith's song. I don't know why does some people say this game is overrrated, I think it's as good as FFVI/III but FFVII had a bigger impact in the videogames market because thanks to it the RPG genre became more mainstream and the PS1 became the dominant platform.
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ice posted 04/03/2013, 08:50
We all know IX is better ;)
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Iveyboi posted 04/07/2012, 03:05
This game is ALWAYS the top digital download for PSN (except when festival of blood & Journey came out)
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AceRandum posted 22/12/2011, 11:28
cloud is my favorite ff character
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pokeclaudel posted 16/12/2011, 02:07
It's only apporpriate that the best game in the series would have the most sales. They should have made a remake of this game instead of FF 13-2
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RPGFreak posted 05/11/2011, 11:07
Best game ever!
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NintendoFanDj posted 03/11/2011, 07:53
This is my number 5 after 1. FFVIII, 2. FFIV, 3. FFIX, 4.FFX, then this game.
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rpgmaniac posted 24/10/2011, 06:17
BEST FF/GAME EVER. And about some f@gs & haters that keep saying this game overated go jump from a cliff and die make us all the favor ty.
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thelastsoldier posted 20/10/2011, 07:18
it went after 10.....dead after that .............FF7 is KING
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DakonBlackblade posted 02/10/2011, 07:02
@Sandylecuistot - ye for sure, FF XIII only sold like 7 million copies as of today, totaly dead...
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bleach2091 posted 15/07/2011, 02:47
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bleach2091 posted 29/06/2011, 11:49
just imagine if they added the psn sales to this
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pokeclaudel posted 30/05/2011, 04:38
I wonder if any Final Fantasy could ever dethrone this game. I am currently replaying it for the 5th time.
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john1513 posted 07/03/2011, 05:04
Bring on the next FFVII rival... or remake
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Sandylecuistot posted 04/02/2011, 11:17
after 9, final fantasy went down, now it's totally dead
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MrMofongo624 posted 15/01/2011, 10:01
Best game ever. PERIOD!
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Ali-Kharazi posted 06/11/2010, 05:32
Fantastic game. Graphics haven't aged as well as FF8, 9 or MGS but still a fantastic game.
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forevercloud3000 posted 13/05/2010, 05:58
This game will forever live in Infamy. The greatest JRPG there ever was :D
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aoixgp posted 19/04/2010, 11:40
Even a non-Final Fantasy fan as myself can see that this needs a remake, but how much of an upgrade do the people really want? The problem is they won't know until they get it.
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Solid_Snake4RD posted 18/04/2010, 03:57

yes it was but its not as hardcore now cause many kids buy it but otherwise it is.
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StreaK posted 02/04/2010, 01:48
Pokemon is an rpg????
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Salnax posted 23/03/2010, 04:40
@ StreaK

What about Pokemon? Those are as RPG-ish as you can get.
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StreaK posted 09/03/2010, 07:38
Nahh, if FFX didn't outsell FFVII then FFXIII won't. FFXIII will sell around 8 million, like VIII and X did. Still awesome numbers. No rpg will ever beat FFVII's sales numbers. It was something huge and different at the time.
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awsmjayloser posted 05/03/2010, 07:47
This is a terrible game. This is the worst example of "fanboys" praising a crappy game. So many newer Final Fantasy games have better fighting systems/graphics/stories/ etc. I don't understand the obsession. And yes, I've played it so I actually have a valid opinion
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amacfantasy posted 18/12/2009, 07:45
not only should psn be included but the pc version and international should be. On a side note does anyone know how many days this was actually on sale for its first week japan sales listed here? was it actually seven days or less? thanks
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8Nawt753 posted 14/12/2009, 09:21
It is strange that I always have this feeling of obligation to play it again.
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pablogers posted 06/12/2009, 08:25
13 wil in fact outsold this but in ps3 and 360 combined..
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ChrisIsNotSexy posted 05/12/2009, 02:21
PSN numbers should be introduced.
Probably over 11 million
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AaronSOLDIER posted 24/11/2009, 05:42
lol indeed. Including PSN sales this will be around the 12 million point now.
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Kantor posted 17/11/2009, 08:45
Lol, SE thinks XIII will outsell this
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TheConduit posted 24/09/2009, 07:28
1-2 weeks left untill this gets outsold by DQIX in Japan
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Gilgamesh posted 07/09/2009, 07:45
Had to of passed the 10 million mark by now
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TheConduit posted 06/09/2009, 08:25
Will be outsold by Dragon Quest 9 in Japan in 4 weeks
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Seraphic_Sixaxis posted 03/08/2009, 09:20
Playing now on PSP. PSN version of course.
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AdventWolf posted 28/07/2009, 08:54
Just beat it again last night, awesome game.
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invetedlotus123 posted 16/07/2009, 03:58

