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Release Dates

11/10/08 Activision
(Add Date)
11/14/08 Activision

Community Stats

Owners: 285
Favorite: 5
Tracked: 0
Wishlist: 1
Now Playing: 7

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Call of Duty: World at War (X360) > Opinions (95)

man-bear-pig posted 03/01/2012, 12:55
@yo-john, yes anymore
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yo_john117 posted 24/09/2011, 09:05
@Barozi--Not anymore :D
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Barozi posted 17/03/2011, 06:31
aaaah this game is made by the devil (6.66m)
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yahoocom1984 posted 30/11/2010, 09:34
Same here, the campaign for this is boring..United offensive is the best COD campaign ever
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Mr Puggsly posted 25/11/2010, 03:32
This game really shined for the multiplayer features. The campaign wasn't particularly great.
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toastboy44562 posted 17/11/2010, 02:36
no gears! how could you let this pass you!
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zzyoshiman posted 16/02/2010, 04:49
agreed with nathan
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nathantay posted 12/02/2010, 07:59
I really enjoyed WaW and think that it's better than Modern Warfare. 8.5/10
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zzyoshiman posted 05/12/2009, 07:50
sell 6 million world wide at end of the year
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tonyb posted 17/10/2009, 12:02
It passed Gears of War.
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deathgod33 posted 30/08/2009, 07:12
@geddesmond2, IW might have took bits and pieces from other games, i know they didnt invent perks, etc, but the entire MP experience put together is their own and Treyarch basically copied the whole thing- which is good because they suck at making MP's.
but then pleez don't say "Treyarch did a fantastic job with the multiplayer" it makes no sense
and btw, i've owned every single Call of Duty game (the main ones)
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geddesmond2 posted 30/08/2009, 12:08
@ deathgod33.

Oh yeah like in COD 3. Oh wait 3 does come before 4 right?

Its annoying when people start playing a franchise half ways through and assume that Infinity Ward created the whole multiplayer experiance
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deathgod33 posted 17/08/2009, 08:41
people need to stop giving treyarch credit for the online its annoying.

anyways, game was alright 5/10
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Picko posted 19/05/2009, 03:17
@ shinyuhadouken:

I hope you mean by the end of the financial year, because it'll be far closer to 5m by the end of the calender year.
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shinyuhadouken posted 19/05/2009, 01:18
4 mill in the US by the end of the year.
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FootballFan posted 16/05/2009, 12:57
CoD 4 > W@W
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piggychan posted 09/04/2009, 05:07
somehow i cant see this going down well in japan..
so it probably wont be released.

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imran_nxt posted 02/04/2009, 10:00
Anybody know when this game is coming out in japan?
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mundurden posted 02/04/2009, 12:33
Multiplayer is pretty sweet, comparable to COD4, imho. BUT no game has ever pissed me off more than the single-player on this game. Garbage...
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RockSmith372 posted 01/04/2009, 11:07

for starters it's a year younger so ya it will sell better at this moment, but it's not by much right now.
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monlosez posted 01/04/2009, 03:56
me and my friend play 4 instead of 5 even though we both got 5.
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Agamemnon862 posted 26/03/2009, 10:39
Selling faster than COD4!
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mjc2021 posted 18/03/2009, 04:37
This isn't my favorite CoD but still a great game.
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Smeags posted 17/03/2009, 09:10
Not just regular zombies. Nazi Zombies.

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Trent posted 16/03/2009, 06:08
5 mil

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matt247 posted 12/03/2009, 09:42
I wonder if the demo will help sales
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haxxiy posted 02/03/2009, 04:27
Outselling Gears 2.
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Barozi posted 28/02/2009, 06:50
Ha I knew It can't beat the great legs of CoD4
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Shadowfest3 posted 09/02/2009, 08:56
I only play this game for multi-player online. I enjoy this game. Of course I haven't played CoD 4 so I can't compare the two.
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toastboy44562 posted 05/02/2009, 03:47
This game is great!
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Nightmare24 posted 04/02/2009, 01:03
this game is terrible and this game shouldnt have these sales too
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jagenjg posted 02/02/2009, 05:46
I have this Game as of 2/1/2009, and I am not that impressed yet. I only got it cause my friends had it and wanted to all play together in co-op. I like Modern Warfare and Gears 2 a little better personally. If you are going to get a CoD game get CoD 4.
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famousringo posted 30/01/2009, 10:29
This game blows a huge hole in the received wisdom that people are sick of WWII shooters.
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cochise313 posted 27/01/2009, 11:56
i didn't think this would sell well at all
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Loud_Hot_White_Box posted 25/01/2009, 08:07
This game is selling well..I was wondering whether it would flop relative to 4. Is anyone surprised the 360 version is outselling Gears 2?
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toastboy44562 posted 19/01/2009, 04:15
this is a good game, not gears good though...
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dsister44 posted 15/01/2009, 11:56
this game is not that good buy viva pinata instead

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MrBirdTurd posted 15/01/2009, 04:09
Call of duty 4 was such a better game its not even funny. But its still pretty good but I really just think the IW call of dutys are much better all around. Im kinda mad this passed gears 2 in sales but what can you do I think the call of duty games have always been more main stream anyway. I Hope COD 4 beats this game in the long run sales wise since it was the better game IMO, and I hope the people who bough COD 4 will come back for Modern Warfare 2 as well as the people who bought this one.
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slipknot01299 posted 14/01/2009, 09:49
going to surpass halo 3 soon.
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danno_omen posted 10/01/2009, 07:18
Obviously Halo 3 will outsell the COD games,Halo has been and always will be the main attraction for Xbox.I didnt really like Halo much,but it still is the main seller,and probably always will be.
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godemperor posted 08/01/2009, 10:13
going to surpass gears 2 soon...
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GLoRySoGLoRy posted 07/01/2009, 10:01
wow impressive sales.

