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Xbox Series X|S Sales Top 2 Million in the UK

Xbox Series X|S Sales Top 2 Million in the UK - Sales

by William D'Angelo , posted on 15 May 2023 / 3,049 Views

The Xbox Series X|S has now sold over two million units in the UK, according to GfK data reported by GamesIndsutry.

The console took 128 weeks to reach this milestone in the UK, which is the eighth fastest to do. It has generated £696 million.

The Xbox Series X|S reached two million units sold 12 weeks faster than the Nintendo Switch and 30 weeks slower than the PlayStation 5. The PS5 topped the milestone in week 98 and the Switch in week 140.

In terms of Xbox consoles, it is the third fastest selling to reach the milestone as it took the Xbox One 104 weeks to sell two million units and the Xbox 360 110 weeks. The original Xbox took 162 weeks.

The fastest selling console in the UK to two million units is the Nintendo Wii at 57 weeks, followed by the PlayStation 2 at 60 weeks.

Fastestselling home consoles in the UK to reach two million units sold:

Pos Platform Release Year Launch Price Weeks to 2m Revenue at 2m
1 Wii 2006 £180 57 £358m
2 PS2 2000 £299 60 £469m
3 PS4 2013 £375 75 £700m
4 PS5 2020 £425 98 £919m
4 PS3 2007 £420 98 £638m
5 XOne 2013 £450 104 £726m
6 X360 2005 £254 110 £507m
7 PS1 1995 £299 114 £179m
8 XSX|S 2020 £386 128 £696m
9 NS 2017 £285 140 £279m
10 Xbox 2002 £295 162 £280m

A life-long and avid gamer, William D'Angelo was first introduced to VGChartz in 2007. After years of supporting the site, he was brought on in 2010 as a junior analyst, working his way up to lead analyst in 2012 and taking over the hardware estimates in 2017. He has expanded his involvement in the gaming community by producing content on his own YouTube channel and Twitch channel. You can contact the author on Twitter @TrunksWD.

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DekutheEvilClown (on 15 May 2023)

Most of these launch prices are wrong, are they adjusted in some way?

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jvmkdg (on 15 May 2023)

any change in numbers?

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trunkswd jvmkdg (on 15 May 2023)

I've gone through the numbers and at most only a few thousand. If I split the 4 weeks of April data evenly we have it hitting 2M in week 127.

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jvmkdg trunkswd (on 15 May 2023)

so it would have to take 1 week more correct?

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trunkswd jvmkdg (on 15 May 2023)

Yeah. So at worst we have it hitting 2M 1 week too soon. But it would just barely cross the mark. Which is why at worst we are only talking 3K overtrack.

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Random_Matt (on 15 May 2023)

Switch only had one model. Xbox had a super cheap model, hardly a fair comparison.

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