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Review Scores

VGChartz Score



Alternative Names

Mario & Luigi RPG 3



AlphaDream Corporation



Release Dates

09/14/09 Nintendo
02/11/09 Nintendo
10/09/09 Nintendo

Community Stats

Owners: 325
Favorite: 33
Tracked: 5
Wishlist: 6
Now Playing: 17

Avg Community Rating:


Mario & Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story - Summary

In his evil plot to take over the Mushroom Kingdom, Fawful tricks Bowser into eating a magic mushroom. The mushroom causes Bowser to begin inhaling everything around him, including Mario, Luigi and Princess Peach! Do the Mario Bros. have the guts to rescue Peach and escape?


  • Players are in control of two separate storylines. One features Bowser and his efforts to stop an arch-villain from taking over his castle. Meanwhile, inside Bowser, the microbe-sized Mario & Luigi must muscle their way through challenges and keep their nerve if they want to find a way out. They take action to control Bowser from the inside – but without his knowledge.
  • Players can switch between storylines at will. What happens inside Bowser affects what he’s doing on the outside. Sometimes Mario & Luigi must solve puzzles and challenges behind the scenes to help Bowser overcome various obstacles and advance the plot.
  • Players must make well-timed button presses to enhance their performance during battles and challenges. In some battles, Bowser grows so large that players must turn their Nintendo DS or Nintendo DSi system sideways, blow into the microphone or tap on the touch screen with the stylus to keep up with the action.
  • The game features the same hilarious dialogue that has been the hallmark of the Mario & Luigi series.

Shipping Total

4,560,000 Units
As of: December 2014

Opinion (99)

No9tro posted 03/04/2019, 01:01
@Lynx_7 Not anymore :)
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Lynx_7 posted 18/05/2014, 07:17
Waaaaay undertracked.
According to Nintendo, this has sold at least 4.13m as of April 2011. Probably more since then.
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ROFLMAO posted 26/06/2012, 02:23
I loved the Bowser sections of the game. Probably my favourite RPG outside of Pokemon.
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oniyide posted 10/10/2011, 12:50
Any game that makes me CARE about Bowser on a character level is a 9.5 for me. This puts console JRPGs to shame
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oniyide posted 10/10/2011, 12:50
Any game that makes me CARE about Bowser on a character level is a 9.5 for me. This puts console JRPGs to shame
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fedfed posted 07/06/2011, 01:58
A truly inspirtional funny game. 9.2
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