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Alternative Names



Obsidian Entertainment



Other Versions

All, PC, X360

Release Dates

10/19/10 Bethesda Softworks
11/04/10 Bethesda Softworks
10/22/10 Bethesda Softworks

Community Stats

Owners: 174
Favorite: 18
Tracked: 3
Wishlist: 7
Now Playing: 12

Avg Community Rating:


Legacy Sales History

Total Sales

Opinion (39)

1 n/a 280,420 123,495 83,067 486,982
2 n/a 94,191 56,581 32,935 183,707
3 35,989 38,498 25,857 14,372 114,716
4 7,008 15,296 24,547 10,468 57,319
5 3,610 9,796 15,993 6,795 36,194
6 2,848 11,590 30,352 11,849 56,639
7 2,523 14,309 44,164 16,859 77,855
8 2,443 22,776 42,293 17,501 85,013
9 3,598 28,607 61,453 24,759 118,417
10 5,014 30,223 71,109 28,219 134,565
Slimebeast posted 28/08/2013, 05:18
PearlJam, that's a good comment. I agree with your analysis. Largely both games felt quite similar though. I have a hard time deciding which was best. I think I enjoyed Fallout 3 a little more because I'm a huge Elder Scrolls fan.
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Heavenly_King posted 06/06/2013, 10:19
I enjoyed NV more than Fallout 3.
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PearlJam posted 13/03/2012, 12:59
Comparing F3 to NV is difficult. F3 is a better Bethesda-style dungeon crawler/walking simulator, and I would say more polished and graphically better. The game was definitely more "Epic" than NV. But if you ever played, read about or even glanced at the original Fallout games then you know why NV is a much better "Fallout game", it's not even close. It is also a better "RPG" (if you know what I mean) and has better combat with better characters, dialogue, moral choices, crafting, weapons, ammo, basically everything that makes a good Role Playing Game. Fallout 3 is half the game that NV is mechanically speaking. But I think they're both great games, just for different crowds.
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Aj_habfan posted 08/03/2012, 09:57
Such a fun game, ending my first playthrough at around 60 hours, about to start 2nd profile on hardcore. As soon as Ultimate Edition is released I'll get a third file and redo story and add-ons. Overall this game is incredibly similar to Fallout 3, which for me is all I could ask for - what an amazing series.
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withdreday posted 04/03/2012, 08:42
For the next fallout, how about lush green environments or perhaps a snowy region? The brown wasteland is getting a bit old.
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Solid-Stark posted 02/12/2011, 01:11
I hated this. 3 was so much better in every aspect besides the miniscule improvemnet in graphics .
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