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Review Scores

VGChartz Score



Alternative Names

Pocket Monsters Black / White

ポケットモンスター ブラック・ホワイト‎


Game Freak



Release Dates

03/06/11 Nintendo
09/18/10 Nintendo
03/04/11 Nintendo

Friend Code

Community Stats

Owners: 466
Favorite: 61
Tracked: 10
Wishlist: 21
Now Playing: 30

Avg Community Rating:


Shipping Total

15,640,000 Units
As of: March 31st, 2019

Opinion (250)

S.Peelman posted 30/10/2015, 01:38
Nintendo says 15.60m as of september 30.
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atma998 posted 31/01/2015, 02:11
Reached 15.05M and outsold games like CoD MW3 (X360), Pokemon Yellow, GTA V (X360) and Gran Turismo 3, even came close to Brain Age 2 (15.28M).
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Kongfucius posted 01/07/2014, 07:13
Biggest first week of any game in Japan ever, beats FF8 by just 17k!
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Lynx_7 posted 17/10/2013, 02:30
According to Nintendo, this has sold 15.42 million copies. Undertracked by quite a lot.
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Azhraell posted 01/09/2013, 06:22
@Toxicspikes: VGC changes Rest of the world with europe in some games...
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Toxicspikes posted 16/08/2013, 07:52
Where are the Europe sales? I really don't think these games have sold only 0.6million copies in all of Europe...
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