Pokemon made it before, didn't it?
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StockoPS3 posted 06/07/2009, 02:49
look @ the owners its 666 :S FF7 is awesome selling the disc version because i bought it on psn store and i want blazblue...
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joey123 posted 04/07/2009, 07:07
that is a good point. i mean this game really is great and it pretty much made people in america love FF games because before this game they werent as popular
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midwinter posted 02/07/2009, 10:00
When this game came out there was nothing like it yet. It is comparable to Tetris for the puzzle game genre. Unless you lived through this period in video gaming you will never understand what this game meant and still means.
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Epke posted 30/06/2009, 06:37
leo-j i agree, nothing new, has given me the shock when Sephiroth did what he did
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NYANKS posted 30/06/2009, 12:38
Playing Crisis Core now, cant wait to start this. One of those gems that I originally missed......... :(
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sabby_e17 posted 29/06/2009, 07:42
Great Game
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321tttrini4everz posted 29/06/2009, 01:28

you are so right... it's extremely boring imo
way over rated
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leo-j posted 12/06/2009, 11:14
I disargree with joey, best rpg Ive ever played
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joey123 posted 08/06/2009, 04:00
this game was pretty great. i didnt like it the 1st time playing it and i thought the 1st few hours were super boring but its a great game but it is reallllllly over rated.
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TheConduit posted 07/06/2009, 05:26
I was banned for using profanities recently in a smackdown slam on Xbox360 fanboys due to MGSR coming to PS3
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TheConduit posted 07/06/2009, 05:25
Cost 16 bucks in Australia

Protitution is legal in Australia

Protitute or FF7

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TheConduit posted 07/06/2009, 05:23
Picked up the PSN version
Given how square enix loves rereleasing and remaking final fantasy 1,2,3,4,5 and 6 its only a matter of time before they remake their best selling game of all time.
FF7 coming soon the the PS4
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snyperdud posted 06/06/2009, 09:38
Bought it last night off PSN.

I love this game.
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drakesfortune posted 03/06/2009, 03:13
Yay, just bought this on PSN for ten bucks. So glad it finally came to the US store.
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Gilgamesh posted 30/05/2009, 06:44
This can be the highest selling PSOne game, it just has to sell a million more on the PSN, seems plausible.
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DrPinDaHouse posted 26/05/2009, 07:41
this game is the greatest ff of the world i´m playing it at this time :D
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Zlejedi posted 25/05/2009, 01:38
With PSN sales and pc version missing this must be 10 mil game.
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Tbone posted 05/05/2009, 10:46
Best rpg :)
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VivaLaWiida posted 04/05/2009, 09:58
Come to the PS Store please. I want to check you out.
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snyperdud posted 28/04/2009, 01:16
Hope this comes out on the U.S. PS store soon.
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volrath50 posted 27/04/2009, 01:52
One of my favorite games, my first real RPG after Pokemon introduced me to the genre as a kid, but left me wanting bigger, better.
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chris1_16 posted 25/04/2009, 04:29
Same here man

I love this game
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WraithPriest posted 05/03/2009, 06:44
For char models? FFIV
For the backgrounds and FMVs? FFVII

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Beoulve posted 04/03/2009, 11:18
My favorite game of all time and it introduced me to the wonderful world of RPGs.
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RockSmith372 posted 24/02/2009, 02:08
I just downloaded this to my psp! =)
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metalgearmatt posted 17/01/2009, 10:13
i need a copy of this game!!
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scottsdone posted 17/01/2009, 01:43
Where can you still buy this!? People want like 60 bucks for it used on ebay.
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Zlejedi posted 13/01/2009, 10:34
This probably is already over 10 M already considering you still can buy it.
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GOONYDUDE posted 09/01/2009, 09:24
My favorite Final Fantasy.
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ultima33 posted 08/01/2009, 07:11
still my favorite game and still one of the best selling rpgs ever.
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erodrig85 posted 07/01/2009, 08:23
i cant believe i still have this game and i can actually play it on the ps3 whoo i thought i lost it!
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terislb posted 03/01/2009, 06:52
this game is lauded as the breakthrough for rpgs in europa and the us.. and cursed as the birth of "mainstream gaming" i felt neither of them because at the time it was released not many paid attention to it..
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bigjon posted 30/12/2008, 04:50
I cant decide which game has better graphics, this or FF4 DS...
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Goodfella posted 24/12/2008, 11:27
There are too many other games to play for me to replay this again. 10/10
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darkboy9 posted 22/12/2008, 03:22
Best game forever! I love Cloud.....
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Dgc1808 posted 08/12/2008, 11:06
Just started playing. Still on disc 1 but so far it's an awesome game.
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Baddman posted 05/12/2008, 04:38
this game was the reason i bought a ps1 ....i was very upset after playing however after how great ffvi was this game was a huge disappointment
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Heavenly_King posted 28/11/2008, 02:56
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novasonic posted 27/11/2008, 09:08
good but so very over-rated~~~ on a scale from 1-10 i give it a meh~
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*~Onna76~* posted 27/11/2008, 10:36
@Gearbox, idiot, this game is Action Time Battle not even turn based.
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Marco posted 23/11/2008, 07:00
The best Ps-game is METAL GEAR SOLID !!! But FF7 is nice too. Please a Ps3-Remake
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Seraphic_Sixaxis posted 14/11/2008, 04:52
The ultimate PlayStation Game, and Final Fantasy game to boot.