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erikers posted 07/01/2009, 01:06
Even though Modern Warfare won't ever pass Halo 3 in sales head to head and neither will World At War. Great point Omega. If you're adding the 5 versions of World At War together or the 3 versions of Modern Warfare, realize if Halo 3 was on every platform, it would still sell more.

In June 08 (7 months after release) Activision announced they had sold 10 million worldwide over all consoles. In January 08 (3 months after release) Microsoft announced Halo 3 had sold 8.1 million copies worldwide. It barely beats Halo on 3+ platforms so wake me when a game beats it head to head.
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OmegaRugalv3 posted 05/01/2009, 04:21
More over Halo ... CoD seems to have taken over the FPS crown in terms of selling power.
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Barozi posted 04/01/2009, 09:37
I must say I never thought it would have a chance of getting more sales than CoD 4, but it definitely has !
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PlayerX posted 27/12/2008, 10:09
Wow Activision is making money hand over fist.
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c0rd posted 27/12/2008, 03:41
Didn't really want to support this game, but $35 at Best Buy?

... Oh well!
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toastboy44562 posted 26/12/2008, 07:12
awesome game!
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kopstudent89 posted 23/12/2008, 08:50
i know reaaaally crazy its outpacing COD4... but i dont think it will quite have the same legs though... still amazing sales nonetheless
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Egghead posted 23/12/2008, 05:17
This is actually selling better than CoD4, crazy stuff
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arsenal009 posted 22/12/2008, 01:15
Why do new games that make the million sellers list not show the publisher?
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toastboy44562 posted 21/12/2008, 04:18
wow good sales!
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toastboy44562 posted 20/12/2008, 03:07
gears 2's campain is way better though...
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MontanaHatchet posted 20/12/2008, 03:06
This game will definitely pass up Gears 2, and it deserves it for the superior online.
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terry_tibbs posted 19/12/2008, 01:06
i doubt this will pass gears of war sales, cod modern warfare 2 will sell much more than this.
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mrstickball posted 19/12/2008, 06:35
What's amazing is that World At War stands a good chance of passing Gears of War 2 at some point..

People must really like their First Person games over their Third Person games :-\
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craighopkins posted 14/12/2008, 02:27
Halo 3>COD4>COD5
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Phoenix_Wiight posted 10/12/2008, 02:48
its easy- people despise Halo so much for being such a popular game yet its so average. The games system is very very fluent, it works really well, and on top of that, it's quite a lot of fun online, but that's about it. The story is far from amazing, there are no gripping characters, etc. The game deserves most of its sales, but not its scores.
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MrBirdTurd posted 03/12/2008, 08:01
Right halo is a joke. Halo was a revolution it brought the console fps's into the present day and made them what we all know and love there would not even be a regenerating health bar without halo. There would be no Call of duty at all so please show some respect for one of the best games of all time you can say that you don't like it but it's not a joke at all and never will be. But again show respect man.
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Picko posted 03/12/2008, 05:03
@ OmegaRugalv3:

The percentage of 360 owners who are also PS3 owners would be remarkably small. Most people simply don't have that kind of money.

Being on a second console will do very little to reduce CoD's sales on the 360. It quite literally sells less than Halo 3 because it doesn't quite have that games appeal.
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OmegaRugalv3 posted 02/12/2008, 03:59
CoD will have trouble outselling Halo on the 360 alone not due to lack of appeal but because you have people who own a PS3 aswell and decided to buy it for the PS3 instead.

When you have a game on more than one system ... it hurts the sales of THAT one praticular system a bit, but helps with overall sales of course.
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CrunkE4 posted 02/12/2008, 03:55
Halo is a joke and so is bungie
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xboxisthebeststopps3 posted 02/12/2008, 02:25

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xboxisthebeststopps3 posted 02/12/2008, 02:25

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Jabo 494 posted 01/12/2008, 11:04
Why do some people despise Halo so much?
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xboxisthebeststopps3 posted 01/12/2008, 10:27
ok 2nd of all ur whack and cod is not better than halo

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MrBirdTurd posted 01/12/2008, 04:53
This is a good game for sure but I really liked Call of duty 1,2 and 4 better.
So for me it goes like this:

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xboxisthebeststopps3 posted 30/11/2008, 08:37
i got cod5 its hot but halo 3 is a way better game.

