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Review Scores

VGChartz Score



Alternative Names

ギアーズ オブ ウォー 2


Epic Games



Other Versions


Release Dates

11/07/08 Microsoft Game Studios
07/30/09 Microsoft Game Studios
11/07/08 Microsoft Game Studios

Community Stats

Owners: 1,644
Favorite: 62
Tracked: 12
Wishlist: 18
Now Playing: 21

Avg Community Rating:


Gears of War 2 - Extras Achievement page

Total Achievements: 66   Total Points: 1,365

Standard Achievements: 66   Points: 1,365   [Open]

Shipping Total

5,000,000 Units
As of: May 6th, 2009

Opinion (303)

darkenergy posted 06/06/2016, 02:03
The best Gears of War game in the series.
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nugget posted 09/06/2014, 04:46
Just bought this for 99 cents! At Game traders in Hudson, FL There is no way this game is that bad.
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Nsanity posted 10/02/2013, 11:24
@Aldro That site doesnt include every award, but you already knew that.
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pr3st00 posted 19/01/2013, 07:15
best gears of war of all
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Aldro posted 09/01/2013, 02:45
5 out of 388 sites

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Barozi posted 13/10/2012, 10:47
Gears 3 got 5 GOTY awards:
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