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Other Versions

All, DS, GC, PS, PS4, SAT, Series, XOne

Release Dates

09/30/97 Virgin Interactive
12/06/96 NEC
01/01/97 Virgin Interactive

Community Stats

Owners: 13
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Resident Evil - Summary

For years a secluded mansion and its grounds have been the site of top-secret biotechnic experiments. The research staff has been funded by a respected (if slightly unethical) corporation. The weekly laboratory reports have been increasingly vague and now they have stopped completely. Recent gory attacks near the mansion have lead to rumors of unnatural canines on the prowl. Something has gone terribly wrong. Two S.T.A.R.S. teams (Special Tactics and Rescue Squad) are sent to investigate these strange and gruesome developments. Bravo Team mobilizes first and disappears almost immediately. Alpha Team follows, urgently driven towards the mansion. As either Chris Redfield or Jill Valentine, two valuable parts of the Alpha Team, you work your way inside. Everything is quiet...too guiet.

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