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Review Scores

VGChartz Score



Alternative Names

SOCOM: Special Forces

ソーコム4 US ネイビーシールズ


Zipper Interactive



Release Dates

04/19/11 Sony Computer Entertainment
04/21/11 Sony Computer Entertainment
04/21/11 Sony Computer Entertainment

Community Stats

Owners: 65
Favorite: 3
Tracked: 2
Wishlist: 5
Now Playing: 6

Avg Community Rating:


Legacy Sales History

Total Sales

Opinion (281)

1 13,184 155,414 13,062 27,577 209,237
2 7,148 39,111 6,213 7,915 60,387
3 4,164 28,129 3,953 5,521 41,767
4 1,766 25,987 2,218 4,622 34,593
5 1,256 28,699 2,072 4,979 37,006
6 1,093 20,878 2,880 4,080 28,931
7 955 12,420 3,528 3,032 19,935
8 781 11,024 2,611 2,517 16,933
9 755 9,339 2,216 2,134 14,444
10 575 9,218 1,799 1,977 13,569
Procrastinato posted 27/02/2012, 07:42
Very good game. Knocked by many PS2 SOCOM fans for straying from its roots, but enjoyed by anyone else
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jester2358 posted 20/01/2012, 03:44
I wonder if Sony will continue development on the socom franchise , after the sales of this and to a lesser extent confrontation. Wouldn't mind seeing one on the vita . On a brighter note I think MAG2 would be outstanding on ps4.
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jace101 posted 15/01/2012, 01:11
This game is great the graphics are killer. If you can get use to the 3rd person element this game rocks. I think that's why people who say they don't like are thinking it's a cod game. ITS NOT! It's a tactical shooter.
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FullMetalMerc posted 12/01/2012, 12:21
bad everything and the story was so generic, worse than a COD story. Sad cuz i was so pumped for this game after the other socom games and after MAG
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Pjams posted 11/01/2012, 08:02
Just played through the Sp, and i thought it was great. I enjoyed the gameplay and story a lot. And the graphics are really good. I never played the other Socom games so I don't really know what all the hate is about. Fun, well-made, challenging game.
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Iveyboi posted 04/01/2012, 06:32
This is a really BAD embarassed to call this Socom
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