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FaRmLaNd posted 30/11/2008, 03:58
I hate to break it to you, but no call of duty game will likely ever outsell a main entry into the halo series on the xbox. I'm not talking about quality here (as they're both comparable) but in terms of mainstream appeal to xbox owners halo is strides ahead of call of duty. Which is reflected in its sales. Not that Cod 4 didn't put up one hell of an impressive fight.
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Damstr8 posted 30/11/2008, 03:11
this is call of duty 4 with m1 grands
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Barozi posted 29/11/2008, 10:55
Whatever helps you sleep at night ^^
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SmokedHostage posted 29/11/2008, 03:19
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SmokedHostage posted 29/11/2008, 03:07
When I say Activision I mean anything they publish, whether its developed by IW or Treyarch. Then again it's not fair..
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Barozi posted 29/11/2008, 11:43
1st: Why do you compare publishers with developers ?
2nd: So you think Treyarch >>>>> Bungie ? Don't make me laugh.
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SmokedHostage posted 29/11/2008, 01:45
I apologize.. I just hope this outsells Halo by a million. Activision >>>>> Bungie.
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halogamer1989 posted 28/11/2008, 08:37
Great game. BONZAIIIIII!!!!!
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blazinhead89 posted 28/11/2008, 04:24
OMG at smoked hostage, awesome sales for PS3/360 Particularly great for 360, can't be said about the Wii. I'm not even a fan of Microsoft by i can still see your trolling because of poor COD waw Wii sales
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SmokedHostage posted 26/11/2008, 01:51
Hey Hey Hey! I expecting 3 million.. not 2.15 million.
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Esa-Petteri posted 26/11/2008, 07:41
A nintendo-fan saying CoD:WaW 360 sold poorly.. now I have seen it all.
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FaRmLaNd posted 26/11/2008, 02:09
This game was never going to have a bigger opening week then halo 3...
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MontanaHatchet posted 25/11/2008, 01:41
Smoked, you know this is a losing argument, right?
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SmokedHostage posted 24/11/2008, 12:18
Personally, I was expecting a bigger release than Halo 3. It's by no means bad though.

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erikers posted 24/11/2008, 11:50

This game debuted to higher first week sales on 360 and PS3 over COD 4. I see you check your facts well.
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SmokedHostage posted 24/11/2008, 12:53
This game sold fairly poorly in its first week, considering that CoD4 has the title of Halo Killer. I guess once you got Iraq, you don't come... err go back.
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SaviorX posted 22/11/2008, 04:00
Well, Treyarch made their money back pretty quickly.
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arsenal89 posted 21/11/2008, 09:50
Awesome debut.
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mrstickball posted 21/11/2008, 12:58
Beastly. 1.3m opening should equate to no less than 4m units sold. Could even hit 5 million.
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toastboy44562 posted 21/11/2008, 12:15
you said the same about call of duty 4 last year lol
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MontanaHatchet posted 21/11/2008, 12:14
Quick and easy million seller.
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I LOVE GIGGS posted 19/11/2008, 09:10
~250k in UK alone!!
maybe 500k in Others ?

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I LOVE GIGGS posted 15/11/2008, 07:37
First week WW : 650k-750k
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toastboy44562 posted 14/11/2008, 03:28
I'm gettin this for christmas
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edvedd2110 posted 06/11/2008, 03:41
Good to hear the mp beta is rockin....I know people have been hating on this game because its not being made by the cod4 folks, but I just saw an awesome commercial for this game and it looks great...hopefully its got all the fun of number 4 and then some....We'll see if it can get the same sales as 4, but my prediction is it will sell well, but not as good. It will have good legs, but the holiday market is so packed this year for both hd consoles....don't know how i would feel playing this on the wii
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TankCommando posted 30/10/2008, 04:22
The multi-player beta is pretty rockin' so far.
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coolestguyever posted 28/10/2008, 05:04
i have it on pre-order. Can't wait for it to come out.
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Legacy Sales History

Total Sales

Opinion (95)

1 n/a 756,830 336,982 188,416 1,282,228
2 n/a 330,143 166,883 85,428 582,454
3 n/a 272,411 107,908 65,639 445,958
4 n/a 198,371 98,258 51,002 347,631
5 n/a 275,873 99,961 64,956 440,790
6 n/a 343,751 104,962 77,749 526,462
7 n/a 277,291 95,305 64,449 437,045
8 n/a 125,784 49,733 30,293 205,810
9 n/a 84,457 34,707 20,554 139,718
10 n/a 67,243 28,123 16,444 111,810
man-bear-pig posted 03/01/2012, 12:55
@yo-john, yes anymore
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yo_john117 posted 24/09/2011, 09:05
@Barozi--Not anymore :D
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Barozi posted 17/03/2011, 06:31
aaaah this game is made by the devil (6.66m)
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yahoocom1984 posted 30/11/2010, 09:34
Same here, the campaign for this is boring..United offensive is the best COD campaign ever
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Mr Puggsly posted 25/11/2010, 03:32
This game really shined for the multiplayer features. The campaign wasn't particularly great.
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toastboy44562 posted 17/11/2010, 02:36
no gears! how could you let this pass you!
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