A Remake for the PS3 and published by Sony (No touchy confirmed lulz) Would be so many damn flavors of epic if done correctly.
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Gearbox posted 06/10/2008, 01:48
published by sonY? man did sqaure ever screw sony over...
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Okain posted 24/09/2008, 03:22
My first final fantasy. Is it overrated? Yes. Is it the best? Hell no, but it gives me mad nostalgia, it's a great game and i replay it every once in awhile with the same interest of when i first got it. This game is definitely worth a play for it's sweet story, characters, and game play. For the best final fantasy well that's a definitely number six...
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Gearbox posted 02/09/2008, 02:08
i hate turn based rpgs...
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iron_megalith posted 28/08/2008, 10:24

now that you've mentioned FF9.... DAMN! I WANT AN FF9 REMAKE!

Lol! XD
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HanzoTheRazor posted 25/08/2008, 03:06
10/10 Masterpiece! the best in the series too.
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Quartz posted 19/08/2008, 12:36
My last PS Game save was November 1997 after 100+ hours of playwith all level 99 Chars. Wow... 11 years ago!
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Naum posted 19/08/2008, 10:02
ouch bad grammar there :)
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Naum posted 19/08/2008, 10:01
I replay it now and then exept I always sart on an old gamesave that I made years ago wich start just when you leave Midgar ( most boring part of the game).
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Quartz posted 18/08/2008, 11:06
...Although trying to get it to run on my lap top has been impossible :( Yep another game for the history books.
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Quartz posted 18/08/2008, 11:05
Good game. I still play it sometimes - only to finish it with the Buster Sword. It's a fitting end with that weapon. :D
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Obliterator1700 posted 17/08/2008, 07:44
People who say this game is overrated have no idea what their truly saying...Then again I understand some were mad because Sony got the game instead of Nintendo.
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Cowboys4u86 posted 13/08/2008, 10:55
I wasted a whole summer away on this game competing with my friend to see who could beat it first. I remember being at his house and seeing the reactor blow and that sold the game for me. It's still to this day my favorite game, EVER. I still play it about once a year. No FF or game has come close to getting the adoration or giving me the enjoyment that this one did.
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sc94597 posted 02/08/2008, 01:47
Definitely the most overrated in the series, but I guess it was Ok. I would rate it a 7.5-8. I've played better though. Hopefully they make a remake for the people who thinks it is the best in the series, rpg, or game ever. I would be happy because then we don't have to here FFVII REMAKE! everytime SE is about to announce a game. I prefer FFVI, FFIV, FFIX, and X, but I would buy the remake of FFVII just to see how well the game aged.
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Wolf_Queen posted 20/07/2008, 08:36
Best game ever, I hope they make a remake cuz all it needs is mabye just better graphics but even if they don't change it than thats ok to^_^
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Shipping Total

9,900,000 Units
As of: December 31st, 2017

Opinion (182)

CarriedLawyer45 posted 18/08/2020, 11:04
Woah... those sales are incredible. People wanted to play better games not just depressing games. The PS1 had a better library than the N64.
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RafaelKaito posted 21/02/2017, 06:19
FF7, FF9 and FF4 >>>>... FF6.
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RafaelKaito posted 21/02/2017, 06:10
One of the best games of all time. Keep crying haters.
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StreaK posted 21/06/2015, 01:19
FFIX is totally an awesome game but no matter what, I just can't get over the character designs. I can't relate to them. Still, they're not so bad that it hinders my game experience. The story in IX is well done but I definitely enjoyed FFVII and FFVIII more, as well as FFX. In any case, these 4 are definitely the best ones. I refer to them all as the SQUARE GOLDEN AGE. VII started the craze and then peaked with FFX - after that, the game's became weak for me.
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gamingpotato7 posted 09/11/2014, 03:45
what a great game. Brings a lot of memories. Anyway, should have more than 10 million by now
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Dadrik posted 29/03/2014, 10:37
FF VII is a masterpiece. FF IX is a masterpiece. FF VIII is a little weird, but it's still great. But seriously, none of these are as good as FF VI. This game is the ultimate Final Fantasy, if not the ultimate JRPG.

Please Square, make FF XV the way a FF is supposed to be: great.
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