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Review Scores

VGChartz Score







Other Versions

All, DS, PC, PS3, X360

Release Dates

11/09/10 Activision
(Add Date)
11/09/10 Activision

Community Stats

Owners: 67
Favorite: 8
Tracked: 4
Wishlist: 6
Now Playing: 7

Avg Community Rating:


Legacy Sales History

Total Sales

Opinion (200)

1 n/a 56,658 21,400 11,664 89,722
2 n/a 34,792 17,249 7,776 59,817
3 n/a 56,836 16,952 11,026 84,814
4 n/a 34,732 22,417 8,540 65,689
5 n/a 30,291 28,373 8,766 67,430
6 n/a 53,763 31,680 12,768 98,211
7 n/a 63,311 34,836 14,665 112,812
8 n/a 35,456 27,699 9,437 72,592
9 n/a 17,542 9,506 4,041 31,089
10 n/a 15,112 7,426 3,368 25,906
drake_tolu posted 25/07/2014, 02:34
This is really good number for one multiplatform on Wii!!!
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sethnintendo posted 11/11/2011, 11:25
Think I pretty much retired this game after around 400 hours of play. Looks like I'll end up in the top 150 for HCHQ. I am pretty sure I am in th top 150 or 200 for regular HC mode all time also. HCHQ is obviously the best option to play since regular mode is for pussies.
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oniyide posted 30/09/2011, 06:14
if your talking BLOPS then yes they are selling at full price (HD as well incidently) I was talking MWR i havent seen that game full price in a while
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primogen18 posted 29/09/2011, 06:54
ir is oniyide but i ts not universal, i still see it for 49.99 most places new around here and where i used to live as well unless on sale or used.
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Chrizum posted 25/09/2011, 06:06
Incredible game, best shooter on Wii by far.
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curl-6 posted 06/09/2011, 11:21
@oniyide: The next entry will cut the momentum of this one, yes, but not completely; MWR and W@Wii sold a bit more after their successors came out. It should also be noted that unlike previous Wii COD games, this one had to compete against Goldeneye 007; a well made FPS released on the same system at the same time.
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